Blue Beauty, Crimson Monster - ChonkCatto - 原神 (2024)

Once, there was a Lord who knew nothing of the word love. The Lord, once upon a cold dreary night, was disturbed by an old crone. The crone asked the Lord for a place to stay for the night and offered the prettiest rainbow rose in all of Fontaine. Yet the Lord declined, her heart as cold as stone and slamming the door shut upon the crone. The Lord spared no pity for the lesser lives.

Yet as the Lord attempted to return to their musing, the crone entered the Lord's castle. The crone pleaded one last time for the Lord to listen to her pleas, pulling upon the Lords blazer. Yet the Lord declined once more, ripping her blazer from the crones' hands.

The crone then asked the Lord: "Thou wouldst truly leavest me to perish amongst the trees? All because of my appearance, then you mine Lord are undeserving of Lordship." The crone spoke carefully, watching as the Lord faced her snarling. However, the Lord was brought to her knees before the crone, who discarded their cloak, their facade, to reveal a witch. Who condemned the Lord and cursed them to the live as a beast, a reflection of the Lord's true self. The castle was coated in darkness and deprived the Lord of the beauty that the Lord so dearly valued. The rest of the inhabitants became the decor to shun the beast to insanity.

The castle would be forever hidden amongst the creeping forest unless someone could break the curse. For if someone managed to change the beast, to cause the beast to love and be loved in turn, the castle would be free from its eternal damnation. But only if.

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Furina sat in the library, a place where she could be alone to read, study, and more. It was peaceful, especially considering where she came from. The Court of Fontaine used to be in havoc, complete chaos. Furina watched as the city was broiled up in rage, which led to the execution of many. The assassinations of many. The accidental deaths of many. One such included her dear sister, Focalors. Focalors fought for justice time and time again. She wanted to repair the injustices of the world. However, her life was cut short. Everyone claimed it was an accident, leaving Furina alone with Neuvillette. Her father. No sister, no mother. Just her father. Who promised her mother that he would keep his daughters safe. So, in the wake of the breaking of that promise, Neuvillette chose to flee towards the countryside in hopes of peace.

Neuvillette had dedicated his life since then to grant Focalors her justice. To find recompense for their loss. Yet it often left Furina alone. To watch as he spiralled. Furina had no one to conceal her thoughts with. Focalors was her mirror me, her twin. Someone who knew her better than herself. Yet with her gone, Furina was so lonely. A disease that would only worsen.

Focalors was the favourite child. She took after Neuvillette's sense of justice. So Neuvillette doted upon Focalors more. Furina was okay with it before, but now she could hardly stand it. It only served to make Furina even more lonely as Neuvillette saw only Focalors in her. Furina cursed the fact that she was a twin. An identical twin. No matter how much she tried to distinguish herself from Focalors image, she just couldn't escape it. She tried to cut her hair short and wore more masculine clothing, yet that didn't change anything. She couldn't escape her sisters shadow.

So Furina sought reprieve in books. There, Furina could imagine worlds filled with juicy affairs. Worlds drenched in drama. She could act and pretend to be whomever she pleased, would often act out particular scenes to truly feel free. It was a fun pastime to brighten the mood on a rainy day. Currently, she was reading a book all about a lady who falls in love with a monster who turns out to be a prince charming. Furina found romance to be one of her favourite genres. However, she wasn't one to stick to a singular genre. She loved old and new books all the same, whether they were romance or mystery. Thriller or slice of life.

"Mademoiselle, don't you think it's time you returned to your Father? He must be awfully worried about you." Hubel gently placed a hand upon Furina's shoulder, softly urging the girl to return. "Borrow the book and return it to me later, I expect it in good condition."

Furina giggled. "Why, of course, Gentilhomme, I wouldn't dare let this precious artefact come to harm. Farewell." Furina brushed past Hubel, opening the door to the humble village. It was clear it was suffering the demands of fighting and war. There were hardly any young gents, not that Fuina minded, of course. They didn't strike her fancy like the women of the village did. Not that they'd ever be interested in Furina. She was a misfit and would only become a bigger misfit should she confess to her different desires.



Furina twisted around after jumping out of her skin. It was Clorinde. Thankfully. Clorinde was great at sticking to the shadows and concealing her form in them. A good hunter.

"Furina." Clorinde was a cool, collected individual. Furina often admired how she remained so collected in times of chaos. However, she knew that it was a residual talent brought about because of Clorinde's past. She used to be an executioner.

"Ah, hello Clorinde. Not out there making sure Wriothesley isn't getting into trouble?" Clorinde stepped out from the shadows to stand in line with Furina. Offering to walk her home, to which Furina agreed. It was always pleasant walking with Clorinde. She was like a knight in shining armour. As they walked side by side, heading on a journey from the library to Furina's humble home, they engaged in small talk. Something Furina wasn't too fond of normally, but with Clorinde, it was pleasant. They were friends.

"No. He's holing himself up in Meropide." Clorinde walked with a rigid form. Always on guard.

"Ahh, that's good, I suppose. How's your mission going?" Clorinde was on the hunt for an old friend of hers. One she had driven away, not by choice of her own. Clorinde was to be her friend's father's executioner. For a crime, neither believed he committed, but justice makes its decrees, and the decrees must be enacted. The friend then had feld to this village before disappearing. It had been ten years. Ten years. Furina was impressed with Clorinde's loyalty. Her drive.

"Still nothing. Do you think I'll ever find her again?" Clorinde's voice was different from how it normally was. Typically, it was cold and harsh. It lacked the expressiveness Furina's voice had. However, it was still a sweet tone. Rather soft for Clorinde's profession, she was a hunter now. Especially now, the sadness was palpable. She had been mouring this friend for years. Clorinde wanted Navia back.

"Yes. You'll find her Clorinde. Have a little faith, okay?" Furina wasn't the softest of individuals. She was often described as hysterical and boisterous. She certainly kept herself on a high pedestal. However, Furina could read situations well and knew it wasn't a good time to act. Furina needed to comfort what was basically her only friend.

Clorinde gave a slight nod before allowing a silence to fall between them. However, the peace wouldn't last forever.

"Furina!" Ugh. Wriothesley.

"Go away, Wriothesley. I've not got any interest in a man like you." Furina spat venom towards the overly confident man. He carried himself with far too much confidence sometimes. You'd think he'd learn to control himself. Yet he doesn't think. He enforces his morals and his morals alone. No matter how crude they were.

"Oh, come on, Furina. Don't you want a man like me?" The bimbos certainly did. Furina wouldn't stoop down to that level. She held herself high. Forcing her way past Wriothesley, she darted off towards her home.

"Well, perhaps you should accept this failure, Wriothesley." Clorinde nodded towards Furina. Embarrassed at Wriothesley's constant, I want to have people not interested in him. However, if Wriothesley was one thing, it was that he was a bull-headed fool who charged head first into a situation he shouldn't be in. Wriothesley stormed off towards Furina.

"Come on now. I'm not a bad man." Wriothesley begged in front of Furina, blocking her path. However, Furina regarded him with a look of disgust.

"A lady like myself shouldn't hang around with pigs such as yourself, you know?" Furina bit back once again, shoving the hulking man out of her way. He always found a way to ruin a good day. Why he wouldn't just go for one of the bimbos who followed him around like lost sheep was baffling to Furina.

Wriothesley attempted to go after Furina for a third time if it wasn't the familiar click of a gun pointing behind him.

"Wriothesley, I'd recommend that you back down. Or else I'll have to enforce my own personal law." Clorinde pointed her signature weapon to the back of Wriothesley's neck. Pressuring him into submission. Her aim was fat better than his no matter the distance. She was also far quicker. The real best hunter of the village. Wriothesley sighed, pushing past Clorinde and heading back to his shrine where he'd be worshipped by co*cky morons. Meropide.

"I'll get her hand, Clorinde. Just watch."
Clorinde maintained her gun at level with his neck. Unyielding. However, she spared a look towards Furina. Furina was slowly disappearing in the distance as she made her way home. Safe

"You'll get yourself into trouble that you can't charm your way out of."

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Neuvillette was hunched over his notes. He was so close to cracking Focalors' case. He knew he had to bring her to justice. It was what she would've wanted. Both her and her mother.

His nose was buried in ink stained sheets that cracked and tore with age and use. Some were yellowing slightly as they sat constantly in the sun. Neuvillette knew he was ageing. However, he couldn't give up just yet. Not now, not ever. However, before he could get too caught up in the pages, the front door creaked open. Squealing as its hinges were forced to work.

"I'm home." There's no father or dad added on to that sentence. Furina had dropped it an age ago. Deep down, Neuvillette knew he didn't deserve to be called father, not when he was so cold and distant to his only child. Furina closed the door, and it repeated its squeal again. "How are you faring?" Furina walked towards the hunched form of Neuvillette. She placed a hand on his shoulder, just next to the deep blue waist coat he always wore. Peering over at the notes and evidence complied, she noticed an error.

"I am stuck. I can not seem to be able to piece together the final sequence of events. I just don't know how that man managed to kill -" Neuvillette went silent. Furina knew why. Furina gently picked up her fathers hand and led his fingers to the error he made. Then she gently let his hand go before whispering "Look you've solved it."

Neuvillette stood up abruptly. Pushing Furina backwards unintentionally. He rearranged his notes before coming to the same conclusion as Furina. He solved it. Focalors could finally have her justice. Neuvillette turned to Furina and watched as tears slowly streamed down her face. Yet before he could reach out and comfort her, Furina pushed him away. Furina went and grabbed his bag and his coat, silently handing them to him.

Neuvillette packed up all his evidence, papers placed gently into his bag organised neatly. The silence between him and his daughter was deafening. Words that should be said went unspoken. There wasn't even a goodbye. As Neuvillette walked towards the door, Furina just stood there. Crying. Silently. "I'll go get her justice, I promise." Neuvillette left the house. Faint murmers could be heard as he prepared Usher to take him and his supplies to the Court of Fontaine. The muffled clops of hooves signalling his departure.

Furina fell to her knees. Her head was a mess. She was happy it would finally be over. Focalors would get justice. They would get justice. However, Furina couldn't deny the pain and relief that built up within her. A confusing twist and turn of emotions. She couldn't decide what caused her tears, be it freedom, grief, or joy. Furina just knew she was crying.

Crabaletta, her crazy yet loving cat, purred and butted her head against Furina's quiet frame. Yet Furina couldn't will herself to move just yet. No, she was far too consumed with emotions to bother moving. Just sobbing quietly along to Crabaletta's purrs.

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The world was dark. Tall trees blocked the light from reaching the forest floor. Fog pooled around roots and bushed. The road was uneaven and muddy. Neuvillette struggled to distinguish his hand from his thigh where it rest, gripping tightly upon Usher's reigns. Who slowed as they approached a split in the path. The left was somewhat brighter than the right. However, the signpost that declared the direction each path took was old and rotten. The wood was damp, and the words carved into it were hardly eligible.

Usher neighed, the guttural sound reverberating throughout the forest. Usher urged Neuvillette towards the left path. Advising him away from the right. They were at a loss.

Neuvillette instinct nudged him towards the right path. "Come Usher. We shall take the right path." Neuvillette gaze shifted towards the darker path. The horse was displeased with this choice, whining and neighing as he was steered towards the abyss. The shadows twisted and turned. Forming monsters within the gaps of leaves and trees. As they passed down the road, the shadows looked ready to pounce and bite. Branches and roots had claws that ripped and teared into the ground and air.

Yet the most unsettling thing was the snow. Neuvillette knew that it was far from winter. It was barely even gracing autumn. Yet before him was piles and droves of snow. It made hills and mountains around him.

Yet nothing could prepare Neuvillette for what would pounce at him. As he progressed down the path, the shadows seemed more alive. More real. Until one jumped out, snarling and teeth bared. Snapping just a breaths width away from the nose of Usher.

Usher bucked back, reviled at the sight of the hound. Balancing upon his hind legs as the wolf dove down in front of them.

"Go!" Neuvillette cried out. Cracking Usher's reigns.

Usher galloped down the rocky, unkempt pathway. Wolves dove out towards them. The monsters from the shadows revealed themselves. Growling and snarling. Claws dragged through snow, chasing down the galloping horse. The wagon bumped and groaned as it was jostled and rocked.

Time was running thin. The wolves were growing in numbers, a seemingly endless supply of them.

Until time stopped briefly. Fangs dug into the flesh of Usher's ankle. Blood pooled as the teeth were yanked out violently. Usher bucked and kicked, sending the wolf flying and brutally into a nearby tree. It whined upon impact as a crack echoed. However, Usher didn't settle. No. Usher panicked. Throwing Neuvillette to the ground in a panic. The wolves backed away as the horse careened around, threatening to strike them with the wagon.

Neuvillette groaned as he struck the floor. His age made itself known. He was left alone as the horse galloped away.

Neuvillette struggled to his feet, his grace and poise long forgotten. Hands clawed into snow to wretch himself up. His feet slammed against the ground, and Neuvillette ran. Ran through the dense fog.

Yet it seemed to be clearing. It thinned as Neuvillette approached a gate. The metal bars were coated in rust as Neuvillette placed his gloved hands upon its frame. A manor towered above him, casting a great shadow down upon Neuvillette and the wolves.

Neuvillette groaned as he pressed his weight against the door to coax it open. The gate whined as it slowly opened just barely enough for Neuvillette to slip through before slamming shut. The clang of the metal scared the wolves. However, he wasn't safe yet.

His shoes clacked against the pathway leading up to the manor. Neuvillette panted as he exercised his old body. He rushed to escape the cold and the maws of any beast outside. Unaware of the monster whose territory he encroached upon. Before slumping against the front door of the manor. These doors opened themselves up far easier than the gates did.

As the grand doors creaked open, Neuvillette was welcomed into the grand, yet empty, main hall of the manor. Not a single soul could be found. Or so he thought.

"Hello? Is there anyone here? Please, I require a place. A temporary one. Until I can return home to my daughter." Neuvillette didn't know why he revealed he had a daughter. He was desperate for someone to assist him. And someone awoke to do just that. A candelabra. It peered towards Neuvillette's trembling form. He was watching as he hesitantly made his way through the hall.

"Lyentte," the candelabra whispered to the pendulum clock beside it. "We've got a guest. He's even got a daughter." The candelabra slyly murmmered.

"Brother, you know what will happen if the Lord finds out." The pendulum clock, Lyentte, whispered as she watched the man. The candelabra hopped down and began hopping towards the man, the pendulum clock followed suit. The candelabra smirked.

"Come on, Lynette, if we get the daughter, here, the Lord has the chance to change, and you know what that means." Lyney raced after the man. Hope fills each and every step. "We become human." They whispered in sync as they ran towards the man.

Neuvillette heard faint whispers peering around each corner. Yet he couldn't find the source of the whispering. Until a candelabra and pendulum clock walked in front of him. "Hello, good sir. Would you like to take a seat at the fire? It's warm and will help you recover." Neuvillette stared in shock at the talking candelabra. A candelabra couldn't talk. Surely not? Neuvillette felt his mind race as he stared down at the two animate objects.

"Pardon? Who are you? What are you?" Neuvillette picked up the candelabra, watching as they moved its flames away from him.

"I'm Lyney, and the clock down there is Lyentte now please sir be our guest and take a seat in the warm chair. I hear you've got a daughter to return to." Neuvillette held onto the candelabra as he turned to face the warm fire in one of the rooms adjacent to the hall he currently occupied. Neuvillette couldn't deny the warmth of the fire, pulling him towards it. Neuvillette walked towards the chair that seemed to urge him to sit down in it. A tea trolley sat next to it. A warm cup, with steam floating above it, called towards him.

The candelabra urged him to sit. The warmth of the fire soothing the biting chill of the cold that ran through Neuvillette's body. Neuvillette reclined upon the chair. Placing the talking candelabra down upon the tea trolley. Neuvillette reached for the tea. He didn't often drink tea. However, a warm drink would do him good.

"Is the tea good, sir?" The cup weakly spoke, and Neuvillette moved it away from his lips in shock.

"Yes." Neuvillette was hesitant, unwanted questions waved in his head.

"Wonderful!" The teapot piped up cheefuly, and Neuvillette placed the cup back down next to it. He needed to focus on making a plan. Neuvillette needed those documents. The evidence. All of it. He couldn't get justice without it. However, Usher had surely run home, leaving Neuvillette stranded here. No horse. There is no way back besides walking.

"Brother, I told you this was a bad idea." Lyentte murmured to her brother as she watched the shadows of the Lord bounce across the walls as she stalked closer. The man seemed disturbed by her words, but before he could react, a clawed grip wound its way around his throat, wrenching him from the chair. The monster had thick black paws that made a gradient up the monsters arm. A deep black to an ashy grey with white highlights.

"How dare you trespass upon my home." The monster growled out in the terrified face of Neuvillette. Sharp teeth poking out between its lips as it snarled. Red crossed eyes staring holes into Neuvillette. It looked like a lion mixed with a bear. The monster yanked the man with her as she made her way out of the room. "You will now be punished for your insubordinate display." The deep guttural growl sent shivers down the trembling man's spine. The moster dragged the squirming man towards the cells. Where he would spend the rest of eternity in retribution.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ●× *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Furina slept the day away. It was a restless sleep, leaving her tired and unwilling to leave her bedroom. However, the pounding knocks against the front door were causing her to quit the headache. Whoever they were, they were persistent.

Wriothesley banged his fist against the door. His patience was running thin. He had arranged a wedding just outside of Furina's home. He wanted her hand, yet she refused to even answer the door. He had been knocking for what seemed like an hour by now.

"Still won't accept defeat?" Clorinde was the last person Wriothesley wanted to see. Always there for a quick comment judging Wriothesley. He huffed out a breath before turning to the figure leaning against a tree.

"I will have her hand, Clorinde. I never lose." Wriothesley was confident someone would marry a man they've known for what added up to a single day.

"You'll be missing a hand." Clorinde's harsh response angered Wriothesley. However, he kept his cool. Clorinde wasn't one to lie or make false threats.

"Don't be so sure about that. I'm a charmer, and well, I get along great with the village. I can provide her with a great life. All she has to do is take my hand in marriage. That's not so bad of a fate." Clorinde couldn't deny that Wriothesley had a nice voice and face, but his disgusting desire to have the one woman he can't have puts Clorinde off. Perhaps if her learned to let go, Clorinde wouldn't be too opposed to his existence.

"You should leave the woman alone. Stop harassing the girl. You won't get a marriage, you'll get a mockery." Clorinde pulled her hat down her face to block the sun. Closing her eyes as she listened out for any trouble Wriothesley might cause.

Wriothesley turned back and began knocking repeatedly on the door. "Furina, I have business with you. Come on, don't hole yourself in your house forever." Wriothesley leaned against the door, praying it would open so he could get the show on the road. When it did, he wasn't greeted with a pleasant sight.

"Go away. I refuse your hand in marriage. No leave." Furina certainly was moody. Wriothesley was impressed at the girls' bite.

"Now, now come on. I could give you a good life, some children, some pets, whatever you want so long as you're my wife." Wriothesley stood in front of her trying to enter Furina's home.

"You dare come upon my Father's property and demand a lady like myself hand in marriage without courting her? Without permission. How dare you, don't you have a modicum of respect, no shoo. Get out of here." Furina shut the door in Wriothesley face.

Wriothesley stepped backwards. He wanted a breather before he tried again. But he didn't land upon the stone step he expected to be on. No, he stepped upon a cat, which yowled out scratching ast his leg.

"Get off me, you pest." As he struggles to remove the cat that clawed its way up his leg, Wriothesley was unaware of the particularly wet spot of mud just behind him. Well, until he fell right into it. Clorinde huffed out a laugh. "Well, it looks like you do lose. It's unwise to turn up to a wedding covered in dirt." Clorinde laughed before heading back towards the village, leaving an upset Wriothesley sitting in the mud.

Furina breathed a sigh as she watched Wriothesley and his gang walk off, taking the horrible wedding away with him.

"Ugh, can you believe him, Crabaletta? That wedding was so ugly. Such poor taste for such a wonderful event." Furina bemoaned to the cat that had caused Wriothesley's embarrassment. Furina was digusted at the display. Who in their right mind would approach a lady such as herself and demand that they marry without even courting her first. However, it was Wriothesley. Women flocked to him and would marry him without a second thought. It was funny to see him fall flat into the mud. However, just before Furina could ramble on more about how much she hated that man, a loud neigh echoed from outside. That was Usher!

Furina raced outside. She was greeted with a panicking Usher. Her father wasn't there with him.

"Calm down, Usher!" Furina grasped onto the flailing reigns and gently guided Usher towards her where she could stroke his nose. Calming him. However, her heart would only serve to race. Just where was her father. He could be anywhere along the journey to the Court of Fontaine. Anywhere! She may not like her father too much, but she couldn't lose him. Not after Focalors. Not after her mother. She couldn't lose everything. Tears welled in her eyes as she stared at Usher.

Furina looked back at her house. Rushing inside, she hastily snagged an ocean blue cloak from the hanger and a spare lantern. Then she rushed outside, slamming the door shut behind her. She didn't care if it wasn't locked. Nothing was more important than her father's life.

Furina huffed as she detached the wagon from Usher. Before climbing up upon his saddle. There was no time to waste. She needed to find her father. "Usher, please take me to my father." Furina gently ushered her horse along, tightly gripping the reigns as Usher galloped back onto the path leading towards the manor.

The looming trees and monsters hiding in the shadows scared Furina. However, she didn't want to close her eyes, fearing what happened behind them more than what she could see in front of them. The forest blurred together. She could feel a small limp present in Usher's gallop. It hurt Furina to know he was hurt, but she had to get to her father. Especially with what she saw in the woods. Anything could've jumped out and eaten him. Tears streaked down her face, and the wind made the wetness bite into her skin. Please. Be okay, father. Furina begged in her head.

Usher carried her towards a looming shadow. Before coming to an abrupt halt. "Eh, Usher!" Furina looked down at the sudden stop to figure out why he stopped. Trace amounts of blood stained the snow and ground just beneath her, paw prints embedded within the snow. Looking further into the snow, Furina saw footprints. Recognisable footprints. "Usher that way!" Furina twisted Usher's reigns towards the direction the hurried footprints took.

Furina watched as the footsteps led her down the muddy path that soon began to be replaced with cobble. Then, it led her to a rusting gate. It's tall form small, in comparison to the looming manor above her. Dismounting Usher, Furina stepped towards the gate, watching as her father's footsteps trailed inside, past the cold metal. Furina placed her hand upon the face of a lion imprinted upon the metal. She then placed the other and slowly began to push open the two gates before dropping the other, calling for Usher to enter quickly as she held with all her might, the gate open.

As Usher and Furina made their way towards the front doors of the manor, Furina could feel the trepidation crawl down her spin and swim in her stomach. She didn't belong here. She was making a grave error being her, but her father was here. Trapped perhaps. So Furina needed to rescue him no matter how foolish of a choice some would call it.

Then Furina reached the front door. She'd have to leave Usher behind. Her sole companion. As the doors creaked open, she was greeted by a dark empty hall. It was barely illuminated by a singular candelabra. Furina gulped down her fears and gripped onto the candelabra, waving it towards the shadows. Daring them to attack her. Her footsteps were slow as she methodically walked through the hall before approaching an old, decaying wooden door. It was cracked open by a smidged.

Furina gently opened the door, praying it didn't squeal or cry out. She could do without altering any of those who inhabited this sorry place. The door revealed a set of stone stairs leading downwards into more darkness. As Furina slowly stepped down the stairs, she watched lights seemingly illuminated themselves. Candles originally burned out light anew.

The stairs felt like they went on forever until Furina was greeted by a pitch-black basem*nt. As she waved the candelabra around to illuminate her surroundings, she noticed the basem*nt was filled with prison cells. She also noticed, well heard, breathing. "Father?" Furina weakly asked into the darkness.

"Furina!" Furina jumped up. Her dad was here. Rushing towards the sound, she kneeled down to peer between the metal bars that interrupted the oak of the door. The candelabra was placed dangerously close to the wood as she peered into the darkness, hoping to see her father.

"Furina!" Furina watched as her dad knelt down before her. His white locks were unkempt, and the blue that tangled with the white was thrown all through his face. Neuvillette looked like he had seen something horrid. Yet Furina couldn't care. She was grateful he was alive. She hadn't lost everything yet.

"Oh, Papa, what did they do to you." Furina reached through the bars to grasp at his cold hands. However, his panicked looked unsettled her relief.

"Furina, you must leave. There's a monster who roams this castle. She'll hurt you if she catches you. Go run away or else---" Neuvillette's rushed speech was interrupted by the growl of a monster.

"The monster will get you." A gruff growl echoed through the empty halls. It threatened to extinguish her only source of light. The candelabra. Furina waved it around, trying to find the source of the voice that pierced so deeply into her mind. However, it was no use. Whatever monster lurked in the shadow stayed deeply within them.

"Whoever is there, I plead with you. Let my father go!" Furina's voice wavered slightly through her sentence, but she maintained her confidence and pride. However, nothing could prepare her for the growl that followed her demand.

"Let him go? Surely a reasonable person wouldn't dare want to free a criminal. Your father stepped upon my land. He had the gall to enter here and make himself at home. Now, he shall remain here to serve his sentence." The beast paced within the shadows, its heavy footsteps shaking the very stone beneath Furina's feet. Furina couldn't believe what the monster told her. Yet the monster was right. Furina and Neuvillette had indeed trespassed upon the property. There had to be something Furina could do to save her father. He couldn't stay locked up here forever. He'd never have his peace.

"Please, whomever you are. I beg of you release my father. I'll do whatever." Furina begged towards the pacing shadows.

"There will be no releasing that man until retribution is served." The monster growled out. Furina's thoughts raced. The monster wouldn't let her father go until justice was served. Ah ha!

"Then I'll be your prisoner. My father is too old for this punishment. He'll pass before you can properly get retribution." Furina hoped the monster accepted this offer because her confidence was quickly waining.

"You would take the place of man you can't bring yourself to love truly?" The monster seemed shocked at her offer, it's pacing stopped, and its tone lightened. However, when the monster put it like that, Furina couldn't help but feel disbelief herself. Was she making this sacrifice because she loved her father, or was it because she didn't want to lose the only family member she had left?

"Yes." Her voice wavered. "Please, reveal yourself beast." Furina pleaded with the monster one more time.

"Very well." The monster gruffed.

Furina watched as the monster slowly became drenched in the weak light of the candelabra. It was a lion, Furina traced its face with her eyes looking at the thick maine that wrapped around its neck. It wasn't a normal lion, no. It had elements of other animals within it. A bear, perhaps. It stood tall above Furina. Red crossed eyes pined Furina in place. Horns that curled up like that of a ram, but before they could curl around the floppy, goat like ears, the horns were snapped off. A jagged break. Furina felt numb in fear. Terror. The beast moved a large paw towards her, its weight heavy against her shoulder. It moved her out the way and slammed open the door to her father's cell. Uncaring if it struck him. The clawed paw wrapped around her father's waistcoat as the monster dragged him behind it.

It stormed up the stairs, leaving Furina alone in the dungeon. Where she fell to her knees in shock. She traded away her freedom to a monster.

The monster growled past the living objects that peered round corners towards her. The monster wanted the man gone as soon as possible. The beast threw open the doors to manor and placed the old man into a chariot devoid of horses.

"Leave and never return." The monster threatened the man as he was dragged away by the suddenly animate chariot.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ●× *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Wriothesley sat in front of the fire. Embarrassed at the mess that was today's affair. He could handle rejection, but to be insulted just like that, it made his blood boil. Now, here he was drowning his humiliation away in Meropide.

"You should've listened to me. I tried to warn you." Clorinde. She stood next to the fireplace, sipping a neat whiskey. The bronze liquid held in a lowball glass that was delicately held within her hand. She wasn't going to let the sulking man ruin a decent night.

"Now is not the time to point out my shortcomings." Wriothesley murmmered. Clorinde huffed a laugh before taking a sip of her whiskey.

"No? Then when do I?" Clorinde nudged her glass in his direction. Clorinde felt that a singular night wouldn't be long enough to go through his flaws. Well, it most certainly wouldn't be long enough to explore her flaws. She could list a few of the top of her head; she was cold, distant, and had a poor sense of how to care for herself. Often drowning in guilt.

"I'll get her hand in marriage one way or another." Wriothesley refused the opportunity to drink. Not even a cup of tea would suit him.

Well, until a certain father bursting into Meropide changed things. Clorinde looked towards Neuvillette. She respected the man, and seeing the state he was in filled her with worry. His hair and clothes were dirty and stained with mud and all sorts of things. He looked as if he'd been dragged through a bush.

"Monsuier Neuvillette?" Clorinde placed her glass down on a random table as she rushed to meet him where he stood.

"By the love of the archons, what happened to you, Monsuier?" Clorinde offered her hankerchief to him so he could clean of the muck that decorated his face. Clorinde could see the fear that shook the man deep to his core.

"A monster." Neuvillette panted out as he wiped his face clean. "A monster has stolen my daughter. It has taken away her freedom. You must help. I can not leave her there alone. Not in the clutches of that monster." Neuvillette begged to Clorinde. However, before Clorinde could inquire more about this monster Wriothesley butted in.

"My apologies, Monsieur, but I'm afraid there is no such monster around here. You would not be making up tales to scare the villagers. Why don't you return home." Wriothesley placed a hand on Neuvillette's back and slowly led him towards the door to Meropide. "A nice rest should do you good." As he opened the door to force Neuvillette to leave, the man began to beg and cry again.

"Please, you must help me get my daughter bac-" Wriothesley slammed the door shut on the insane man's rambles. Turing around, he saw Clorinde's shocked face. It was a surprise to see her so expressive.

"Clorinde, you don't believe him, do you?" Wriothesley placed a hand upon her shoulder, which was quickly knocked off as Clorinde retreated back to her whiskey. Clorinde couldn't believe the monster, but she knew Neuvillette was a serious man who wouldn't dare tell a lie. She racked her brain for an answer. If she helped him, then she'd lose whatever respect she had now. She'd also leave room for Wriothesley to plan out a scheme. Yet if she stayed, then archons knows what Neuvillette would do to save his only child. However, she'd be able to stop Wriothesley from planning something.

Wriothesley was indeed planning something. Neuvillette had gone mad. All that time spent holed up in his home, nose burried in archon knows what, had finally caught up to the man. Yet, if Wriothesley wanted Furina's hand, then he'd have to do something. If she wanted to be courted, then he'd court her for a while. Then, when the mad house came searching, he'd propose to her and promise to keep her dear father out of the mad house. All in exchange for her hand. Hmph Wriothesley would have her hand one way or another.

Neuvillette panicked he needed to rescue his daughter. However, he knew better than to rush out again. No, he'd need to prepare to face the beast. For Furina.

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The monster crawled back down the stars before a certain chiming pendulum caught her attention.

"Lynette. What do you have to report." The monster stared at the animated pendulum clock. Staring deep in the eyes, that should be impossible for a clock to have.

"Arlecchino - My Lord - should we prepare a room. The lady will be staying with you for a while." Lynette inquired, part of the monster growled what a preposterous idea. Prisoners do not deserve the luxuries afforded to those who stayed in line. Yet the more human side, Peruere, saw no harm in allowing the lady a place to stay.

"Very well." The monster, Arlecchino, began to descend down the stairs once again. Letting the click of the clockwork fade into the distance as she approached the girl. The girl was small compared to Arlecchino. The girl reminded Arlecchino of the sea. The oceans. The water. Her droplet eyes especially reminded Arlecchino of the world beyond her prison. Clervie, the one who had buried Arlecchino's heart with her, loved the sea, the waters, the oceans. The freedom they had to offer roped Clervie in like a fish caught on a line.

Arlecchino buried the growl that grew within her throat. "Come. Let us head to your room. Or if you'd like, you can remain here." Arlecchino made herself appear as calm and collected as a monster could manage. The girl spared a sad glance upwards towards Arlecchino. Before weakly standing, waiting for Arlecchino, the monster, to lead the way.

"Hmm," the monster murmed as it picked up the candelabra that was dropped upon the floor. Lyeny peaked out, eyes drifting to look at Arlecchino before being shushed.

Furina watches as the monster walks in front of her. A deep maroon cloth hung from the monsters shoulders. The beast wore a loose collared shirt. It was tied at the collar by a few loose strings. "Who are you?" Furina questioned the monster.

"I am the Knave, Arlecchino." The monster was a woman. Something buzzed within her, Furina didn't know what, but it was quickly buried by the fear that buzzed within her.

"You will live her in my manor from now on. There are a few rules you need to obey. The first is that I am the Lord of this house, and my word goes. Second, do not damage anything within my home. Finally, stay clear of the west wing. I can not promise your safety." The monster, Arlecchino, growled out that final rule, and she was led by beautiful yet terrifying halls. Something within her made her believe that these halls were meant to be decorated with fine art, not terror in stone.

"Why can't I explore the west wing." Furina pressed the monster. It's not like she had much to lose anyway. Whatever consequences were far from scary.

The monster barred its teeth in front of her. "It's forbidden. Don't press your luck." The monster guided her room. Opening the door and holding it open for her.

"My lord," the candelabra, Lyney whispered, "talk, but don't be too harsh." Arlecchino let air rumble through her throat. Dinner was to be served soon. She might as well invite her guest, and if the guest was so inclined to stay away from her, then the guest could starve.

"You are invited to join me for dinner. Turn up if you so wish. I'll wait only a certain amount of time before I begin without you." Arlecchino left the girl to her own devices, letting the door slam shut behind her. The monsters footsteps echoed down the hallway fading as the beast disappeared into some other area of the manor.

Furina looked around the room. It was warm and welcoming, yet also terribly lonely. It was sparse, yet it was hers. Well, until the dresser suddenly spoke to her.

"Darling those rags hardly suit you. You've got a dinner to attend. Come let me tailor an outfit for you." Furina jumped out of her skin as she turned to face the tall dresser towering above her form that sat on the beds edge. The voice was quite blunt, efficient, and straight to the point.

"Who are you? I'm not attending any dinner with that monster." Furina walked around to the other side of the bed where her back would face the dresser.

"I'm Chiori, the personal tailor to the Lord. Now, the monster may be off-putting, but you'll get used to Arlecchino eventually. She isn't so bad when she's moping around." Chiori holbelled towards Furina. "Now, regardless of whether or not you attend that dinner, someone such as yourself can not wear such rags." Chiori began to pull out various clothes and shirts and dressed for Furina to comment on. Well, Chiori did most of the styling with Furina making only small comments when asked. If she wasn't interrupted, of course.

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Arlecchino was tired of waiting for the guest. If she wanted to starve, then so be it. "Lyney, where is the girl?" The candelabra hopped onto the dining table. The flames are weak as clearly he wasn't too happy either.

"She's not coming." Just as Arlecchino thought. Well, the girl will just have to starve, Arlecchino began to dine. She wouldn't waste the effort of the stove.

"Then she may starve." Lyney's flames glowed as a rebuttal ignited within him. He wasn't content to just allow Arlecchino to let the girl starve. After all, it was the Lord who forced her to stay.

"My Lord, you can not say that." Lyeny pleaded with Arlecchino to bring the girl some dinner. She couldn't starve. Lyney was desperate to be human again. No matter how much he pushed the monsters' ire. However, the beast only hummed, ignoring his comment. Arlecchino wasn't going to change her opinion over some spoiled brat of a girl who was just as criminal as her father.

Upon finishing her dinner, Arlecchino returned to the west wing. To her destroyed bedroom. All the expensive and fancy furniture within it was destroyed. Wood splintered across the floor. Sheets and curtains are torn to shreds. Her fine room was a ruin. A stain on the past. However, nothing stood out in the room besides the two portraits hung up next to one another. One was torn to shreds, and the other was perfectly preserved. The portrait of Peruere was shredded, Arlecchino couldn't bare to see the human she once was. Every mirror was shattered for that very reason. Yet the portrait of Clervie was pristine. It would've hurt Arlecchino more to see it damaged. So she let it hang upon the dilapidated wall, forever judging Arlecchino's fate.

However, the portrait wasn't the only pristine decoration found within the room. A singular rainbow rose, held elevated within a glass dome. It was the most beautiful rose in all of Fontaine. A gift from the witch. Arlecchino would watch the flower, for every petal that wilted away would mark time slipping through her paws. When the last petal fell, she would truly become a beast, and the inhabitants that were turned would return to their inanimate forms. Condemned to simply be decoration. Arlecchino would be alone for all eternity.

The monster gently placed a paw upon the glass. Three petals had fallen already, their withered forms mocking Arlecchino.

Arlecchino howled out to Clervie. Wherever she was, Arlecchino begged her to hear the cries of her monstrous form. Why did you leave me? Why did you take my humanity away with you? Please save me. Help me change.

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Lyney giggled he was spending time with his dear Lumine. "Lumine, aren't you impressed with my tricks?" The girl before him giggled."You certainly make a great court jester." Lumine's cheeky comment caused the flames to dwindle slightly. "My, I think I'm a better magician than court jester."

Lyney and Lumine were dear companions. Lumine's independence and brilliance only drew the eye of the magician towards her. Even if they were stuck as a feather duster and clock. Love had no bounds. They could love each other even if they were stuck in these forms. If only the Lord could recognise that.

Yet just before Lyney could continue their game of playful flirting, the sound of footsteps echoing through the empty halls altered him. This wasn't the Lord. No, the footsteps were far too gentle for that. Lyney peeked his face out from underneath the curtain. The girl! She was out and roaming.

"Lumine the girl!" The candelabra beckoned the feather duster to join him in peering at the dainty girl who wandered the halls. Lumine peered out at her. "Looks like it's our one hope for freedom. You best go be a good host for our guest." Lumine nudged Lyney towards the damsel. Luime was watching as he hopped on to join the girl on her journey.

"Mademoiselle!" Furina turned to see a candelabra hopping towards her. Normally, she'd be shocked, but considering she'd just spent an afternoon being dressed and decorated by a talking dresser. Maybe a candelabra wasn't the strangest thing here. "Hello, who are you." Furina reached down and grabbed the candelabra.

"I'm Lyney. You must be hungry correct, you didn't turn up for dinner. Now, as your host, I welcome you to join me. Well, shall feed you a most marvellous dish. Navia! Freminet! Lynette! Arouet!" Suddenly, the hall glowed as various candles suddenly ignited.

A tea trolley rolled up to Furina. "Hello Mademoiselle, would you care for some tea and macarons while we await your meal?" The teapot piped up, the candelabra fell from her hands. Hopping away. Furina was enticied by the desserts.

Grabbing one of the masterfully decorated macarons, Furina bit down into it. It was delicious. It was unlike anything Furina had before. The texture was perfect, and the filling was delicious. It was like a celebration within her mouth. Her mood glowed. She reached down to try the tea, noticing it, too was alive. "Hello, who are you two?" Furina gently sipped at the tea, her eyes locked on the teapot. The tea was also beyond words. It warmed the coldness that was building with her. "I am Navia! That over there is Freminet." Furina received a meek greeting from the cup held delicately within her fingers.

"Follow me, Mademoiselle." Navia urged her towards a dining hall where more desserts awaited her.

The tabled seemed to stretch on forever and was topped with such a large variety of desserts. It ranged from recognisable dessert such as crepes suzette to pate de fruit. To unrecognizable desserts. However, they looked just as delicious as the ones she could recognize. The clang of a pendulum broke Furina's focus upon the desserts.

"Here is a spoon for you to try the deserts." Lynette was deeply jealous of the girl. Oh, how she wished she was human again so she could indulge in the cakes and pet the cakes. If the Lord didn't break this curse the just before the last petal fell, Lynette would make sure Arlecchino's faced her wrath.

Furina immediately indulged herself. First, she tried a bite of some crepes. Those were deleted. The jam was perfectly sweet, and the cream was perfectly whipped. The crepes themselves were perfectly done. Next, Furina reached out to grasp a round, seemingly fluffy ball. Upon biting into it, Furina giggled with glee. The texture was like biting into a soft pillow. It was sweet but not too sweet. Furina devoured a couple more of those strangely delicious desserts. However, before she could devoured another dish, she was interrupted by cough.

"Miss, might we have the pleasure of your name." A featherduster floated just to the left of Furina.

"Furine. Furina-" Furina hesitated. They didn't know her, she feared if she spoke her last name they'd recognise her. She'd lose the independently newly gained. Even if she was a prisoner, she was Furina, the prisoner. Not Focalors. That made her happy. What did it matter. "Just Furina."

The featherduster nodded? Furina returned to eating the dished until she felt there was not a single space within her that wasn't filled with desserts. It may not be a proper dinner, but she certainly enjoyed it more than a traditional one. As she retired into a fancy chair, the candelabra and pendulum clock made themselves known.

"Mademoiselle would you like a tour around your knew home. A proper one." Furina giggled leaning towards Lyney and Lyentte. She would take them up on this offer. Her mood was brighter than the sun.

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Furina listened to the twins as they bantered. They had informed her of the story of this place. Or most of it. The manor was under somesort of curse hence the talking objects. They had also been joined by a very friendly dog, well footstool, Chevalmarin. So far she had been led all around the north, south and east wing. However, the twins ignored the west, instead they now fought to entertain her with other random rooms they had missed.

"Mademoiselle Furina, would you like to retire now?" The pendulum clock asked her. Furina only just noticed they had returned to the main staircase. The line that divided the west and east. Furina felt the urge to explore the western wing but how would she do so with the candela and pendulum clock on her case. Unless.

"Yes I will retire. Goodnight." Furina a peered over her shoulder, Lyney and Lynette watchd every footsteps she took. Her slow climb up the staircase was monitored throughly. They were determined to ensure she didn't step foot into the western wing. Only when she turned the corner to her room did she hear them walk off. This was her chance. It was now or ever. However, she'd need to be quiet. One wrong step and she'd lure them right back. Or she'd wake the beast.

Furina slowly tiptoes across the red stain carpet that bled into the western wing. However, Furina watched as the western wing slowly changed. There were tears in the wallpaper, furniture broken and shattered throughout the hall. The quantity of the mess only increased as she approached the door that loomed at the end of the hall. The door imparticular suffered from a great deal of claw marks.

Furina gently placed her hand against the golden knockers, she pushed her body weight against it. The door slowly creeped open to reveal a mess. The room was far worse than the hallway outside of it. You couldn't hardly tell what the room was originally supposed to be. Furina guessed it was meant to be the monsters bedroom. The amount of red fabric that adorned the room in scraps certainly matched the figure of the beast. However, Furina was drawn to the portraits that hung upon the wall. One seemed so very out of place. It was pristine. The other next to it was in the condition Furina expected the painting to be in.

The torn portrait held the rough image of a lady with white hair and striking eyes. The other held the image of beautiful women. A peachy brunette with a sweet smile. Vibrant green eyes and a beautiful lumidouce bell necklace. The pristine portrait drew Furina's attention but the faint glow of rainbow against the painting was far more enticing.

Turning towards the glow Furina noticed the wilting form of what could just possibly be the most gorgeous rainbow rose ever seen before. The rose itself was suspended within the air. Trapped in a glass dome. Furina was enchanted by its presence. It was calling her.

Yet before she could touch the glass the monster lept down upon the snow covered balcony. It bellowed out roar.

"What have you done!? Are you trying to damn us all!? After all they did for you!?" The beast growled. The Lord smashed the closest furniture to her. "Leave. I declare that you are now free for if you don't leave my sight. Leave my manor. Then I shall -" the Lord roared like a beast.

Fear ran up Furina's spine. She stepped too far. She shouldn't have come to the west wing. She should've turned back when she had the change. She should've listened to the advice of the twins. Now she was running for her life. Away from the monster that was destroying the already wrecked room further. Turning broken wooden planks into chips.

Furina's legs ran out the room and down the stairs before she could even think. Ignoring the pleas of her 'friends', she couldn't stay here not when the monster clearly wanted her dead. She shoved the grand entrance open before clambering onto Usher's saddle. She pulled his reigns urging him desperately to turn and leave. She couldn't bare too look back. Her wonderful night ruin because of her own curiosity and that stupid monster. Tears streamed down her face and the gates opened without her influence before clanging shut behind her. Watching as she disappeared into the shadowy forest. Where monsters lurked.

As Usher galloped through the thick snow, Furina could hardly hear anything. Tears flowed down her face even as the chill bit into her face. Furina's stomach felt like it was filled with rocks, they weighed down upon her and made her feel sick. Her head began to ache as Furina cried more and more. Why wouldn't her suffering just end.

A wolf dove down in front of Usher. Furina startled away from her misery as Ushee bucked and cried. The wolf began snapping at the flailing hooves. Furina yanked Usher's reigns away from the wolf's maw. Snapping them down as fear gripped her heart.

More wolves dove down and out the thick woods, snapping and biting. Usher galloped as fast as he could. Furina prayed they popped out somewhat safe. She didn't recognise the woods she found herself in. The trees were completely unrecognizable and seemed to nick at Furina's skin tasting her blood. As small branches brushed against her face Furina felt her eyes twitch and close shut. Her vision impaired. Until she felt Usher buck her off his back.

Furina landed on her back in the snow. The pain of falling ripping a groan from her throat. Her clothes began to soak up the snow. Furina began to tremble. The wolves slowly approaching her and Usher. Saliva dripped down their snouts as they crawled towards Furina. A pink tongue licked at one of the wolves lips as it anticipation a good meal. Furina crawled up and braced herself against a tree. Usher kicked and flailed but it didn't stop the encroaching wolves.

Furina closed her eyes and death approached.

A wolf wined out as a large monster slammed it into a tree. Sharp clawed impaled another. The pack of wolves shifted target to focus on the monster. Furina sat shocked. The monster had come to her rescue. She was shocked still watching as the beasts fought one another.

Arlecchino roared as one of the wolves bit down on the junction between her neck and shoulder as another dug it's claws deep into her forearm. Arlecchino flung the wolf attached to her forearm away and dug her claws into the wolf. Claws digging deep into flesh. As blood poured out of the wounds Arlecchino wretched the wolf to her face before crushing the windpipe of the wolf. It's body sunk into the snow unmoving. The other wolves backed off slightly, however they still held their ground. Arlecchino breathed in deeply before twisting around sending her serpentine tail smashing into the wolves' sides. They flew into a pile just next to the trunk of a tree. Why Arlecchino let the trio convince her to save the girls life she just couldn't figure out. Not as her head slowly started to lighten.

Arlecchino wobbled, sparing a glance towards the frightened and stunned girl. Then she passed out in the snow. Thick fur insulating her from the cold but not preventing the blood that flowed from her various wounds. Furina jumped to attention. She was saved. She was alive. Saved by that brute of a monster. Furina could run away. She could go home and she wouldn't be stopped. Or she could take the beast back........ curse her good nature. Furina stomped her foot. "Usher, come we've got a long journey back."

Furina groaned as she tried to heave the beast lnto Usher's back. Her arms felt like they would snap off. Couldn't this monster spare a few pounds?

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Furina gently washed the monsters wounds. The household had begged her to help them tend to the Lord. Furina reluctantly agreed. She gently rubbed the cloth over the scratches and bite marks, pink flesh poking out from ashy white and charcoal fur. She wasn't the best at nursing someone. She could wrap a wound up, but if it needed anything more serious than that, she was useless. Gently grabbing a bandage, Furina slowly wound the fabric around the wound, the fabric contrasting brilliantly against the charcoal arm.

"Madamoiselle, we are eternally grateful for your help." Lyney bowed to her. The others did the same.

"Enough with the Madamoiselle it's just Furina. Why did you want me to save this monster anyway?" Furina huffed as she moved away from the monster. She had tended to the wounds just as they had instructed her. It was up to the beast to choose whether she wanted to live or not.

"The Lord is a nice person when you get to understand her. All of us feel indebted to her kindness, and besides, the Lord has been through a lot. It's only right we help her during her times of need." Lynette added as the pendulum chimed it had just struck twelve at night. Furina stood. When the monster was asleep, she didn't seem so dangerous. She seemed mostly harmless. Almost charming.

"Well, I'm off to get my beauty sleep. You can thank me in the morning." Furina strutted out of the monsters temporary resting place. She was exhausted and couldn't wait to try what was cooked up in the morning for breakfast.

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Furina was cleaning the monsters wounds again. This time, they were awake. Furina placed the cool cloth against the scratches and watched as the Lord let out nothing more than a minor hiss. They didn't seem too hurt by Furina's ministrations.

"You don't seem to hurt. Any reason why?" Furina scoffed, washing the cloth in some warm but not too hot water. It was slowly being stained red by the residual blood the cloth had wiped off. The monster huffed at her question.

"I've grown used to pain." The monster refused to look at her and instead chose to stare outside the window. It was snowing. It was the fifth day of snow. Ever since Furina and the monster returned to the manor, it just hadn't stopped. Poor old Usher. It must suck to be out there. At least he was in a proper stable.

"Is that so." Furina pressed down harder against the scratches, eliciting a roar out of the monster. "Well, it seems that's not the case." Furina smirked as she looked at the monsters face. Her brows were furrowed, and her teeth were bared, gaze locked onto Furina. However, Furina didn't feel threatened not one bit. The monster huffed and turned to face the wall opposite where she laid. "Don't push your luck." The Lord growled out. Furina stared to like this new dynamic between them.

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Arlecchino stared out at her guest from the balcony. Beside her was the trio, Lyney, Lynette, and Freminet. Furina was walking Usher around on the frosty grounds. It marked the eighth consecutive day since Arlecchino saved the girl's life. She stared down at her, longing. All while Lyney gave unsolicited advice about how to romance the girl. Arlecchino had little interest in romancing another. However, she didn't tell him to quiet.

"You've got to learn what they like and what they don't, become intimate with one another." Lyney waved his candles about in the air, mimicking a dance with someone. Freminet laughed weakly at Lyeny's act. Lynette, however, wasn't all too impressed.

"Bother, we don't need to know how you romance Lumine." Lyney jumped up at that quickly, turning to face the blank pendulum clock. Embarrassed.

"I'm giving the Lord advice on how to romance the girl. Isn't that right, my Lord." Lyney looked at Arlecchino for her to back up his claims and save him from his embarrassment. The monster only huffed, eyes locked onto Furina's graceful from. She had begun dancing in the snow, her beautiful white dress flowing all around her. The fabrics flowed like water over the girls body as it twisted and turned. Arlecchino was obsessed with the display in front of her. Arlecchino felt part of her yern to own the girl. Keep her for herself. Hide her away from the world. However, Arlecchino was a reasonable woman. She knew that she couldn't own the girl. She flowed freely like water, even as a prisoner.

Arlecchino pushed herself away from the balcony. Furina watched the monster leave, saddened at the departure. Furina huffed. She'd have to try something new. She'd get that monsters attention one way or another.

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Furina had dragged the monster out the manor somehow. Her syrupy words and pleading must have struck some forgotten cord in the monster. It was the sixteenth day since she was saved by the monster. So far, she had hardly made a crack in the Lord's icey exterior. That monster was all brutal honesty and straightforwardness. Furina started to question if the Lord even had a heart.

Furina strolled through the grounds, and Chevalmarin strolled around her ankles. The dog was cheerfully hopping along with them, ignoring the awkward silence between them. Furina groaned. She was getting bored with the lack of spice and excitement in her life. The walk was pretty bit she wanted more.

"Arlecchino, I'm bored." Furina bemoaned. She turned to face the monster with her arms crossed. The monster just spared a single look before continuing on her walk. "Entertain yourself." Arlecchino was so cold. Furina huffed, looking around at the snow. It was so pretty. A pale untarnished white. Reaching down, Furina grabbed a handful of snow and rolled it into a ball. It was soft. It reminded her of home. In particular, it was an old game she used to play with Focalors. Snowball fighting.

Furina threw the snowball and watched it shatter against the back of the monster. Arlecchino stiffened as the cold snow smacked into her back. It was then accompanied by giggles. Turning back, Arlecchino saw Furina laughing at her. Furina threw that snowball. Chevalmarin ran up to her, barking at her to throw another. The dog was greatly entertained by the attack. It wished for her to do it again and again. Furina laughed. It was addictive.

"You want me to through another Surintendante Chevalmarin." Furina balled up another snowball before lauching it away and laughing at how the footstool dog ran right after it. Arlecchino stared before leaning down and gathering a small pile of snow. This game seemed just like one Clervie would drag her into. Gently crunching the snow down into a snowball, Arlecchino prepared to throw it at Furina's giggling frame as she played with Chevalmarin. Gently throwing it at Furina, it smacked into her shoulder, crumbling to pieces.

Furina looked shocked before bursting into giggles once again. Furina then tossed back a snowball. This was quickly becoming a fight Arlecchino would enjoy. As they dashed and danced amongst the snow, something between them shifted. Their dynamics changed once again.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ●× *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Furina had been given access to more of the manor. Currently, she sat in a drawing room playing chess with Arlecchino. It had been more than a month since she was saved by Arlecchino. Furina's was slowly melting the Lord's icey facade. Right now, she was getting deeper than she ever had before. Whoever won the chest match could ask the other a question. So far, they had won an even amount of matched each.

"Checkmate." Furina now won one more than Arlecchino. She could ask whatever question she liked.

"Well done. Now, what would you like to know?" The monster remade the board as they started another match. Furina took a moment to think about what she'd ask the monster. Until it struck her. She'd ask about the woman in the pristine portrait.

"Whose the lady in the pristine portrait?" Arlecchino hummed in acknowledge before moving her pawn.

"The woman was known as a mother to some, but to me, she was my dear Clervie. My late wife and the original lady of the house." Furina was shocked at the reveal. Arlecchino was married. Her wife was dead.

"I'm sorry for your loss." Furina offered her condolences as she too moved her pawn. Awaiting for Arlecchino to continue answering a question Furina was beginning to regret.

"Thank you. She was a lovely individual and opened her arms to all. Most of those in the house are orphans who she took in with me. They became servants as an excuse to stay with us. However, good times don't last forever. Clervie was striken by a hereditary disease one night and slowly withered away. I'm afraid she took my humanity away with her when she passed." Furina felt tears well in her eyes. No wonder everyone here was so desperate to have Furina nurse Arlecchino. She was their father.

"I know how you feel." Furina didn't know why she said that. Or why her lips began to reveal more about herself without Arlecchino winning a match. "I lost my sister, Focalors, before I came to the village. She was my twin. My world. Father preferred her over me because she took after his sense of justice, whereas I took to the stage. However, she made sure I didn't feel left out. Until one day, she died. Then, my father became obsessed with getting justice for her. Even if it meant leaving me to my own devices." Arlecchino hummed at the free revelation.

"Hmm, you quite the girl then if you willingly took his place. I admire that about you, Furina." Furina's face flushed. She moved her final piece before declaring one word that would spare her from her embarrassment.


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It had been six months since Furina had been saved. Currently, she sat eating steak tartar specially prepared by Arlecchino. She had promised Furina that after lunch, she'd take her to somewhere special.

Furina was midly intimidated and offput by the dish, but she ate it anyway, not wanting to appear grateful. Arlecchino, despite being a monster, ate with grace and dignity. It seemed she didn't let being a monster strip her of her status and image. Arlecchino was currently awaiting Furina to finish the last morsel of her dish.

"Thank you for the meal. Shall we get going." Arlecchino stood and offered her arm for Furina to take.

Furina bounced with energy. She couldn't wait to see the surprise. She let Arlecchino lead her down a hallway. It was a place she hadn't explored yet. It was clear Arlecchino took the time to have the place cleaned for her arrival. Her heart warmed at the implications.

"Close your eyes." Arlecchino whispered to her. Furina looked shocked before Arlecchino continued. "The children wanted it to be a proper surprise, so you'll close them, won't you?" Furina did as she was told and clung to Arlecchino muscular forearm. She leaned in closer to the monster and basked in the warmth that radiated from Arlecchino's fluffy form. Arlecchino slowly led Furina through a door before abandoning her side to pull open the curtains. Light poured into the room, illuminating the most grand library.

"You may open them, Mademoiselle." Furina's eyes shot open as she basked in the light and stared in awe at the large library before her. It was the grandest thing she'd even seen in her life, filled with all sorts of books Furina had yet to read.

"Woah, look at all these books. How brilliant!" Furina turned to see Arlecchino pulling out a book from one of the massive shelves. From what Furina could peak, it was a boring book, an encyclopedia on something or another.

"Indeed, this library is yours now. You may do with it as you please." Arlecchino reclined herself in one of the chairs that circled the various tables in the room. Furina bubbled with joy as she ran over to place a kiss upon Arlecchino's cheeks before running around the library searching for the first book she'd read here. Arlecchino was stunned, and her heart fluttered at the action. However, she didn't act. Furina didn't deserve to be shackled by a monster.

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It had been a full year since Furina had been taken as prisoner. However, she certainly didn't feel like one. Especially not right now, Chiori was working extra hard to style her. Apparently, Furina had been invited to a ballroom dance with Arlecchino. So Chiori worked extra hard to dress up Furina. Her usual white shirt and blue trousers were not fancy enough. No Furina desired a something fancier to go with whatever Arlecchino would wear.

Chiori threw fabric after fabric upon Furina. Until she stepped back and saw the beautiful dress that flowed down Furina's form. It started off as a deep blue parade dress with a golden epaulette on one shoulder. Before, the high-collared suit was cut in half by a black corset. Then, it trailed down into a poofy shirt skirt. The waist was decorated from the left hip, across the right side of the skirt, and round the to the back of Furina's waist by a string of pale blue bows. A series of deep ocean blue Lakelight Lilies were pinned down onto her left hip with a trail of fabric flowing behind them. As the skirt cut off, a long trail of three fabrics cut down behind her. They mimicked that of a wave. The white froth was followed by the clearest bit of water before the darker waves caught up to it. It was perfect.

Furina twirled around, deeply impressed by Chiori's work. It wasn't too feminine or too masculine, but it was perfect for a dance in the ballroom. Chiori then pinned a black cavalier shoulder cape to her left shoulder. It was lined by a white fluff. Furina felt complete and was dying to dance with Arlecchino.

"Hmm, perfect." Chiori was impressed at the work of art she just produced.

"Mademoiselle! The Lord awaits you." Lyney peaked around the door. It's time.

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Arlecchino stood awaiting her on the stairs. She stood wearing black trousers as usual. However, instead of her typical red blouse, she wore a deep blue trilled blouse that matched Furina's dress. It was topped by a black pelerine that cut across her chest and tied together with golden strings. It stretched and flowed down her back. The golden strings matched golden fabric wrapped around Arlecchino's hips and pinned to her by a single lakelight lily. Arlecchino's dress was far simpler than Furina's, but the sigh caused her to swoon no less.

"Mademoiselle, join me?" Arlecchino offered a large paw for Furina to hold. Bowing ever so slightly. Furina curtsied in return and carefully took the paw offered to her. Arlecchino led her down the stairs and down towards the most beautiful ballroom. Gold seemed to be painted on everything. It glittered and shone so beautifully as music echoed through it.

As they stopped and turned to face each other, to begin the waltz. Arlecchino bowed her furry head, and Furina gracefully curtsied. Furina reached up to place her hand upon Arlecchino's shoulder, just as Arlecchino's hand rested gently, yet firmly upon her waist. Furina watched as her hand intertwined with the paw of Arlecchino. Her heart fluttering as they began to twirl throughout the ballroom. A gentle dip to the side here and a gentle dip to the side there. Furina stared enraptured by Arlecchino's eyes, and Arlecchino did the same.

Arlecchino gently twisted her around, but their hands stayed interlocking, Furina pressed herself against Arlecchino's chest. It was so intimate, and her heart skipped a beat. Furina loved dancing. Then they were twirling and dancing throughout the room again, the world fading from their minds as they stared so deeply into each other's eyes.

They way Arlecchino held her hand above her head and twirled her before bringing her back to her embrace, Furina felt like she was falling in love. Especially when Arlecchino lifted her up in the air, Furina could stare down at Arlecchino. Furina didn't mind the horns, the sharp teeth or sharp eyes, she loved the person Arlecchino turned out to be.

Then she was spun away. During her spin, she noticed Lyeny and Lynette watching in awe. Navia sung beautifully next to them. Furina and Arlecchino danced so gracefully together that it seemed like theres something there that wasn't there before.

As Arlecchino bowed Furina, they were so close. Furina's breathing hitched. Arlecchino leaned in closer to whisper. "Is there anything you want, for I would give you anything, my dear droplet." Furina breath shuddered in awe. She wished this moment would last an eternity, but deep inside, she knew it couldn't last. So Furina cradled Arlecchino's cheek and whispered back, "Please, I'd like to know just how my father and dead old Crabaletta are faring in my absence."

Furina was pulled upright as Arlecchino began to lead her somewhere. Somewhere in the west wing. Furina noticed the destruction that usually lined the corridor was missing, and as she was pulled into the monsters most vulnerable zone, it too was clean.

"Come, I have a mirror that will show you whatever you ask it to." Furina was led over to the table that housed the glowing rose. Then Arlecchino handed her the mirror.

"I'd like to see my father. Please. " Then the mirror glowed to reveal her father.

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Neuvillette had spent a year planning his assault upon the castle. He had sent for a delivery to be made to his new address, a delivery of a rifle. Neuvillette wasn't a man who hunted, but that monster stole his daughter, and he would do anything to get her back safe even if it meant putting the monster down. The rifle weighed heavy in his hands when it arrived. It tested his will, but Neuvillette would not stand to lose another daughter.

A sudden knock at the door stunned Neuvillette, forcing him from his reprieve. Upon opening it, he watched as Wriothesley stood behind the door.

"Hello, future father in law. You've recently had a delivery, haven't you." Wriothesley peered over Neuvillette's shoulder at the rifle sitting upon the table. "A rifle! I didn't take you for a man who enjoyed hunting." Neuvillette scowled at Wriothesley's cheerful demeanour. He was insulted at the man ever thinking he'd become his son in law.

"No, I'm not, but I have a certain monster to hunt so I can save my dear Furina, so you may take your leave." Neuvillette went to shut the door until Wriothesley placed a foot in front of it. Blocking its path.

"You can not seriously still believe there is a monster. Your daughter probably just ran away from you, I could find her for you if you granted me approval for our wedding." Wriothesley sly smile made Neuvillette sick. He wouldn't dream of approving any marriage with a man like Wriothesley. He'd rather have his daughter marry a frog than him.

"My daughter has been trapped in a manor. There is a beast, and I will not let you stop me." Neuvillette rushed back into his house. He gathered his supplies. A thick coat to keep the chill out and finally the rifle. Turning back to face Wriothesley, he held the gun to target the man.

"Calm down. I have no ill intentions." Wriothesley held his hands up in mock surrender and moved out of the way to let Neuvillette leave. Well, leave his house. Wriothesley wasn't going to let the mad man wander out in the dark with a rifle of all things. No, he was going to imprison him and use Neuvillette as bait to get Furina's hand in marriage.

Snapping his fingers, Wriothesley watched as two men grapped at Neuvillette's arms. Wrestling the rifle away from him and tossing it towards Wriothesley. Neuvillette was then pinned to the muddy ground and arms shackled behind his back.

"Monsuier, I can not in good conscience let a mad man loose with a rifle. You could harm someone." A crowd gathered around the two men intrigued by the sudden drama. Neuvillette thrashed against the shackles and pressure of the men's hands upon him.

"I will not let you stop me from saving my daughter from that monster!" Neuvillette roared.

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Furina stared in shock. Her father was in deep trouble. Her eyes shot up to look at Arlecchino. Arlecchino's face was unreadable. Not a single emotion seemed present upon her face.

"Arle, what do I do... my father." Furina panicked as she stared into the mirror, tears slowly welled in her eyes. Arlecchino walked onto the balcony. Her chest hurt. She had fallen for the girl. Now, she was paying the price for doing so. If Arlecchino loved Furina, then she'd let her go.

"Furina, I hereby declare that you are free. You are no longer prisoner to me. You are free to leave," a pause "and save your Father." Arlecchino refused to turn back and face Furina. She feared that if she did, then she'd never let the girl go to her father.

"Arle," Furina let the mirror slip from her gaze. She stared at the dark form of Arlecchino as she stood out on the balcony. "I," just as Furina began to speak, she was interrupted by the monster.

"Go. Take the mirror with you." Furina stepped back. Clutching the mirror, Furina spirited away from Arlecchino with tears streaming down her face.

Arlecchino's listend as her love fled. She turned towards the wilting rose. Kneeling before it, Arlecchino rested her face and wrapped her paws around it. She was doomed to be a monster for all eternity. A singular tear slipped down her furry cheek. Even as Lyney burst into the room to congratulate her for the dance she didn't move a muscle.

"Father, where's Furina."


Lyney felt his stomach plummet. Their last hope gone just like that. He stared his fathers weeping form as it encased the glowing rose. Another petal fell leaving just one clinging to its stem.

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Furina's heart ached as she watched the castle fade into the distance. Leaving Arlecchino behind, after all they'd been through togther. Leaving her friends in the castle behind hurt deeper than any knife wound could. Tears poured down her face as she grappled with her reality. Her father was to be imprisoned and sent to the mad house. He wouldn't last a day in there, not after all he's been through. Yet her heart yearned for the monster. Arlecchino who recognised her, Furina, more than her father ever did.

Furina didn't know if she left because she wanted to anymore or because the monster commanded she did. Yet as Usher galloped towards her home, she knew that the choice had been made. The trees seemed less like monsters and more sad. Their branches dropping, their leaves handing low. It was raining. It melted the snow into muddy puddles that splashed up against Furina and Usher. The entire world felt just as sad as she did.

The rain only poured harder as she returned to her home. Watching as the from of Wriothesley and Clorinde come into view, then her father. His iconic blues and whites were tarnished in the mud.

"How dare you harm my father!" Usher bucked, and Furina condemned the actions of her village. She felt numb, unable to determine just what she felt as she stared down at the villagers. However, seeing Wriothesley smug face caused her chest to bubble with anger, her tears running dry. She wanted to punch that man. She also wanted to punch Clorinde, but seeing her sad face hidden beneath her hat, she was willing to settle for a slap.

"Furina, your Father has been spreading lies. He speaks of a monster who lurks within a castle. I can not in good conscience allow his to scare the village with his tales." Wriothesley placed a hand upon Usher, his blank face as he spoke words that haunted Furina. Furina kicked Wriothesley in the chest before dismounting Usher. Father wasn't a man who'd lie. He was a man of justice. He scorned liars.

"My father is not a liar! Here I'll prove it to you." Furina pulled out the mirror gifted to her by Arlecchino, "Please show me Arlecchino." The mirror glowed a vibrant blue until the beast appeared in the mirror. Furina watched briefly as she saw Arlecchino rawr in agony. Before turning it away, she couldn't watch Arlecchino's suffering.

Wriothesley watched as the mirror reflected the monster. Fear creeeped into his stomach. The man was right. There was a beast that kidnapped women. There it was, howling and growling in the mirror. Wriothesley laughed slightly, a nervous chuckle.

"It's a monster. A monster!" The monster was reviled in the eyes of the villagers, their cries echoed in Furina's ears. She quickly learned that just because the monster had changed for her, she would forever be seen as a monster in the eyes of the village. Furina quickly pulled the mirror back towards her chest, eyes shaking and trembling as she watched the village become hysterical at the news of the monster. Their shouts and cries began to swim in her head, and her ears felt like they were filled with water. Until something burst through the water in her head.

"We kill the monster! We can not let it roam free!" Wriothesley's shout echoed within Furina's mind, made worse as the village went up in cheers, Arlecchino was doomed. Furina watched as Wriothesley walked up towards her, "Furina, do you stand with us? With your Father?" Wriothesley cool voice made her sick.

Furina looked towards her father, who was in shackles, his eyes filled with worry. She knew he hated the monster. He wouldn't side with her. Yet she didn't want them to hurt Arlecchino. She didn't deserve to die. Arlecchino changed. They just needed to see it.

"No, she isn't a monster! Arlecchino isn't a monster!" Furina shouted into Wriothesley's face. She shoved the man backwards, watching as his face twisted in anger and betrayal.

"First name basis and defending you're in love with it! Lock her up! This woman will damn us all." Wriothesley harshly grasped at Furina's arm, hearing the poor girl yelp. "Both her and her father!" Wriothesley roared as he threw Furina into the wagon. Soon following her was her father. Who groaned as he hit the wagon walls, causing it to shake violently. Furina grasped onto the bars, which was the only view she had outside watching as the men of the village all gathered weapons. It didn't matter what they grabbed as long as it could be used to attack a monster. It would do just fine.

Furina watched as they lit Usher's stable a flame. A fire consuming the hay that was protected from the rain that burned down from the sky. The roaring fire caused said horse to cry out and flee towards the forest. Panicking. Furina sobbed even though she knew that before she'd even , able to get to Arlecchino, she'd need to free herself from the wagon, watching Usher run away caused unbearable pain. She'd never make it there on foot. Furina weakly sobbed as the wagon was jostled about in the chaos. On particularly hard shove caused something metal to hit the floor, it probably someone's pitchfork. Neuvillette just watched as his daughter cried into herself. Her weak and fragile frame seemingly blended into the darkness even as a fire illuminated her most beautiful face.

Neuvillette felt like the silence between the would kill him. It was made even quiter as the rallying chaos left towards the castle. Leaving just Furina's tears and the crackled of a fire to accompany them. Neuvillette's may hold many regrets and many grudges, but one promise made years ago came above all of them. His beloved wife made sure he promised to make Furina and Focalors the happiest daughters in all of Fontaine. No matter the cost. Neuvillette had lost one he couldn't lose another. So even though Arlecchino may be the monster, if Furina wanted to go to that monster, he wouldn't stop her.

"Furina, dear droplet, you must head to Arlecchino." Furina only wailed harder.

"I can't! I'm trapped here in this stupid wagon." Furina banged her fist against the door to the wagon and watched as it burst open. The sudden freedom dumbfounded Furina, stopping her tears momentarily.

"What? Who?" Furina felt her father place a gentle hand upon her shoulder.

"Furina, you must go, save Arlecchino. There's no time to waste on figuring out who freed us." Neuvillette shoved Furina out the wagon and watched as she spared on last loving glance to him. One he didn't know he missed. He wasn't a good father to her. However, it didn't mean he couldn't start now. "Oh my dear wife, I hope I've done you proud." Neuvillette whispered into the night as he felt the rain pour down upon his face.

Furina called Usher's name begging him to come to her. She needed to save Arlecchino. She was in grave danger. To her great pleasure, a familiar neigh cried out. Usher! Furina felt a weight lift from her shoulders. She'd have a chance to save her Arlecchino!

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"Why did Arlecchino let her go! We could've been free!" Lyney cried out distressed as he stood looking out of a window facing the entrance to the manor. He hoped and prayed Furina would turn back.

"That's what love does to someone." Navia spoke up. Lyney turned quickly around to face her, confusion written across his candelabra face.

"If you love someone, you'll let them go. I did with my papa and my dearest companions. Arlecchino did it for Furina." Navia recalled Clorinde. She regretted shoving her away. She regretted how Clorinde let her go. Yet she knew Clorinde loved her. That's why she let her go. Now, she would have to live with that memory. At least she was loved.

"Everyone, look!" Freminet never sounded so scared in his life. However, he watched as intruders marched down the cobblestone entrance. They carried a downed tree determined to enter. Freminet feared this was the end. The others soon peered out the window as well. All sharing similar reactions.

"Well," Lyney began, "we will just have to meet them there and give them the best magic show they will have ever seen." Everyone shared a look of hesitant determination. Arlecchino, everyone, was in danger. Their fate hung in the balance.

Wriothesley watched as some of the men from Meropide began to bash the doors to the manor down. An old stump they had cut down being rammed into the door repeatedly. It didn't matter how long they spent bashing it down. They would get into the manor and kill the beast, it's sad reflection shining in the mirror.

"Wriothesley, are you certain this is a good idea?" Clorinde always appearing whenever from nowhere. Her hair was soaked and hat nowhere upon her head. Her face revealed nothing about how she felt.

"Of course. I can not let any harm come to the village."

"So you'll drag them to it?" Wriothesley was confused at that remark. Why was Clorinde so against this? What did that woman know? He huffed and turned to face the doors. They were so close to being opened. Just one more hit.


The door violently shoved open to reveal a quiet hall. An eerily quiet hall.

"Men! I'll head for the monster! Everyone else handles the rest!" Wriothesley's cheered. The group charged into the seemingly normal hall, unaware of the danger that awaited them. Well, until one of the men was doused in boiling water.

"ARRG!" The man cried out in agony as a waterfall of boiling hot water poured down his face. His face became pink as blisters slowly began to form on any and all exposed skin. As he screamed, the furniture in the room came to life. A clothing hanger awoke to box the intruders, a teapot poured scalding hot water down upon them. A candelabra set fire to their clothes. It was all out of war.

"This one got your name on it." Navia sent boiling water down upon another man, watching as he cried out in agony. At the same time, the man was burned by the candelabra. "And volia!" Lyeny cheered as more men fled away from the manor. However, there were still some managing to sneak past everyone. They attempted to sneak up the stairs before being bombarded by clothes. Choiri! Lyeny watched as the men were dressed ever so embrassingly. He couldn't hold back laugh as they screamed. "Next customer!" Chiori beckoned the remaining men to walk up the stairs.

Navia watched as a certain familiar purple headed woman slowly slunk around the chaos. Clorinde was here!

"Clorinde!" Navia fell down towards her, just as the purple individual snapped her heads upwards. Clorinde's lighting fast reflexes prevent Navia's shattering. Navia felt so happy to see her dearest friend after all this time. Even if it was only brief.

"Navia, it's you!" Clorinde wasn't one for overly exaggerated or extreme emotions, but right now, she gladly accepted the waves of emotions that rolled over her. Relief, happiness, and love. Furina was right she would eventually find Navia again. Even if she found Navia in the shape of a teapot. It wasn't the strangest thing happening right now, after all. But where was Wriothesley? Clorinde panicked.

"Clorinde," Navia's voice lacked it's spark as a serious toned dampend down their happy reunion. "It's so nice to see you again. Partner. Unfortunately we don't have much time. I can see in your eyes there's someone missing. Go. Stop them. Save us." Clorinde was hesitant to place Navia down until a tea trolley beckoned her to act. She so dearly missed hearing Navia ramble to her. Navia's eccentricity. She missed it all, but she could hear the nerves behind all her words. Clorinde wasn't a fool. Wriothesley was going to cause trouble. So she set off, leaving Navia in her prayers and ran up the stairs past all the chaos and after the real monster.

Clorinde followed the wet footsteps that stained the red carpet beneath her feet. She wasn't entirely sure, just where they were leading her until a howl of pain echoed through the manor accompanied by the echo of a gun. Soon, it was then followed by the sound of stone shattering to pieces as it fell. Wriothesley had found the monster.

Clorinde ran fast throughout the manor, heading down a corridor that was neat and tidy. Except for all the doors having been kicked open. However, none sparked her interest. Not a single one besides the one at the very end of the hall. The most extravagant door. One side hung open, and cold air howled down the corridor. Clorinde felt her face freeze. The temperature dropped sharply as she entered the final room. It's balcony wide open. Rain soaked the balcony and slowly pooled towards the rest of the room. However, the rain was the least of Clorinde's worries. No, a different pool caught her eye. A pool of blood that was slowly being diluted by the rain that seeped inwards. Clorinde hurried further into the room and approached the broken balcony rails.


Clorinde watched as he beat the monster. Hurling insults and threats down at it. The monster didn't even try to fight back. It allowed Wriothesley to hit it over and over with whatever his hands could grasp. The monster accepted all the abuse the world had to offer.

A sickness pooled in Clorinde's stomach as she readied her aim. Gun pointing down at Wriothesley. She'd end his reign of terror one way or another.

Just as her finger pulled back against the trigger, a body shoved her arm sideways. The bullet struck roof tiles just next to where Wriothesley stood. Then, the person's cry caught up to her.

"No!" It was Furina.

"Furina, I'm trying to stop Wriothesley. Go help your monster." Clorinde watched as Furina redirected herself to watch Arlecchino. Clearly ignoring Clorinde's words but she couldn't blame her. After all, if Navia was in the place of the monster, Clorinde didn't know what she would do.

"Arlecchino, please!" Furina begged for Arlecchino to fight back. However, she couldn't will her body to jump down and join Arlecchino. Arlecchino lay underneath a gazebo just below where Furina stood. However, the heights that surrounded the small pathway caused fear to ripple through Furina's muscles. Her body was paralyzed by fear. Tears streamed down her face as she watched Arlecchino slowly look up at her. Red crosses glowing in the night sky. Furina watched as Arlecchino growled, clearly noticing Furina's tarnished state. The monster stood and slammed Wriothesley through a support beam. Arlecchino thre the man to a different roof watching as he clung desperate onto it.

"You dare harm my family intruder." Arlecchino voice caused Wriothesley grip to wave as the monster lept to join him upon the crumbling roof.

"Where did your confidence go? Are you too sacred to fight me? Am I too much of a monster for you to handle?" Arlecchino slowly pulled the flailing man up from where he dangled precariously. Her paw tightened around his throat. Claws that threatened to rip it open.

"Spare me. I beg of you." The man cried and flailed. Arlecchino was tempted to impale him upon one of the spires that poked up from the tips of the roof. However, she could feel Furina's eyes upon her. Those precious eyes Arlecchino had grown to love. She could possibly make them witness such a gruesome display. So Arlecchino settled with tossing the man towards another ledge where fate could decide whether he was strong enough to save himself.

Arlecchino turned and saw Furina's sad yet happy face. Pain rocketed through the monster as she delicately made her way back to Furina. "Droplet. You returned." Furina kneeled down so Arlecchino's paw could carress her face. This height difference was just perfect. Furina sobbed, letting Arlecchino slowly guide Furina into the gap between the monster's neck and shoulder. They were getting soaked by the rain but Furina was so happy. Arlecchino was alive. Wounded but alive.

"Argh!" Arlecchino growled in pain. Furina felt blood soak her fingers. It's warmth, a striking contrast to the cold of the rain. The echo of gunshot ran through Furina's ears. Her blood ran cold. The wound was on the back of Arlecchino's neck. Furina weakly tried to pull Arlecchino's body up as it slowly became heavier.

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Lyney felt himself go stiff. Something was wrong. He felt his arms twist beyond his control. No, this can't be the end. They had watched Furina come sprinting through the manor. She had to have made it. Why were they losing themselves? Was she too late?

"Lumine!" He cried out as he watched his lover fall stiff. The featherduster that had robbed his heart was now no more than an inanimate object. Gone was his lover. Lyney looked around and saw a wave of stillness wash over the furniture. Chiori solemnly became still a boring old wardrobe. Then he watched his twin Lynette chime one last time before she too went stiff. Was it really the end?

"We'll need more than love to save us now." Navia slowly faded away. She, too, was now just a teapot. Time had run out. They'd lost. Freminet accepted this long sleep. Leaving Lyeny alone to accept that he, too, was now no more than a candelabra.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ●× *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Clorinde ran to Furina's side and yanked the beast up into the balcony just beside the rose, which stood unaffected by the conflict. It's final petal glowing faintly.

Furina began to sob. Clorinde left her side to try to find the origin of the bullet.

Wriothesley stood precariously on a ledge, gun held weakly in his hands as he trembled from the cold. He had achieved what he had wanted. The monsters death. Clorinde looked down upon the man. She considered him a friend at times, but right now, she had a clean shot. A shot to enact justice. Closing her eyes, she fired back at Wriothesley. Unwilling to see his demise.

Hearing the sound of a cry and a body falling from the roof down to its grave. Upon opening them, Clorinde could see the splatter of blood that replaced Wriothesley. However, she could also feel the atmosphere sink. A knowing sadness filled it. Unspoken words as Furina sobbed over the still body of the monster. Why did Clorinde not shoot sooner? Why did she bet on the monster being a monster?

Furina cried as she stared down at the empty eyes of the monster. Gone was the harsh light within them. Gone was the cruel but loving woman trapped in them. Furina was alone. She'd lost the one thing that she chose for herself. The one person for her. Furina heard footsteps approach her. It must be Clorinde. Furina didn't want to look at that woman. It wasn't her fault, but Furina couldn't help but blame her and herself for Arlecchino's demise.

Furina's gaze stayed locked onto Arlecchino's face until a glowing hand trailed up towards it. That wasn't Clorinde. Furina's eyes snapped up. Through her tears, she could see the woman in the pristine portrait. She looked just as beautiful as she did on paper. Her skin glowed, and her green eyes held a warmth as the woman looked down upon Arlecchino.

"She's quite the lover when she wants to be. Don't you think?" The ghost giggled, looking up at Furina's stunned face. Reaching to stroke away her tears. Furina couldn't believe her eyes. This was Clervie. The woman who had stolen Peruere's humanity.

"What... huh... why are you here." Furina fumbled over her words as she watched Clervie carress Arlecchino's face. Seemingly ignorant of the fact the monster was well and truly dead.

"I'm here to return what's rightfully Peruere's." The ghost leaned down to kiss the spot between the monster brows. Arlecchino began to glow just as Clervie did. Furina's watched as the horns began to dissappear. Fur slowly receding into hair, revealing the pale skin of the woman in the torn portrait. Paws shrinking down into strong yet delicate hands. The entire monster seemed to shrink to fit the proportions of a person. The bloody wounds that cried were delicately sealed shut until Arlecchino stopped glowing. She was human again. Uncocious but human. Furina began to sob once again. Tears of joy flowed down her cheeks as she gently pulled Arlecchino's head towards her. Gently laying it upon her lap.

Her dear Arlecchino was alive.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ●× *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Furina waltzed into the library where her dear Arlecchino sat reading those incredibly boring books once again. Why she didn't she get a better taste? Furina didn't know.

"Ah Furina, there's a question I've been meaning to ask you." Arlecchino placed the cup of tea down on its saucer. Her book followed it, leaving Arlecchino's undivided attention upon Furina.

Furina giggled. "As long as it's not, will you marry me."

Why didn't Arlecchino quip back? Furina turned smile, dropping. This time it was will you marry me. Furina had ruined the one moment she dreamed of ever since she was a young girl.

"Oh, archons, it is will you marry me." Furina gaped at Arlecchino, who simply returned to sipping her tea. Picking up her boring to read it again as if she never even spoke to Furina at all. Furina's heart dropped.

"Is it will you marry me?" Furina rushed over to Arlecchino. Ripping her book of her hands ro stare directly into the woman's eyes. This was the biggest mistake of her life.

"Furina. The moment has passed. I won't say it now." Arlecchino's hand went to reach for the book firmly held in Furina's hand. However, Furina only pulled away. Taking Arlecchino's book with her as she rushed back out the room.

"No! Start Again!" Furina voice faded slightly as she ran just a bit further out the room. Arlecchino stood to to call her back however the girl had already rushed back into the room. Declaring they start again.

"I've just entered the library and you say I've got a question to ask you," Furina paused her hurried rambling and steps. Standing right in front of the monster who captured her heart. Heterochromatic eyes staring deep into red crosses. Droplets filled with budding excitement and joy. "And I don't say anything." Furina pleaded silently for Arlecchino to pop the big question.

Arlecchino kneeled down before Furina, gently grasping her shaking hand. "And I say, will you marry me, Furina?" Furina's eyes welled with happy tears as she launched into Arlecchino's arms. Both her and Arlecchino were sent falling to the floor but Furina was so happy. She was getting married to her Prince charming.


✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ●× *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Blue Beauty, Crimson Monster - ChonkCatto - 原神 (2024)
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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Author information

Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.