The Des Moines Register from Des Moines, Iowa (2024)

aHEJOTPA STATE REGIS' TE TUESDAY, KCFOTOEE 29, EDITION, BAlLBOAUSh r-o. 8 soft, oasb, 89 hid; Deoembor, 71 bli FINANCE AND TSADE. TWO SAW THE SHOOTING' they could corns any where near the asking prlc. Taking altogether there was a deolded Improvement and hopeful feeling among ssiot' men. There were fewer of tbe plain and ooui-mon class of natives and a light run of Texatfs and rangers, all of which helped tbe owner and salesman of natives.

On the other band every refrigerator room and oar from Chicago to New York is full of cheap drossed beef, and until tbat begins to disappear there will be no realty iubstautlal advance. Shipping steers, 1,350 to 1,500 4. 00434.00; 1,200 to 1,360 lbs, 8.000 4.15; K0 to 1.CC0 lbs, 2.7:C3.50; Hookers and feeders, 2003 8.86; cows, bulls and mixed; MOC2.80; bulk, 1.B033.25; Texas oattle, 8,000 received, mostly cows, which sold at 1.5032.00; steers, 8. 5r2.75 Hogs Trade continues lactivo; the supply shows a marked falling off and tbe quality was poor. At St.

I.ouls, Kansas City and elsewhere tbe run was light. As to prloes, there was little Of no change as compared with Saturday. Some salesmen called values higher on aooouut of tbe poor quality. The best hoavy sold wlttr- in a rargo of 5.80 to 35; paokors, 5.15 to 5.15; ctmmofl, 4 80 lo 5.10; light sorts, 4.70 to 4 80; pigs, 4.15 to 4.50. Fluctuations or sua ohioaoo makrdt tsb- tnrAr as hkpobtu Br w.

o. council oo, HOOK 10,41 WAIVMITT BTHWrT. Honed was formed. Had analyzed bromoahlo-jaluin about one woek after piollmlnary exam, inatton at Stated what he found. not examine to determine the amount of so ld Gave reason for not finding things not looked for until tbe last day.

Bromlds would not le called a poison. Gave definition of a poison. Could take five pound of tbe saoipis be analyzed without poisoning. Did not remember the same but did the general appearance ol the label. Took about balf an ounce In the tcct for bromide.

Tbe result was a very small fraction of a grain, Judged by the eye only, Took another portion and a diifereat quantity for other constituent parti. About one half or more of fnagneilum rough estimate with the eye. Treatments were mt old and exploded. The treatment to find morphine would have destroyed It If fouud. That Is often tbe case In tost.

have to do (0. Was rot looking fcr morphine alono, or osuld have used another test. Adjourned until 0 a. Monday. YISIMDAY'S TESTIMONY.

Kkoxvillb, Nov. 28. Register Correspondence. Court opened at 2:20 a.m. Prof.

Andrews further cross-examined: Kecelved (he packages before he did tbe letter from the coroner. Had been at home (from the east) about twenty-four hours before he wont to the express office. Left party In bis offloe authorized lo cpen suoh letters as seemed to bs of buslrrss Importance and forward to him. Prof. Dublcn was tbe man.

Could cot aay whether he opened the Kuyper letters or not. Saw lettor frcm coroner to Prof. Dublcn before he did kls order. The package were In tho express ofuoo about a day aud a balf, or two day aftr he cemo heme, before he took them out. Aga.ln related where be had put them, and gave minute dcecription, of the room and Its oontents, also Qulncy ticket ofll located on fie earner of I'catl street and Broadway, opposite the clflc Honsr, and one of the most conspltmous ctrners In the city, was broken opea and burglarized shortly after noon, The ticket agent, Capt O.

Brown, lett the ofB ie In charge ot General Agent M. tntnll, while be went to dinner. Marshall bi-Md the office and went across tho street to the Pacific House. He was gone but flttaan When be returned, tha Pearl door bad bun broken open and railroad tickets taken from tbs casss and sca'tered over the floor, The number ot tickets stolen cannot be ascertained until the company's auditor checks up the office. safe CJiitaln-Uig SfcOO was fortunately locked and not mo-lestec.

Marshall's fifty dollar overcoat and some valuable papers were taken. The entire front ot the office and nearly half of the side Is plate glass and no curtains, and how the daring thief succeeded In breaking la while scores of people were passing on bth streets end commit a burglary and escape notice, Is a profound mistery. Jcdge Loofbourow, In the District Court fc-cay, granted a psrmaueut luj auction 8gaic6t two Mlnden saloons. DIVORCES IN IOWA. THBT ALB EAriDLV ISCRKA3IUO I.Vri5B-ESTIHO F1QUHK3.

Watk bloo, Nov. 27. A Bpeclal agant of the National Bureau of Labor Statistics has tea In this city for several days pastlnvsstlgatiiig tbe number of divorces granted by the courts In this county during the last twenty years. He has visited thirty-four of the principal cc*ntles of Iowa, and finds there havo baea 3,083 divorces granted In those ciuntles dur 3igV I Uw- ilo- lug. oe t.

lng, "7H ":8 1C 75 Kii bin sh 4B lM 44 41 ib 4BK it) 4H'j 45: 4i.i I0i 61 S. (IIS 51 2HJt tH tX 2rl is SKJi iH tilh 31 Hi U3i 14 11.35 11.17-i H.vj 11 40 14,10 14.35 11.7". Iih7 14.7JH H57i 7.05 7.05 7.0) 7.H 7H 7.07" 7.10 7 20 7.23W 717 717 7 43ii 7.45 7.n MM 7M 7.10 7 13 7.1H 7.30 7 2 7U5 7 40 7,40 7.3W 75 10 Buttariiaiuary. ny. Mav, 7a O'fl.

CoiiN-Birorig! No. oaflh, SO bid, 41 asked December, 38K bid, 40 asked: January, 4uk uiu, 11 nenvui nay, iH aia, 1 aicna. oats NO. 8 cash, 23Jf bid, asked. 1 CINCINNATI Nov.

B8. WHiAT-Scarce, firm and higher; No. 2 red, 82X991. Corn Good demand and higher; No. mixed, 50051.

Oatb Suongi No. 8 mixed, 83. Kvjs-Stroiig; No. PoiiK-Flim; 14 60 11 Labd Firm; 7.05&7.12X, Whisky Steady; 1.05. NEW ORLEANS, Nov.

88. CoBN-Soaroj and nrm; ci. Oats Unchanged; No. 8, 88. Cohn Meal Firm at 2.60.

Hoo Phodccts Pork, strong and highor at 14.26: lard, 7.00; bulk meats shoulders, 6.0 long clear ana clear ribs, 7.87J407 61. rEOHIA, Nov.88.-Co!iN-Aotlve; firm: high mixed, No. 2 mixed, and new mixed, 44K015 oats Firm; No. 8 white, 29jGS0; No. white, gBeiiSH Kvk Scarce and nominal; TOLEDO, Nov.

28, Wuiat Firm and hlgb ir; cuen, hi. co*kn Dull and easier: oash, 49. Oats Dull and steady; oash, S3. Elgin Batter aud Cheese. i.luin, Nov.

2S. Sales of butter were made to-day at 31031 cents per pound. Mar kets opened at 3 oents por pound. There were large tfl'eilrgs. Foreign, LIVERPOOL, Nov.

28 WmAT-QuIot and steady; demand offer moderately. lohn Firm: demand fair; new mixed west ore, 5s Id pcrofntaK LONDON, Nov. 28 The Mark Lane Erpresi sajs: Values of English wheat are steady aud the advantage is rather with the setiera, owing to reduced deliveries. Trade in foreign wheat is dull, dragging ana no ehango in quotations At to-daj's market there wore small supplies or English wheat and values wore slightly stiff er. Furilgn wheats were slow en sale; Indian wos 6d dearer.

Corn la soller' favor, BArioy ana oats sieacy. Mve Stoctt. CHICAGO, Nov.28.-C'tTTLB Kooelpts, 8,000 head; strong; fancy, 5.30; shipping steers, 8.75 84 00: stoekcrs and feeders, 2.65; cows, hulls and mlxe, 1 10423.60; bu 1.8J-32.25; catiio. 1 5002.73. llixid Receipts, 80,000 h-ad: strong early, Cft'lng raBler: mixed, 4 beavy, 4.85Q 0 ab 4 suia4.t5: skips, 30.

BiiEKf Hfoelpts, 6,000 head; good strong common weak: nail res. 2.752)4.30; western, 3.0O Q3 75; Texans, 8 lumbs, 3.705.20. BT. LOUIS, Nov. 28 CATTLi-Reoeipts, 1,800 head; shipments, 1 000 head; market steady; rbolco heavy native steers, 4.

302JI.9J; falrto good natives, 8 60Q4.85; butchers' steers, fair to choice, 8. 00J3. do; stookoraand feeders, fair to geed, 1.5OQ)2.70; rangers 8.20O4.00. Hoos Receipts, 8,000 bead; shipments, active abd higher; obolne heavy and butcher' selections, 5.1CO5.30; Yorkerl aud packing medium to prime, 4. 705J3; pigs, common to good, 4.40S4.75.

KANSAS CITY, Nov. 28. Cattle -Reoelpts, 1,11.0 head; shlpmenls, 2,400 head; steadr, ex cept cows and choice butchers' stuff whlon wore ftrorg and a shade higher; good to choice oorn fed, 4 2UQ4.05; common to medium. 8.2034.15; stockers, 2.00J-.OJ; feeding steers, 2H5Q3.10; oows, 1A532 70. Hoos Receipts, 8.060 bead; shipments, -0C bead: etoady; 5Q10o higher; common to cbelec, 4.SE35.G0; skips and pigs, S.OOit.lO.

OMAHA, Nov. 23. CATTLS-RooelpU. 400 bead; prime fat cattle in demand: corn fed nailvee, 4.V6C4.50; good feeders, 2.3134.(5. Krorlpts, 8,000 bead; all sold; steady: ltRbt, 4.65(14 80; heavy, mixed, 4.8) Q4.U0.

The visible Supply. CHICAGO. Nov. 23. The visible supply of grain for the week ending November 2d, as compiled by the Secretary of the Board of Trade, is as follows: Wheat, 39.863,000 busbets; corn, 6 241,000 bushels; oats, 6 501,000 bushola; rjo, 321.C00 bushels; barley, 8,034,000 DES MOINES WHOLESALE MARKS T.

Flocr Minneapolis and St. Paul brands, 8 4GC2.60; Kansas brands. 8.00Q3.50; fancy Nebraska brands, 8.C0Q2.40; Des Moines grades, patent, spring, 2.20Q3.30; winter, 8.4033.80: Straight spring, 1.90(12.00; winter, 8.2533.40; bakers' 1.7001.80; graham, 2.03Q2.25; bolted corn mnal, 1.00 per owt. wheat Old Souring grades at the mills, 693 67 per bushel; new No. 2 spring at tbe mlils, 50 shippers pay 5Gj55.

corn wow is bringing 35B3SC on the street; old, at the staroh works, 35o. Oats Bh noers and manufaoturera Pay zao: feeders and street sales, In wagon lots, 24335, for good lots. RVB No. 2, 85CS7; 8, 1502S. Barley Choice, bS46, from shippers and elevators.

MiLLSiurrj Bran, IB. 00; shorts, 16.00; sortenliig, 15. CO; chop feed, lfl.COper ton. These quotations are for ton lots. HAr Baled Choice prairie, 8.

00 per ton; no. rrairlo, 7.50; No. 8 prairie, 7.00; slough, 6.60 06.60. Choice timothy, 11.00; No. 1, 10.093 10.50; No.

2, 8.00Q9.50. Clover, 7.000.800. These prices are for new lots. Gkeen Frhits Messina Lemons, s.OOJtn.Ou. Oranges, 4 500 5 00.

California Pears, 2.5033.00. Grapes, 2. 2503.60 perorate. Apples, 2, 5DJ1.50 per barrel. vegetables onions, i.3Hi.wi.

uaoDage, 60o per dos. Hubbard squash, 730 por doz. Pwcet pumpkins, per doz. Parsnips, 40 Q50o per bushol. Beets, 50o per bushel.

Potatoes 853M0 per bushel retail: car lots are bringing 5Go per bushol; sweets, 1.0031.25 per bushol. liUTTKR vholoe creamery, zutja; rair 10 good, 16C20; fine dairy, 15C1C; oountry rull, 10 C13; nicclum grades, J10; old stook aud cAfie, 6C0. Full orcam Cheddars, 11: fists, 11, and Young Americas, llb. Those are wholesale grocers' shipping prices. Eogs Wholesale houses pay lor stncuy fresh laid KSo per dozen.

Yi cod In ear ots. free on trsca, per oori Shell bark hickory, 4.50; oak, 4. nil; haokbarry, 4.00; soft wnod per oord, 2.60i33.0J. Hidbs, Etc llutoher's and tarmors otB'); groen cured, 7B7Mi dry, 11; damaged, two-Iblrds price; brnndod, 15 per c*nt off; pelts, 50 fii75; tullow, beeaivftx, ambor, 17; dark. 100.

Oils CarhonPrlme white, 75 13; Champion water wltlto, 11; Perfection, 11; Kxcelalor, 11K: capltoilne, nm is id; Bialne, 17; Extra Lard, 65; No. 1, 45; No. 2, 88: Lir.soed,builod, 51; raw, 48; Minor waite, yellow, 47; NoaMoot, extra, 6S; No 1, 43; Turpentine, 45; Climax Winter Engine, 10 be low nero, 18; Climax Engine, 10 oota lest, id; degree Gasoline, 12; 87, decree, 20. Taeae are wholesale prices in less than car lots. Cattle Good to choice rut neirers ana oow9, 3.80O..86: prime steers, 8.0(Ka3.50; oows, 1.503 2.00; calves, best, 4.0034.50.

Rhekp Prime.f at muttons, 3.50; choice lam S3, 4.00. Hoos Choioo wagon lots are bringing 14.40 at the packing bou3es, and car lov.s $4.80. COMMISSION. O. "EST.

BOMB AO. OOiiiSMasid FBUIIS Car. Second and Caurt Avraust Osft M3c W. O. FORKER Graie vision Brokers Room IQ Cvsr 46 tVninul Sirosl.

Direct wires to Chioago Board of Trade, and receive continuous quotationa. Ordnrs tor pur-ohiipo and sale of Grain and Provisions, for fntiir do'ivprv romntiV eyenitfld, fl-lMiy PICTURES AND BOOKS. Holiday StQckKow Showing fticcs lor Good Qualities aad Editions have never been 10 low. PICTURE FRAMES Kttde to order at Lower Trices than else, where. L.

B. ABDILL, 222 Fourth BtreoU thb CHICAGO ini ilU' mm AILWAT. Th DIroot aad Popalat tta -w- CHICAGO and EASIERHCHIES Aim toll. Paul, Oulnft, QsaacO BeSlJ 0naaa, Dacw, tan Franeltea, Los utaitt, -Aim- AI! Points North and V33L tTw Fact Trains and Qalok TIfflf? SIOUX CITY And rribnuury Points, Tlio 21 ortli-Westcrn Penetrates EIGHT STATES AND TBRRITO EIH3, and reaches nearly aU important cmmeroial and business oenVira, miCESLEEFiBMDDiraSCiBl On all through trains, Time table, maps and information mgardlaf ratea, routes, eto, will be promptly furnish on application to HENB? CASBIDF, General Agent, HIS fourth Strata, Or, O. IT.

W. B'j Station, Hslnaf, E. ttmflAN, H. C. WICKER, P.

iVfLSOW, Osn'lMing'r. Trafflo Mangr. Oenl Pass. Aft VIMOQUMITU WITH VMS lOOftAMIV Wfl CCHtKTDV MIL ttJ IXAMUHN THW MA TMAV TH Br rsMon of ft central coltlon. toJitton to i maml line Eut ct (Ihfoaor.

m.nA AnnMnnrma Haas tenalnsJ poioti Wert, hoHinrentandBoothwsot, UVbm pair trim middl link In thfe tr-uuantlnenr-. rCMB W-feth taTltee aollltti trl 4ad trsOk tlfriif "wuu uafwomi Javiruiwu mmt rtcuw. lb kock iiiavna mtvia iui jtaormnun ina Rock Itin1, in liUnott; DvDport, klTMcteas (ittumwa, Okuooaa Wm LjmI trrtj. low Cltjr, Vb9 Mo)af, LidUjool. WinUrwl, A(V luiao, KnoTTtnr Audnboo.

Hrla J3utrl Oatr survtl Couacll Biufli. la lowiy wlUln, tt.ioww Cvojroo ni Easau Citj. la Aftuoorft LMTWtora ft ad A MJiIon, tn KajiHU; Albert tfnpou mjim it. I'tal, la llinnerioUi Witrtown, Dtkot, ftj luiAdrtdA ot InUrmwilMts oltiM, towai ftAd flUtt a The Creat Rook Island Rout fltranWrf 8pMd, Cooort n-i BaMij to thoM fM trTl OTtr It, IU rrv(ibd li tbnrouchlf lm rack It of heftTy tteel. It brldtf vr to Ltd ttrafrtan of ttontftndirja, lt rolling tockUpArfnctMheAaaA kill ma mk I It tut nil tbe tfty itppiluew hm aeobMtlutl Reniim hu lnvuited and upertetiM irtral valuaote.

IU orctt4U optritlon ooiuemttr nm ntsiAogjru lie atKipuno unci u-j uactvai. tbj i or ot lie pMieugar actummouiw! te i fehe Wit tiniinmfwBtvl in tbe world. AU Kroreta Trelne between Cblen end -He 1 River ooojlnt of Oomf ortute CuMbee, uaiU)ee IMllmavn VsUeoe Ferlor Hleevtof Ctvn, ilefiet BtnlQfl Cere trnrluiiif exrWUnt rrtftlk, m4 6eiree iiicrfo, 61. JoBPph, aitUoa e4 kDMMM mil iwMef Btfcllnlaff Cbelr Uexe. Tho Fnmoua Albert Lem Roufo fl fhfl direct, ferorite line between CbJcawro nd ktmae itpclif eid Si.

Peal. Orer to It route eolid Feet rtvint rnn deliy te tbe icmmer reeorte, plotareeqw-f tooelitlee icd hooting end Cutting frrnnltf ot iowe ejeel llnjrjiiote, ThericJi whwet Aoltia utid t(xI leKle ef Interior ot ere reeobod vim Wetertowa. A efaitrf dMirmbJe route, Tie ficnece end Keu-afcee, off en nn rlor Inducement! to tre? eiere between ClqoIoa-vU, lew dlfuiepolia. Lefayette and Conncii BlofTi, St. Joeefev Atchleon.

Lfevec worth, Kw CMtf. feal end lutraidiAte polnU. Ail eleeeei of petrea nieciellr fupillee, Ullt aoi ohUdr-n. receive 6 iem Aclelt tvnd of Rook Inland trmint KOteoleMaV tpeofut court; aad kindly treatment Tor Hurt, oMere obtaUieble at all ertnefaej Ticket Office In United Mtafcoe aj ieelred lnforaxaUua. addreee.

I. CABLE, 8T, iOff.f. t. M. KOLBMOtHL ert MYe, ewllfkaatMalkji ITUtiAVO, MINNESOTA and NORTHWESTERN Tt IS TEK FopcJar Route and Short Tins TO CHICAGO, ST.

PIUE, MINNEAPOLIS. Ariel ill Points East and Sontli bhucct Lnrs to C'JEUQUI, tT. LOUSt, ti. mm, DC1 H0INE3, ITCKSjtV And i point Gorilla. Axxd ojtat Only line In the Northwest ruanJng PANN BOUDOIR rWM.Afr.W.

Sleeper and Buffet gmokerf on all night trains. Parlor Chair Car aad Hi gmt Combination Coaches on ail day traia. For full lnformaticn applj at naarcn SafJt road llclcet Olbue, or J. A. UANLBT, Traffic Maaag, bt.

ieaui, UlBJk nMSTO MiWl rhan rTar.ias, Nebraska, 0 Hcsttl PJWI icoutai llfoawul Step Gff, -rbils Psssiflf Tixsfigl hffi mi Bo ef th CnvL RaftM NOBTHUM KAILWil, yon wiil Bad UiAl pcrehaae a Uonit aa oha aai on ai good tn as exn be had In either rf to abova looli4 axid in a boautifol he drnutm a eyotooM ara foot baod VU4 I si rlctfD ollt itwi iv ot tar, C. R. COOK, tmlf ratted 4jnt tai ta'u. tht. cmcaaa.

ttO ELEGANTLY EQUIPPED TRAINS BETWEEN DES MO1SK8 AKB OHIOAQO, Omahk, Council Hlaflk, St. Joieph, 1 tnty or ueavar. For tickets, rates, and general tnformaUoaw apply at B. Q. K.

K. LVpoU Uanmv B. Bto, rant Mortow, ra.Marr. ChleMO. 6.

r. 4 T. arvckfctact Aij.WuiQAXatAouSOttKouwa. -1 IW)IM mm lmo VTItnceaea la the Arossd3rf Trial Bay They Saw th Mar- tier and Tbat Did doc Oontralc It i feme Ew'sllonsl Testimony (ht Ralnsbirgar Csse at IMarshtlltowa And.ewj Etill on the Stand at A Ten Thousand Dollar Hire Visits Walnut enoday Morning Fatal Accident to i Ira C. King' Boo at Hason (Jit Uther ktate Hews.

ABENDOEF'8 TRIAL. EIGHT WITNESSES FOB TUB OKFXSSB) T8S-TIFY. Sioux Citv, oy. 28 Special to tbe State 'gut witnesses were examined In tbe Arensdorf case to-day, and It Is Bald now tbat Grands, one of the co conspirators who Is under Indictment, will be put on the stand to-morrow, so it Is impossible to tell when tbe caee will be given to the ary, A. tt, one of tbe witnesses swore to the previous good character of Arenc dorf and the bad character of Leavitt, E.

Ltngworthy and J. FrcdeilcfcBon testified to seeing Leader and Hart on tbe night of the murder, and at the places where Leader teatlflcd they wore, bath, before and after tbe shooting. Alderman Grady swore tbat be did not see John Roboon at Juiik'e on tbe night of the murder and didn't believe be was there. J. C.

Peterwn, alias occupied the stand a good portion of tlte dar. lie calJ he witnessed the mar der from in front the Lone Star rttitanrant, about 100 feet, distant, and said It was not Arensdorf bo fiied tbe that but a man who answered the description of Lslvltt. Witness also saj3 he Deleaves tt was Leavitt but would not swear pnelllvely. "Witness also said he bad bien offered 8200 by Attorney Murphy if be would make a statement to the effect that Arensdorf shot Haddock. Murphy was one cf the attorneys for the grosecntlon for a short time.

Juhi's testimony was much weakened by tbe cross examination. Wm, Smith wrs another eje witness bat does not tell who did the shooting, bat says it was not Aiensdort lie was looking out of an npper window In the Coiuuib'a House, he tajp, aud saw Haddock shot, but did not go down stairs as bo wag disrobed and ready for bed. His testimony is remarkable and were It true wonld show a queer state of affairs The statement has been made by several out side tapers that the leading business men have contributed, to the fund for the defense. In one case It was said that A. S.

GaretEcn had Riven a large This is denied In toto by that gentleman. Certain as It Is tbat the care is stirring np much bitter feeling here, and as Arensdorf is practically without funds, h's friends are no doubt pat ting np for the expense, but that there is any. thing like an organized effort to raise money Is not believed. In fact, the defense had not been near bo expensive as has been pictured, and tbe defense is as hard np for funds as the trosccntion. THE R1INEBARQKR TRIAL, EOME SENSATIONAL Warshaixtown, Nov.

23. Special to tho Slate Register. This was a day of sensations In the Rainsbargsr trial. Early In the day John Hunger, the victim the; recent shooting, hobbled In on the arm of a deputy. His direct evidence was of ordinary character, bat Jue'ge Cole, who leads for the do-fenfie, fell into the State's trztp and on cross-examination tried to make Bnnger admit.

that he bad shot the horse and hlmelf, but failed signally. Several naiw witnesses who did not appear on former trials, testified to day. A furor was caused by the appearance of Jack Reed, a noted bandit and horsethief, of this section, recently sentenced to his third term in the Iiwa penitentiary, as a witness for the State. He swore that Nate invited him to his house In August, 1884, where he remained two weeks. Nate Ralnsbarger unfolded a scheme to procure seven thousand dollars of insurance money by kidnapping Johnson, and If he resisted the plan, killing him.

With the mass of corroborating circ*mstances, Reed's evidence will be very damaging. Another new witness, Walbridga Wesen, of Steamboat Rock, testified to having overheard threats made by Frank aad Nate Rains-baiger in Mans Ralnsbarger's shop, the glat of which was to get tho "old devil," John-bod, out of the way. Johnson's widow also testified. Nettle Ralnsbarger will goon the stand to morrow. The evidence is purely circ*mstantial, but the evidence Is much stronger already tban on the occasion of Nate's former conviction.

THE VAN Da VrCN CA3X satduoay's examination. Kkoxvillb, Nov, 20, 1 p. m. Beslster Corrcppondenoe. At tbe opening of the court BIrs.

Lo veil was recalled, and in reply to q'lejl-tiocs, slated that at tbe time of post morte'm referred to when tho soup was in her houe tut re were bo other persons in her housohold than her mother, egpd 84, in tho daytime only, her husband and herself; that she was carrying on tbe dressmaking business at her home, describes the room, had no employes; doors and windows were closed and locked at night; no one was In the kitohon but the three above named; was pretty sure, not positive; three doors to the kitchen; ooilar door in the floor of tho kitohen, trap door oovered with carpet, bad to raise tbe carpet to find the door, Prof. Andrews was again on tbe stand And further cross-ciamlned; named tbe authors In cl.emislry be bad studied and also stated some of the metheds he bad used, by name, in his anal sis; used some tartarlo add in one of his treatments of the stomach or soup, could not say whloh; gave reasons for some of- his forms of treatment. Analyzed the soup first, for the reason tbat in supposed poisoning from food, a larger amount is expected to be found in the food than In the stomach. The examination of tns sc up was not completed when he began tho examination of tho stomach. Had not satlsaed hlmstlf fully of tbe exlstcnoe of conllne In the soup, though It was Indicate! before the examination of tho stomach, but knowing Its nature examined tho stomach at onoe to see It it ex leted there.

Could not state the exact point where the examination of the soup ceased, aud of the stcmcoh began. Kept a rooord of treatments but not in their regular order as to time. Questioned as to replies at the. preliminary examination (answers not material here.) Ortat l'arity between tbe odor of oonllne and nicotine when impure. Found no considerable amount of the compound of bromoohaalum At the analysis did not know brouii.

had rn uced until tbe laot day; examined one of the precipitate and found alumnla and irffDCPla; then knew soma foreign flubetar bd been In tha Stated intuitu: ot the protiplUtto man- Qovfrementa Dull and Hoavy Utco*ka Weak and L)wr at How York. Wheal Quid and How al i SlIgM Advance-Corn and Ofits Firmer and Acllvo it Higher Plci it Chicago. Cattla Market Shows a Decided Improve mentHog Strong an Active-Stiecp Steady aud Unchanged at the Unloa Stock Yard. riXANCIAL. Money.

N1W YORK, Nov. 8. Money on call wai easy at 7 por cent, nod oloovd offored at por cent. Film meroatitlle paper, QQtS per oonU Btovltnv Mokango dull and teady at 4.81 for aiity day bills, and for demand. flOUa.

NEW TORK, Not. ti. 3overnmen bondi wer dull hod heavy, V. 4' tvg 0. B.

4 rg 107 U. H. i coup U. B. 4V' ooup.iaa; raoino u'ioi Stock.

NBW TOltlt, Nov. 83. The Block mvket Was moderately cotivc, but feverllh and weak nearly all day, leaving prices at the olose ma' terlally lower tbau on S-sturday. The entire Hat li lower. Missouri PaclHo lost Njrtheru raolllo preferred 1, St.

Paul And Union rcifla IX each, Northwoatorn OJiaba 1 por oout caoh. Canada MWNew York Central. 10' Ontral Patinc 8J Ureyou Navigation ill ChluRco 4 C. B.AO i27 Hvtun I reus Mnoifin Mail S7 jLol Lack. A iionver U.O.....

12 via 2a 1). MA Pulliimi I'm. Car Kuartlng it. L. A 8to Fe Prof erred M.

Ht. 1. 3t. P. rrercrreu i Illlno!) Central.

lnd U. 14 Mi 3 4 Kaneai 17S Luke Hbore Louisville NHb. Michigan H7s Missouri M) Horthem C3H Preferred 4H C. Prof erred 1:) Proforrel 1CXM fTnlou Paolllo MK BU ii. 17 Preferred 3U Wosturu Unloa HH CIS M.OINKB MARKttf RIVIKW.

Orricc 8TATI Kwimtca, I TriSDAT MOIIKINQ, NOV. 29, 1837. There were more outside buyers on the mar. Jiet yesterday than on Saturday, and mail orders were In good receipt. Ftour continues un changed, while wheat li free delivery at the Willi.

Corn receipt confined strictly to rati Oati from Brit bandl in light arrival with rail rvculptl fair. Rye and barley la Small move ment. MllHtufTi active. Hay Iteady wlibgaod baled and iooae offerings. Fruits and vegeta bles In good demand from local and country trade.

Ten firm. in fair call for cboloest gradet. Cheese marke easy. There la good movement In tbe oil trade, as well at for wool and bides. Groceries of all kinds steady stnd quite aollve.

Dry goods, boots and shoei, carpets, millinery, eto in good oail. Lioal doalers report good offerings of both cattle and calves, while choice lot are freely taken for home consumption. Tbe market for fat mutton is a steady one. There ll a good demand for hogs, and values are ruling steady with good offerings. Provisions unchanged, MARKETS BY TiXHORtPH.

The Chicago Markets. CHICAGO, Nov. S3. Special to the State Krister. About all tbe nows aud ciraumstaaaes bearing npon whoat values to-day were bullish, cd they brought about an advanoa in price, but Ue grin was small.

The most Important factor and tbe greatest surpdsa to the trade was the showing made by the visible supply atatement of an increase of only bushels. There was about l.OCO.OOO bu. less than hadbeen expected, and the highest prices of the day im mediately followed the annouacomonU Tae cold weather and its effect upon the unprotected wheat plant was talked about, but anothor side to the temperature feature was presented In the dispatches from the northwest announcing that tbe cold weather was the most favorable for farmer's deliveries and woujd be likely to locreaso thorn. Tbe opening prices were about He above the closing figures of Saturday, at H'A for December, UMfflX for January, and 82 for May. Local traders seemed think that these prloes were high enough to make sales profitable, aul under tholr offerings tbe first movoment was downward, December touching "iiZ'H, January WA, and Hay 6243S2ft.

Thon followed a slow reduction until, upon tha knowledge of the visible supply figures, December sold at TCJiOTOy; January, 700 7t', and May, From these figures the market tawed back until the 1 o'clock olose, When December stood at January nominal'? at n'6 and May at 82, an advance for the last earned and most active delivery of fcoover Baturnay'S closing price, but only Ho over theopefling figures of to-day. In May corn, meat aotlve doll very, fluctuation was juet lo on the morning session. The opening was at a litilo under Saturday's cbelng, at 43 'i for Ijocembor, 46 for January and 6V4 for May. Tbe last natnod delivery sold also at HDout the opening at 10, but thou tbe market weakened eomewhnt.tho local traders evidently oountlng on the cold weather and Its promise of Urge receipts. Tbe arrivals here also were larger than expected, 277 cars agalnBt an estimate of 210 cars.

Prices fell to 45M for Dooomber, 45 for January and 00! for May, but tbs deollno was too inslgulficaut to oitcourago ehort sailers, and (in improvement began which carried Dacem-bcr to January to i6i and May to il'A. Top prloes wore not maintained, however; at reaction during the last half hour' carrying them downjintil at 1 o'olock December rested Bt46KQ4G, January at 48 and May at S9X. Cats Kuiten a little ground tbe opening, owing to the early weakness in iorn; Initial tradss In December pnd January bolng at SSK and in May at 31 Is Arter touoliipg 31, May climbod to32K ui der an active demand, and at one O'olock tsi was marked, Deoejnbor otoalng at SS. In piovlaions a strong feeling was oxliibi Jtcd. Tbe prices obtained wsre in some instances little higher than those of Saturday, and the market commanded a good suppurt and closed In a strong condition.

Trading was als) quite fair, though more than ordinarily spasmodic and a little to much professional to glvo entire satisfaction. Early in tbe day a round lot of 10 010 pounds of pork for May were bought by a prominent speculator at 14.75. Tor the first half hour or so after the opening tbe market was very unsettled and holders of future orders found it difficult to make trades. Afternoon Session Wheat firmer; My, 83)6; Deoembor, WAWbH; January, Cjrn firm, Oats firmer; May, S232: Deoanner and January Pork was strong and clos3d at 14.2(tQ14.!2 for January; 14.35 for February and 14.77H914.8a for May. Dard was steady to a shade easier, and closed at 7.05 forNoTeaber; 7.02K for Dcoember; 7.0"K7.10 for January; 9.17X67.20 for February, and 7.43 for May.

Snort rlts wero a trifle easier; January at 5.12)07.15; February at 1.23, and March at 7.36. Cattle The run this morning shows nearly a decrease as compared with lait Monday, and should the following days of the week shov a corresponding falling off, then lookfora sharp up turn. Although the run was comparatively light, the buyers were not breaking their neoks running after cattle, yet they exhibited some uneasiness over tbe situation, those that had urgent orders were early In tha saddle and did not leave a lot of desirable steers when J)10 Jun Cork My Oats Jn FORB Jan Wiiy Laud Fib B.Rins Jan arcb ASl.i'd. tUid Chicago Weekly Market Harlow. CHICAGO, Nov.

visible supply Of wbeatla increaeirg considerably at proscnt, duetolightotearancosat the seaboard, at the lame time it must not be forgotten that the visible is now over 20,000,003 bushels less than for the corresponding time last year, and with a largely increasing speculative demand, and tho foot that foreigners have been heavy buyers of the futuros for some time past gives confidence to holders And confirms a belief la the trsde tbat Kurupe will, before bar-vtst, uAe our entire exportable surplus at much higher prices. Corn again ruled very strorg, and soared a gain ol lo. For months past outsldor had bitn heavy buyers, and when bandjoius proUis were offered between 49o and 43o. manv real ised, believing a sbarp decline was la ordnr, and that tney would be able to get baok their lines at much lower priors; but the break did not materialise, and the heavy buying orders that were received from evory dlreotlon during past few Cays, Indicate tbat considerable long property now held, that was bought at top prloes; tbia, as In whrat, seems to be the weak feature of the markot. and a tumporary break seems to be In order.

But holders of oora wno baunht at what mey'now seam hivh nrloes. will bsaik-. lu our opinion, to finally seouro ban Hons prrnta. Frovlslons ruird strong, and at tlmis the market was exolted and sold higher, but oloilag prices are practloally the same as to ie of the previous week. Outside speculative demand was unusually heavy, while packers were free sellou at the advance.

To us the market loifci terry, fcr, while January pork may, and probably will sell at 15 00, we believe the action of lue packers will first force a break. i CHANUUSa JliOWN Cj.j Produce i CHICAGO. Nov. S8.FLODTI Steady and un charged; winter wheat, 8.5034.00 per barrel; aprirg wheat, 8.504.60 per barrel; rye, 8.759 3.00 in barrels; buckwheat, 5.50Q8.25. Wiiiat Quiet and slow; early spring Hs bfttcr than Saturday's close, but later beoane strcng and closed above Saturday; cash, is; iieoemner, 70; May, 88.

Coun Firmer, active and opened a shado under Saturday's close and oloscd alio high er; cash, 46; Deoomber, 48; May, 51. Oats May delivery attraoted the greatest at-tentlon, although opening 8Xc lower. Taaro was an advance and tho, inuraet oiosed aboat above Saturday; cash and January, ttH; May. 82 7-18. Kva-Quiet; 55.

IIaklxv Nominal; 75. Timotht Sked Prime timothy, 2.80. Flax Sied 1.2231.23. Whisky 1.10. Poita-trnaetticd ana irregular: January.

14.22X! May. 14.77K. JA1111 1'airtrade noted at firmer prtcss; oash, 7.15; Deoember. 7.02: Mav, 7.42VJ. ltoxtn Mt ats Shoulders, 5.7035 81; short dear, 7.45Q7.50; short ribs, January, 7.15.

Bvjitkk Firm; creamery, 2 3329; dairy, 1GX 014. CesiPB Firmt full cream Cheddars, flats and 11012. 15G08 Firm: 1RI021. Hides Uncharged; hoavy green salted, light 7X5 salted bull, green salted dry flint, 12Q13; dry oalf, laai3; dry salted, 10 1 deacons, each, 80. Tallow Unchanged: No.

1 country. 401; No. 2, SXx cake, 4. AirrKKfiOoN Board Whoat, strong; cash, 78: December, May, Com, flrmer; cash, Deotinber, 4ti; May, 61. Oats, etojdy; capU aud January, Ma, 81 7-16.

Pork, unchanged. Lard, Btoadyl casa. 7.05; December, iMii: May, 7.48-4. Receipts. Shlpm'tp, 243,000 121,000 YA 000 03,000 4 0:10 Flour 45,000 Wheat Corn 205 0a9 Oats ,.116.000 Rje 8.001 Hurler 8j.00O NEW YORK, Nov.

ls; exporta, 85.000 busbcis; option declined 4i)e leading to a moderate degree of closlrg firm with a slight reaotlon; caeb gradoa were a ebado lower, dull and heavy; ungraded red, 85fl3; No. 1 red, nominal, 03K; No. 8 red, f6C87'4 store aud elevator, 83a Wi delivered December, closed at 87. Corn Reoelpts, 250,300 bushel; exports none; cash firm and options 4o better; Ungraded, 57te58M; No. 8 58; No.

2, 67K35I elevator, 5B34Q53ft delivered; Deoembar olodoJ at Oats Receipts, 8I.0C0 bushels; exports, nonn; a Fhode better and fairly active; mixed western, 04H37; white western, man. Ci)PFan-8pot fair; Klo nominal: options un settled and lower; No. 7 not quoted; els, 178; PeCPmber. 14 25W14 75; January, 14.t5t.i4.tju; Fubruury, 11.00B14 14.03 14 85. PKTBOircM-Firm; united, 74fi.

Kous Fair request; western, U33liS. PoflK-8u g(iy, with trading light; moos 11,25 for oid; 15.0(15.50 for now. Laud-2S3 points higher and firm; western SK-am, spot, 7.55. Firm and qiiet; western. 14320; western creamery, 17 (Mi).

LiircESK-oulet and very steady; western. 4 en4. ST. I.OUIS, Nov. 28.

Wheat Highor: oaih. 75Q76; Mav, 8't. 10BN Higher; oah 4516; May, Oats Higher; oaeh, SUWiSH; PtnK co. Whisk 1,05. Bcttkh Uuobanired: oreamery.22S23: dairy.

18312. Aftbrnoon Board Wheat, firm; D3Cemb3r, 75J bid; January, 77K bid: May, 84. Ojrn, hijthtr: November, 47 bid: Daoerabor, 44 bid; May, 47. Oats, strcng; May, 81. MINNEAPOLIS, Nor.

28. Whbat Closed firm and fairly aotlve; No. 1 bard, cash and December, 72Ji: January, 74: May, 8J. Nv 1 Northern, oaeh aad December, 704: January, li; May, 77X. No.

8 Northern. cash and Dcoembfr, 00; January, 67: May, 73. Oa track. No. 1 hard, 72(il73; No.

1 Northern, 70XO71; No. 2 Northern, 68. Flour Strong and active; patents, 4.83J 4.4 1: bakers', 3 404') 60. KRCEirrs Wheat, 838.090 buabels. SairMtit* Whnat, 15S.00J bushels.

Flour 250.00c barrel. Wheat In store at Minneapolis, bushels; at St. Paul, 150,001 bushels. MILWAUKEE, Nov. 28 Whbat Strong; oath, 74: December, 74; May, 81HI- Corn Steady; No.

-8, 45, Oats Firm: No. white, 83X- Hra-Qatet: No. 1. 55S- ItARLKr-Steady; No. 2.

71M- Provisions Firm; pork, Novombor, 13.75 014.00. KANSAS CUT, Hot. Uk-WnBAi-Steail; trade a diagram of It. Nothing of Importance, generally, had been brought out whon oourt adjourned at noon. FIRE AT WALNUT.

TUB BUSINESS FABT OF TOWS VISITSTP, CAUSIliO HEAVY LOSS. Walnut, Nov. 27, About daylight tils morning fire broke out In the kitchen of the Central House in this city and spreading to adjoining buildings caused a loss of 810,090. From the hotel, the fire communlcitod to two email buildings, south, and adjoining the buik, a fire proof brick. North the flames slowly worked their way.

burning Rjss' restaurant, John Matson's budding, Franzai'j restaurant and Frahm's temperance saloon. About 8 o'clock It reached Iilohm meat market, which was torn down, bodily, and ctrrlcdinto the streets, thus stopping the progress cf the flitnes. The Avoca fiie drpttrtment was appealed to, but owlrg to the fact that there was no engine In the yards there, they were nnible to rtepotid until too late to be of service. The loeees are as follows: Bank, damaged, fully insure df law office, contents saved, owned by Jobtnnsen, value Insurance 8100; shoe slop, contents saved, owned by Johannsa, value 203, insurance 8100; hotel, occupied by J. It.

Calkins, contents valued at $1,40 and Insured for 8700, partly saved; building owned by Johannsen, valued at 84.000, Insurance restaurant, occupied by Ross, contents mostly saved; building, owned by Johannsen, value 8000, insurance 8500; liaid ball, owned by John Mataon, value $0 no Insurance, contents mostly saved; restau" rant, occupied by J. P. Franz en, contents mostly saved, owned by Frahm Eellmaa, value 8400, Insurance $1)00; temperance saloon, owned by Frahm Hollman, value 550, insurance 8300, contents mostly saved; butcher shop, owned and occupied by Blohm building, value 81,000, Insurance 8400; stock mostly saved and covered by 8300 Insurance. MASON CITY. THE IJLIZZ4.BD A SAD AC0IDKST BSPRK-SKKTATIVK BLYTIIB AN UNBBLIAIUJk UKPOKTKIl.

1 Mason City, Nov. 27. Register Cjrre-ppondence. The blizzard struck this part of the moral vineyard yesterday afternoon and this morning the thermometer registered degrees below zero. Luckily not much snow fell or we should have had a big blockade.

A sad ascldent happened in the family of Ira C. Kllcg, near this place, Thursday. His wife set a boiler of hot water on the fl preparatory to scrubbing, when tholr little four year old boy, In attempting to look Into the boiler, lost his balance, fell In and was scalded so severely that be died In a few hoars, Mr. Kling was formerly Deputy State Superintendent under Yon Ccclln, aud his numerous friends throughout the Stato will ba grieved at the terrible accldont. Representative-elect James E.

Bli the has been to Des Moines and engaged rooms for himself and family during the session of the Legislature, Mr. Blythe Is young, ambitious and a hiird worker, aud if are notmlsUfeeu In the calibre of the mau, will make a gool Legislator. His wife Is a lady of culture aud of more than ordinary ability as a mujlclaa, and will no doubt receive a general welcome to the society circles of the Capital city this winter. Our rcerchnnts report business excellent in all branches of trado, notably so In dry gods and cioUiing. Form produce Is bringing goal prices and the farmer is correspondingly happy and opens his purse strings with more alfcrlty than for some years past.

Next season will seo Mason City got a new railroad tho Winona Southwestern. Tub road has been survejed and work ou thi grade commenced in the early spring. Tnls will give us four roads, besides tho Maion City Austin branch cf the Chicago, Milwaukee bt. riiii, making in raullty five railroads running In here. Speaking of railroads wa wint to remark that the purchase of the Central Iowa by the Stickney syndicate, means a fiaa brick depot, a larger and better round home and a bigger switch yaid for this city.

Ai it Is now they are sadly needed, tho company not being abl3 with the facilities they have to take care ct their immense business at this point The reports sent out by a correspondent here about an Immense strike of the railroad brakemen in the jards of the Milwaukee at this place were mostly without foundation. The Superintendent and a tew ot the men haf eoine wcids ovtf "double headors," bat tha matter was amicably settled la a faw hours, Those that wanted to quit were paid off, aad thofo who did not ara on their regular ruas. This same correspondent again llbsled the town when he reported to the Calcago presj that a man by the name of J. H. Bjojehal falltd here to tha amount of JiO.OOO.

No such a man was ever in tu here, and Mf ou City has had no failure last Jia- nary. A BOLD BUflBLARY. TEE 1 B. Q. TICK1T OFFICE AT TBI BLUFFS.

Cor KCiL Bluffs, Nov. 23. Special to the State Register. One of the boldest burglaries tv committed In this city oocuired at nm today. ujMowu.

CulcJfiOi Bariltoj ing twenty jears, Polk county heads the list with 712, fchUeC-ccola county shows the least number, only few teen. Willful desertion was the cause alleged in a large majority of cases, while adultery came next, with lnhnmin treatment and drunkenness next In ordor, In about CO per cent of the cases divorcos ware granted to the women, and the nativity of a large majority was American. The average duration of their marriage life was about four years. Theee statistic are being taken by J. T.

Sherman and L. C. Hendershot for IoW, but they expect to quit work the first of the month on account of failure of the appropriation. Mr. Sherman's figures, from which the above as quoted, cover one third ot the State.

FOR TOTAL ABST1NANCS. A MOVKMKNT TO SAVE YOUSG MEN. Dum que, Nov. 28. Special to' the State Register.

A movement la favor ot total abstinence from Intoxicating liquors has beon Inaugurated by the Catholic church of this city. At the Cathedral yesterday Father ifo-Cormick, the preacher of the day, aanoanqal that by the request of Bishop Henuessj1 a total abstinence society would bo organld at the Cathedral next Sunday afteraoin. The object Is to reclaim excessive drlnkirs end trevent young men from acquiring ne drirk habit. Father McCormick admitted that It wasn't harmful to indulge moderately in strong drink if that was the end of it, bat it was out of the moderate drinkers that drunkards were made and tbe batter way would be to refrain entirely from tha use ot Intoxicants. The Bishop Is warmly commended by all good citizens for his action.

TOOK GIRL AND MONSY. A CLINTON KKSTAUBANT MAN LEAVES SOB bow BaamD. Clinton, Nov. 28. Special to the State Register.

-M. J. Peck, of the firm of Pack A Pruck, prosperous lunch house keepers here, Is reported to have decamped with a dialng-rocm girl, drawing the firm's balaace la the bank. He left with eight or nlue hundred dollars cf the fii'm's money, and owed several merchants and friends of whom be bad borrowed money. FOR TeK INcSANE.

AN EMTEBTAIHMBNT AT THS ISSAtfE ASYLUM. MouKTpLEASAHr, Nov.215. Register Correspondence. The Inmates of the insane hospital are in much belter shapo, now that the new wine Is occupied, and If they soul reallz the ehai'ge they would be very thankful. As they cannot, the thanks have to be confined ti tbelr keepers and those who have charge over them, for they cia realize the difference la great degree, On Taauksglvlug day a number of the employes of the hospital renderod the drama of "Nevada, or the Lost the building, for the entertainment cf tho less violent patients, and it was a gjeat treat-to them.

The following was the cast of character: Nevada, tbewnndoror W. K. Dillon Vermont, an old miner M. 15. Witta lomt'arcw, (,, I J.

M. AlKIa Danny Dick, Joung miners. Tiir8 Bo(ncrt HI lee Steele, missionary of Wilt reason a 8. H. Anderson Jube, a biHvk miner EM liarous Win-Kye.

a Chinamen E. Eglosipa Mother Verton Linoastaf Agnes Ftilrlee Ava Maxwn Moselle, a waif Nevada Kandolfch LADUI We said yesterday that you'd not te a stranger to oar Bonnets and Hats for a single season, ence you find out how little they, cost and how elegant and grace-; ful they are made. i We repeat it again, for it's as true and honest as a friend's tzec. If you have never had a bonnet made at Mason's, you'd better order one now. We repeat again We'll not 1st? the size of our stores regulate thr dimensions of our business till its the largest in Des Moines, and securest.

You'd Better Come Now. mum store fox and ii Walnnt Street MAGAZINES AND PAMPHLETS Of every description Bound in the Best Styles AT 2'j WALNUT STREET. Mai orojrs will receive prompt aitenKoa, L. B. MERCHANT, tttt Pet tees, Iowa,.

The Des Moines Register from Des Moines, Iowa (2024)
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