Michael Toebe on LinkedIn: #emotionalreasoning #anger #bias (2024)

Michael Toebe

Reputation: Analyst, Consultant, Advisor and Communications

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Conspiracies exist of course, just not near as often as people's emotions believe and those who allow their minds to become infected.You won't convince them otherwise once they contract a bad case of confirmation bias and seek relief in an echo chamber.#emotionalreasoning #anger #bias

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  • Michael Toebe

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    Your legacy is not always what people say at your funeral. They may not know you well enough to realize what ELSE you did in the world. That "what ELSE" can be honorable and wonderful. It can also be awful, abusive, shameful behavior.#reputation #forwardthinking #memory

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  • Michael Toebe

    Reputation: Analyst, Consultant, Advisor and Communications

    Speaking up (eventually) to turn back false narratives that have been circulated about you, your lack of professionalism and bad reputation: "Well, I haven’t felt good about it the last year, what with the way they’ve talked about it. It wasn’t truthful. So now I’m talking about a little bit about what the real truth of it was."Food for Thought:1. You might want to take the high road in a conflict that becomes public or you might not believe in defending yourself for whatever reasonable reason you have decided. That may not serve you well to people who you want -- and need -- to believe you or in the court of public opinion. Yet, it's your decision.2. When you do come forward, if you do, focus on objectivity more than subjectivity, no matter how human you are. That doesn't mean you can't express your feelings. It does mean to focus on the objective to best represent the facts and objective truth.3. Facts, truth and proper context might not be communicated about you. People may believe what is presented by others that is not a factual representation. It will hurt. You can overcome it if you keep your poise and know precisely how to manage emotions and behavior and respond wisely.Michael ToebeReputation Intelligence -- Reputation Qualityhttps://lnkd.in/grE2XEyf#reputationtrauma #reputationcommunication #publicrelations #PR #mediainterview #CEOadvisory #COOadvisory #founderadvisory #politicalcommunicationsadvisory #communicationsadvisory #business #politics #sports #entertainment #technology #highereducation #medicine #law #reporter #writer #journalist #broadcaster #host #HR #communicationscounselor

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  • Michael Toebe

    Reputation: Analyst, Consultant, Advisor and Communications

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    AI Voice Cloning: How Dangerous? -- "No one is safe from voice cloning... only 3 seconds are voice are needed"Reputation Intelligence newsletter: https://lnkd.in/dFzER-nYA conversation with Josh Weiss, president and founder at 10 to 1 Public Relations.Highlights:1. “There have been some deepfake scams affecting big-time CEOs. Thisthreatisn’t something business leaders should be concernedabout in the future, itssomething that is already starting to affect businesses today.”2. "A fake AI-generated video or AI voice clone showing or saying your company leader stating that your big new product is going to be delayed by months, leading your stock price to drop so that short-sellers can make a killing before you even start to mount a defense."3. "A fake AI-generated image of key staff committing a crime appears just as the selection committee is choosing the winner of an important bid, creating enough doubt that they select your competitor instead."4. "A fake AI-generated audio recording where your company President appears to be on the phone making racist and inappropriate comments, creating a staff and customer uproar."5. "It is crucial for businesses to proactively prepare for potential attacks and enhance their crisis communications plans. They can do this by incorporating deepfake-related scenarios and strategies for safeguarding reputations."6. "As AI increases and the digital transformation continues reputation management will become even more important. New threats such as the threat of deepfakes or AI-generated images, video or audio files will evolve so it will be important for companies to consistently update crisis playbooks and strategies."7. "I believe the most dangerous time for businesses is in the next 18 months. Big companies and platforms like Meta and Google are slowly adding features to help identify and remove deepfakes. However, until those features become permanent elements of the platforms and until the awareness of deepfakes is better established in society, deepfake attacks and AI voice cloning are a very dangerous threat. 8. "A lot of individuals and companies are likely to be attacked... Responsible leaders will prepare organizations for AI threats such as deepfakes and voice cloning."#reputationrisk #careerrisk #reputation #reputationintelligence #business #PR #publicrelations #voicecloning #riskmanagement #CEOreputationadvisory #COOreputationadvisory #reputationrisks #maliciousAI #CEOAIadinsights #CEOAIadvisory #founderAIadvisory #founderinsights #politicalcampaignAIinsights

    AI Voice Cloning: How Dangerous? reputation.substack.com

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  • Michael Toebe

    Reputation: Analyst, Consultant, Advisor and Communications

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    Social media comms for leaders (Big Think), by Tim Cooper, freelance financial journalist:1. Not long ago, the regular use of social platforms by corporate leaders was rare or even unthinkable. Now, it has become the norm, with companies seeing it as a fresh, immediate and relatable way to engage audiences. 2. CEOs dabbling in social media is a strategy riddled with #risks though. Several have paid the price with bungled communications damaging #reputations and #shareprices and even costing a few their jobs. 2A. Elon Musk’s tweets landed him in hot water, including with regulators; CrossFit #CEO Greg Glassman resigned in the wake of offensive tweets; and T-Mobile CEO John Legere had to delete controversial #tweets during merger talks.#ExecutiveInsights:1. Brenda Christensen, CEO at Stellar Public Relations, says: “In an age of low trust, many people value the transparency and directness of social media, especially younger generations. They see it as more honest communication.”2. It can also enable leaders to control their narrative, steering clear of media spin. Jonathon Narvey, CEO at Mind Meld PR, says it’s an understandable response to unbalanced, narrative-driven journalism.He points to Musk. “On social media, he can say what he thinks unfiltered... ”#Warning:1. Despite the upsides, there are pitfalls. Rafe Gomez, co-owner of VC Marketing, Inc., warns that CEOs communicating without guidance from PR professionals is a “horrible idea.” They risk making careless, rash reflex responses.“They need to be filtered, edited and saved from themselves by experienced practitioners,” says Gomez. “Professionals can calm and focus executives to avert #messaging disasters, brand damage and #buyer alienation.”2. “Have you ever texted something in jest, only to have it blow up in your face? Imagine that on a corporate scale. Without #PR guardrails, a tweet can go viral, turning a minor hiccup into a full-blown crisis," says Kraig Kleeman, CEO of Z-Branding.Be Thoughtful:1. "CEOs need a healthy relationship with the media. Bypassing #reporters with crucial information won’t make friends in the press. One negative story can damage reputation substantially," says Ryan McCormick, co-founder at Goldman McCormick PR.#Remember:1. Develop self-awareness.Michael Toebe, consultant at Reputation Intelligence, says corporate leaders may not understand their own #impulses or risk of expressing something clumsily or recklessly. “If they can understand audience expectations and be poised, sensitive, compassionate and clear, that’s helpful,” he says. “But not all corporate leaders are wired this way.” They can become emotionally triggered, arrogant or defensive. Mitigate these risks by honestly appraising your strengths and weaknesses and communicating alongside advisors you can defer to if you are prone to slips, or feel dangerous impulses building. https://lnkd.in/eyuvF4xW

    Post like a maestro: Social media comms for leaders bigthink.com



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  • Michael Toebe

    Reputation: Analyst, Consultant, Advisor and Communications

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    What is Kristi Noem Doing to Herself? Why Doesn’t She See It?Reputation Intelligencehttps://lnkd.in/gpxzS3Ju#politics #decisionmaking #KristiNoem #careerdecisions #decisionrisk #decisionanalysis

    What is Kristi Noem Doing to Herself? Why Doesn’t She See It? medium.com
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  • Michael Toebe

    Reputation: Analyst, Consultant, Advisor and Communications

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    Cutting risk management staff draws criticism, defenders: Lloyds Banking Group planned to cut jobs in its risk management function after an internal review found it was a “blocker” to strategic transformation, according to the Financial Times. Neil Hodge (Compliance Week)Lloyds’ Chief Risk Officer Stephen Shelley said two-thirds of executives believed risk management was blocking progress while “less than half our workforce believe intelligent risk-taking is encouraged.” The bank was “resetting [its] approach to risk and controls” so Lloyds could “move at greater pace,” with a focus on non-financial risks. Highlights1. Prasad Sabbineni, co-chief executive of governance, risk, and compliance software provider MetricStream, believes referring to risk functions in such a way “creates a view of risk management as a siloed center process instead of a proactive driver of strategic advantage.” 2. “The job of risk management is to advise executives so they can make more informed decisions, not rubber stamp them,” said Hanna Hasl-Kelchner, M.B.A., J.D., founder and president at management consultancy Business M.O.“Smart executive decision-making requires listening for the purpose of understanding, not summarily shutting down inconvenient information by calling it a ‘block’ on what they want to do,” she said.3. Michael Toebe, founder of consultancy Reputation Intelligence -- Reputation Quality, said, “Any organizational leader, group of executives or investors believing risk management is a block to strategy are engaging in dangerous emotional reasoning and recklessness that could eventually prove to become a case of job-ending—and career-altering— malpractice.” A dismissive attitude around risk management could also lead to ramifications for corporate governance. “The odds of whistleblowing increase if risk management advisory is dismissed and devalued,” Toebe said. “Look at most high-profile incidents or crises and you will find weak governance at the core of it.” 4. Jakub Ficner, director of partnership development at ethics and compliance software provider Case IQ, said Lloyds’ memo sends out “mixed messages” about the value of risk functions.“It suggests a desire for greater agility and responsiveness in strategic execution, possibly indicating the existing risk management framework might be overly rigid or conservative. "It raises concerns about the potential dilution of checks and balances that are critical for maintaining prudent operational and strategic standards.” 5. Jonas Jacobi, CEO and co-founder of AI risk management startup ValidMind, said the strategy shows Lloyds “fully understands the need to move quickly to keep pace with the rate of technological change. If a bank’s risk andcompliance functions are slowing that ability, they’ll need to rethink that structure and reevaluate the relationship between risk and innovation.” #businessreporter #businesswriter #PRrisk #investorrisk #CFO


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  • Michael Toebe

    Reputation: Analyst, Consultant, Advisor and Communications

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    'Judge Judy' Sheindlin sues for defamation over National Enquirer, InTouch Weekly stories: “When you fabricate stories about me in order to make money for yourselves with no regard for the truth or the reputation I've spent a lifetime cultivating, it's going to cost you,” she said in a statement. “When you've done it multiple times, it's unconscionable and will be expensive. It has to be expensive so that you will stop.”WHY? "For a story that she said falsely claimed that she was trying to help the Menendez brothers get a retrial after they were convicted of murdering their parents."1. Sheindlin said she's had nothing to say about the case. 2. Note: "... it's unconscionable and will be expensive. It has to be expensive so that you will stop.”3. Lawyers on different sides now get to do their thing. The forecast: It will likely be raining money for "Judge Judy." And it will be an expensive settlement or judgment.4. Lesson? Be careful to think about how inflammatory of communication that you're communicating about someone and the level of confidence and judgment in which you are conveying it.#defamation #reputation #journalismversustabloid #truth #career #publicstatements #mediaanddefamationhttps://lnkd.in/gD9X5mxv



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  • Michael Toebe

    Reputation: Analyst, Consultant, Advisor and Communications

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    LeBron James' voice, power -- and perceived power -- is said to carry a lot of weight wherever he plays professional basketball. If he is unhappy, colleagues (players) and leadership within an organization feel it strongly and know it. Of course, the primary reason for James' discontent is his high standards for the ultimate team success: being the very best, no argument.A question posed: James, player-coach for the Los Angeles Lakers? Columnist Jay Mariotti and former player and coach (and multiple-time champion), Byron Scott, say, make it happen. Mariotti's point about the blame game James is known for playing when team success is not championship level, is "Why doesn’t LeBron serve as a player-coach? That way, he can fire himself."Ouch! That will be judged as disrespectful by many and reasonable by many?Scott says it's happening now, why not make it official.“I got nothing but love and respect for LeBron. I love him. I think he's one of the greatest players that ever played this game, but it's obvious to me, at least, that he's making a lot of decisions in this organization from a coaching standpoint to a player standpoint," Scott said on Fox. “As far as I'm concerned, the only person that he's going to really trust is himself, and since you're making a lot of these decisions anyway, why not put him in that seat?”Can such a leadership structure work to achieve the specific goal of earning a championship and should a player also be the leader, not de facto, but in title, authority and power? And would James want, whatever the outcome, that too to become part of his legacy?https://lnkd.in/gE_eFnuU#leadership #executivecoaching #sports #NBA #LeBronJames #LosAngelesLakers #playercoach #reputationquestion #reputation #businesssuccess #success #starplayerdiscontent #careerlegacy



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Michael Toebe on LinkedIn: #emotionalreasoning #anger #bias (22)

Michael Toebe on LinkedIn: #emotionalreasoning #anger #bias (23)


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Michael Toebe on LinkedIn: #emotionalreasoning #anger #bias (2024)
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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.