Kalamazoo Valley Alumni Newsletter Fall 2012 - [PDF Document] (2024)

Kalamazoo Valley Alumni Newsletter Fall 2012 - [PDF Document] (1)








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Grads Find Future In wind 7Build On strengths 3 Area educator started Here 4-5

dOuG KnOBlOCH ‘78Associate of Arts

Kalamazoo Valley Alumni Newsletter Fall 2012 - [PDF Document] (2)


Coordinator’s Welcome Alumni+ Calendar of Events

This is the third issue of Kalamazoo Valley’s Alumni+ newsletter. Like any good news publication, we strive to inform and entertain. Our underlying goal, though, is to ensure that Kalamazoo Valley continues to enhance your life.

We know that in today’s high stress, high tech world, our relationships with others are what matter most. That’s why we love to hear your stories and share them with other readers. We’ve been thrilled to hear about your journeys. We’ll continue to share your stories and news about the College.

There are many opportunities available to reconnect throughout the year. “Once a student, always an alum” is the message we hope you’re hearing loud and clear.

An alum, as defined by Kalamazoo Valley, is anyone who has earned course credit at Kalamazoo Valley Community College. This includes students in our academies. Our goal is to keep all past students connected with the college.

There are many advantages to being an active alum. You are welcome to access career and job information through the college or to gain experience through volunteering. Networking with other alumni across the state, nation and world provides valuable contacts and resources. Active alumni are also invited to special gatherings and college events.

We invite you to become an active member of the Kalamazoo Valley Community College Alumni+ Program. Participation is free.

Editor Karen Visser

Managing EditorDawn Kemp

Design + PhotographyThomas Wrench

Board of Trustees Susan L. Miller ChairmanDerl D. Oberlin Vice ChairmanAnna Whitten SecretaryA. Christian Schauer TreasurerMary T. Gustas TrusteeJeffrey E. Patton TrusteeT. Kenneth Young Trustee

Marilyn Schlack President

Alumni+ Newsletter is published twice each year: fall and spring.

Questions about Kalamazoo Valley Alumni+ or this publication may be directed to the Alumni Relations Coordinator at: 269.488.4314 or at [emailprotected]

Kalamazoo Valley Community College6767 West O AvenuePO Box 4070Kalamazoo, MI 49003-4070

tell your story and listen to others.facebook.com/KVCCAlumni

October 2012StrengthS mOnthJoin us for a guided Q&A followed by a complimentary lunch.October 10, 11:30 am–12:30 pmOctober 24, 11:30 am–12:30 pmStudent Commons Forum, 4230 TTC

Saturday, november 3, 2012, 1 pmLadieS baSketbaLL reuniOnOpen to past and current playersTexas Township Campus

Sunday, december 16, 2012, 4 pmwinter 2013 cOmmencementMiller Auditorium, Western Michigan University

Spring 2013Juried aLumni+ art ShOwCenter for New Media, Arcadia Commons Campus

thursday, may 16, 2013OppOrtunitieS fOr educatiOn dinnerRadisson Hotel & Suites, Downtown Kalamazoo

Many of the more than 23,000 graduates of Kalamazoo Valley Community College have moved, changed names and phone numbers over the years. Perhaps you are one of them.

Please be in touch and update your contact information at [emailprotected] or visit us at facebook.com/KVCCalumni.

Karen VisserAlumni Coordinator

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Kalamazoo Valley Alumni Newsletter Fall 2012 - [PDF Document] (3)

College Updates


Updates also available at www.kvcc.edu/news and at facebook.com/KVCCAlumni

m-tec name changeCreating an educated workforce skilled to meet the demands of a changing economy has been the focus at Kalamazoo Valley Community College’s The Groves Campus since its inception in 2001.

Originally opened as one of 18 M-TEC facilities across the state, the Center was financed by a $5-million grant from the Michigan Economic Development Corp. with $6-million in matching funds provided by area companies and foundations.

This change, along with a new website launching later this fall, and printed marketing materials, help align the Groves Center with the rest of the Kalamazoo Valley brand.

OctOber StrengthS mOnthThe purpose of the Strengths Lunch ‘n Learn program is to develop a common language and understanding around each of the 34 Strengths. For those who share the featured Strength, this discussion can provide validation of its value. For those who do not, the discussion helps us to understand and appreciate its value in others. www.kvcc.edu/strengths.

See Alumni+ Calendar of Events, p. 2 and join us!

herman miLLer exhibitSeptember 9-January 27Explore the design process used by the famed West Michigan-based furniture company. See both vintage and contemporary furnishings created through the company’scollaborative problem-solving work environment.


Anna Barnhart loves learning so much that she earned two degrees from Kalamazoo Valley, completed the requirements for a third degree, and continues to learn as much as she can while working at the Kalamazoo Valley Museum.

Barnhart graduated from Heritage Christian Academy in 2005 and earned associate’s degrees in general studies and animation at Kalamazoo Valley’s Center for new Media. She has also completed the requirements for an illustration degree. She’s now working as a custodian at the museum and plans to transfer to Western Michigan University. “Kalamazoo Valley is close to home and affordable,” Barnhart said. “When you don’t know what you want to do, there are a lot of options.”

Barnhart became involved in several extra-curricular activities on campus. In 2006, she was part of the New School immersive learning environment, a group for students who wanted to go deeper in their studies. She was also president of the college’s Rock Hill Theater Players and was the volunteer coordinator for KAFI in 2009.

Now, the Kalamazoo Valley Museum is holding her interest. Barnhart started working at the museum as a greeter guide in 2007, but transferred to the custodial crew in 2011. “It’s nice to see how things grow and progress,” she said of the museum’s exhibits. “I don’t think most people realize that the exhibits are swapped out two or three times a year.” She has enjoyed seeing Batman costumes, Herman Miller furniture, planetarium shows and hands-on science experiments. “You can do hands-on activities in the science area that your high school probably didn’t have,” Barnhart said.

Barnhart thinks the planetarium is another of the museum’s hidden gems. “I was there when they installed the new laser system,” she said. “It’s 50 feet across, 30 feet high and video games all around. You learn a lot right there.”

Barnhart is focusing her artistic abilities on painting. “I’ve always been an arts person,” she said. “I’m heading in the painting

direction.” She has paintings up in two galleries and also on a website. She’s excited to see where her talents will take her and is happy to be enhancing her artistic side with a daily dose of science

at the museum. “You’d be surprised how you can use science with fine arts,” she said.

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educAtor Got His stArt Here

Kalamazoo Valley inspires Leader

Doug Knobloch firmly believes in the transformative power of education. As a high school student in rural Martin, Knobloch didn’t consider the possibility of going to college until a counselor steered him to Kalamazoo Valley. He played basketball at Valley and earned an associate’s degree before transferring to Kalamazoo College. From there, he went on to earn a master’s degree and held teaching and administrative positions in public education.

Knobloch said Kalamazoo Valley was the perfect starting point for him. “I didn’t have a lot of prior knowledge of how college worked,” he said. He was the youngest of five children. Neither his parents nor his siblings went to college.Knobloch graduated from Kalamazoo Valley in 1972 and was among the first students to take classes in the Redwood Building. He fondly remembers retired U.S. history instructor Paul Millikan. “I referred to him often as I began my own career as a social studies teacher,” Knobloch said. Philosophy instructor Bob Badra, who still teaches at Valley, was another of Knobloch’s favorites. “It was a wonderful place to begin— a good stepping stone,” Knobloch said. “I made the transition to Kalamazoo College very well because I felt very well prepared.”

Knobloch spent 37 years working in public education before retiring in 2011 as the superintendent of Schoolcraft Community Schools. He received a bachelor’s degree from Kalamazoo College and a master’s degree in Educational Leadership from Western Michigan University.

Knobloch’s wife, Nancy, is a retired teacher and administrator from Mattawan. “We both steered a number of students to

Kalamazoo Valley throughout the years,” she said.Nancy opened the Garden Gate Café in downtown Kalamazoo in the spring of 2012. Today, Knobloch helps at the popular eatery and also works as a consultant for HUMANeX Ventures.

Still, he hasn’t forgotten his start. “Kalamazoo Valley provided me a chance to make myself more secure in my academic abilities,” Knobloch said. “Kalamazoo Valley was the beginning of my academic career. It was really a good place for me.”Knobloch said he was fortunate that great opportunities for advancement presented themselves at the right time throughout his career in education. When his wife opened the cafe, he assumed a new role. “My wife has great energy,” Knobloch said. “Her personality carries the place. My role is to be as supportive as I can be in that business.”

That theme carries over to all of his endeavors. “You have to want to help other people,” Knobloch said. “You can’t be successful in education unless that is at your core.”

Watch the video at kvcc.edu/alumni

Kalamazoo Valley was the beginning of my academic career.

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educAtor Got His stArt Here

Video interviewWatch Doug’s video!www.kvcc.edu/alumni

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CATChiNG UP WiTh LArrY TAYLOrAutomotive Technology Program Coordinator Larry Taylor has always loved taking things apart to see what makes them tick. “That’s typically the characteristic of an auto technician,” Taylor said. “We’re curious about how things work.” That’s why it made perfect sense for him to start dissecting the Auto Tech program when he became the lead instructor in 1997.

One of the first tasks he tackled was to complete a needs assessment to determine if there was enough interest to keep the program running. The answer, Taylor said, was a resounding yes.

During his first year on the job, Taylor taught six classes and was the only Automotive Technology staff person. Today, 25 different courses are offered and the department includes part-time and full-time staff members.

“I’m really proud of the program and the team we have,” Taylor said. “I’m proud to be part of Kalamazoo Valley Alumni and the school itself. Kalamazoo Valley has a lot to offer.”

Taylor was born at Bronson Hospital and grew up in the area, but moved to Tennessee while in high school. “Kalamazoo has always been home,” he said. “My grandparents were always here.”

He started his college education at Kalamazoo Valley. He earned an associate’s degree here, a bachelor’s degree from Siena Heights, and a master’s degree from Ferris State University. He worked as a technician before he began teaching, bringing practical experience from the work world right to his students.

Taylor said each semester there are about 324 seats available in all of the various classes offered in the automotive technology program. “It’s a pretty full house,” he said.

Taylor knows the program’s effects are far-reaching. In fact, a former student contacted him through Facebook to let him know that he’s gone back to his homeland of India where he set up a customized auto shop. The 10-bay shop is one of India’s largest. “Those are the rewards,” Taylor said.

Profile in Excellence Photo Section

Kalamazoo Valley swimmers reunite.

Volunteers worked to indentify archival photos.

Career Fair links alumni to job prospects.

Student speaker Melvin Arnsman welcomes our new alum at the Spring 2012 Commencement.

First annual Alumni+ Art Show was a success.

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Kalamazoo Valley Alumni Newsletter Fall 2012 - [PDF Document] (7)

Pat Tritschler was destined for a career in maintenance and repair. “As a boy, I used to disassemble objects, understand the functionality and reassemble them,” he said. He moved up from electric- and gas-powered remote controlled cars to fabrication work and installing electronic devices on full-sized cars, troubleshooting computers, installations and repairs. Because he valued education from an early age, Pat took a full load of classes at Purdue Calumet, working early mornings as a pre-loader for UPS and working a second job after classes as a furniture installer. This was all before the age of 18, when wind caught his imagination.

“I graduated from KVCC on June 30, 2011, and started work July 4,” Tritschler reports. He went to work for Vestas, a well known, global wind technology firm, located in Ellsworth, IL, where he steadily and quickly advanced. Passing the international BZEE Certification accentuated his employability. He was promoted from a Tech 1 to Tech 2 within six months of employment, reflecting tremendous ability and career potential.

“My greatest success,” said Tritshchler looking back at his early circ*mstances “was to overcome being a statistic.” How do two 18-year-olds and their newborn child make it in today’s economy? Tritschler and his fiancé, now planning their wedding, are intent on proving it can happen. “We are getting married this year, have a healthy two-year old son and now live in our own house,” Tritschler said.

Thomas Sutton, Associate Director of Kalamazoo Valley’s Wind Energy Center, recognized Tritschler’s potential from the start. “Pat was very driven to succeed in the program from the start,” said Sutton. “He was a motivator for the class and was always willing to help out any way that he could. This has carried over into his career as a technician and he has become one of the go to people at his wind farm. He continues to help support the program by stopping back during each

session to answer questions and share his experiences with the new classes. He has arranged to provide the WTTA with old parts from turbines they repair and is always ready to help refer someone to Human Resources who is looking for employment.

Sutton called Tritschler a strong advocate for the WTTA and the methods used to train within the program. “Pat is a great example of the type of technician that the program produces and a great ambassador for KVCC,” Sutton said.

Sharing his positive outlook on wind energy, Pat believes that wind is a field that does and will employ thousands of people—from pouring the concrete foundations to manufacturing the blades. Success, he believes, is up to the individual and depends on how well you leverage the education and training you receive.

A fUTUrE iN WiND Wind Turbine Technician Academy a perfect fit for graduate

Wind Turbine Technician AcademyThe Kalamazoo Valley Community College Wind Turbine Technician Academy (WTTA) provides a competency-based, fast track program, covering 35 specific competencies and related credentialing highly sought after by the wind power industry for the construction, operation and maintenance of utility size wind turbines. A Wind Turbine Technician is needed for every 10 turbines. The Kalamazoo Valley WTTA is certified by the Bildungszentrum fur Emeuerbare Energien (BZEE), headquartered in Husum, Germany.

For more information, contact Lesa Strausbaugh at 269.353.1289.

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Alumni+ Program6767 West O Avenue, PO Box 4070

Kalamazoo, MI 49003-4070

Special Announcements

For Kalamazoo Valley Dental Hygiene Alumni: An opportunity to earn CEU’s at an incredible event tentatively scheduled for spring, 2013. Update your contact information today by emailing [emailprotected] or [emailprotected] and we will send you details and an invitation.

We invite all veterans, both students and alum of Kalamazoo Valley, to contact [emailprotected] and/or to email [emailprotected]. We want to know, honor and serve you.

The 15th Annual Women’s Basketball Reunion is scheduled for Saturday, November 3, 2012. The celebration begins at 1 pm, preceded by a scrimmage involving this year’s team. Meet and Greet will follow for alumni, the current team and players’ parents in the Commons, Texas Township Campus. Players should RSVP to [emailprotected].

the Perfect Gift

For your favorite Kalamazoo Valley alumni(mom, dad, sister, brother or self!) Available now at the Kalamazoo Valley Community College Bookstore


A Veterans Tribute Garden is planned for construction at the Texas Township Campus of Kalamazoo Valley Community College.

Honor a veteran today with a tribute brickwww.kvcc.edu/foundation

VeterAns tribute GArden

Kalamazoo Valley Alumni Newsletter Fall 2012 - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

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Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.