Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Express from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Expressi

Washington, District of Columbia

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WASHINGTON RIDAY JULY 17 1857 Mdfau THE LATE BUNKER HILL CEREMONY Idi dium rofu frotn itock ly of THE CROPS th ilid read read the one July 4 eo3m UB i be it Ihy 50 3 32 78 37 63 GO 71 McPrail ConmiMionor gvthsr i farm if parepetty home aveai it ions prinjf men lore! hick pay 15 th of tort rio th ii for tif Mito 1 not niah George A Kensel Charles Morgan Abram Wildrick rancis Beach st orad and dity past 1 ridel mi er fittly art able nail ru Ring I the Tree 3 HRS edjthe I Estate 23d of that made id re a a given tiling near" stains build 0 feetf the WVOR 1 sen the strict of improve ng eight I an ica Sftoen to aeantifnj springs Yardliar ad poueas 51i 7threnue (SON riKuZ re mile 1 at theesbnrg ho farm uts well thy and in cuL vegeta i portico her out let and ON re for upper resi Tho riling ier it itehen I atone a with ear the' ty Mat ns 295 50 wall ration a good ho im lixteen lienee most order ilroad It sill be oaents UviBymery Ivauia Tuesday next MAGRUDER WALTER LENOX CHAS STANSBURY SEATON W5f BAYLY TODD A BRADLEY GEO 8 GIDEON 8AML BACON WM DOVE GEO RIGGS Joseph Smith Haldemaud Putnam OBDNANCE George Strong: OUR RELATIONS WITH NEW GRANADA The Navy Department is in possession of the following late and interesting intelligence: United States Steah rigate Roanoke Aspinwall June 25 1857 Sir Tn the absence of the commander in chief I have the honor to inform you thatintelligence has this day been received (as I think from a reliable source) giving the most encouraging prospects of a speedy settlement of all the points at issue between our Government and that of New Granada Nathan Kartright Esq British Consul at Carthagena has written to Capt Erskine of her Britannic Majesty's ship Orion now at this anchor age as follows achice Geo Steel Tho Harris Brown Mileop Alfred Newton Sliney Cha fl Moran John Malley Ililler Micbaul Seannell John McKinney David Watt Martin Dolan Geo Williams Bailey Thomas Qululey Ed Lee Bailey Robert McGanity Patrick Dodd Reams Brangan Gao Wolff Bridgman John Dempsey Denis Byrnes IL Price Norton Peter Gallagher A King Samuel Dneiaeker A Sperry Benj Downes Mn Simes Janies Attarnelli Nolan Speirs Langley Jas Spanks Oliver II ish Manning Kimmel Liberty and Union now and forever one and GeoElliit Samuel Watts Oaks ang anon Jas White Ryau Boggs Ed O'Brien John bheriden A Cooper Oscar Burt Patrick Bren an rank Caransgb Bull Quincy inians A ThOui John A Rlveh Wni lresley Henry Tallmadge uuuii vee Jah Hynes Thos Egan John Curreu Jas Dubbins Win Lucas Maguire Chas Wihion Tlfos Hardy John Cor corn Samuel Walker1 IJhaher Wm Malcke Khingsobr Innmeu JamesMasloor ARMY MOVEMENTS IN UTAH The War Department has just issued general orders in accordance with which the arrangements for concentrating the troops in Utah are to be made The most important points are embraced in the following 1 The 2d dragoons Sth infantry and 10th infantry as they assemble at ort Leavenworth will be prepared with the battery of the 4th artillery now at that post to march to and establish a post at or near the Salt Lake city Territory of Utah Brevet Brigadier General Harney will command the whole force above described continuiugnn duty accord ing to his brevet rank and at the earliest practicable day will put the troops in route but will untilthat time retain his command of the troops in Kansas 2 On the 1st of January nejxt after the Territory of Utah shall have been entered by the troops it will consti tute a new and separate military department to be styled the department of Utah and to be commanded by Brevet Brigadier General Harney or the senior present who will from the time of leaving ort Leavenworth commander of a separate army in the field within the sense of the C5th article of war young theextensive sale of his book we copy from the Lrnion the annexed notice of the publication Political Pezl lioo'tc or Enrtelooedia 1 iro COAL COAL COAL: Wo are now ready to deliver all kinds of White and Red Ah Coal Those laying in winter supplies are requested to call before purchasing In creased facilities for trade enable us to deliver any amount of fuel at the shortest notice All f*ck warranted as represented 2240 lb to the ton Coal kept in floored and roofed yards Wood Wood Wood! Also on hand a choice lot of Pine Oak and Hickory Wood all of which will be sold at the lowest market prices We would remind those who have accounts standing with us that we do not open' account with the view of doing a credit business but for accommodation only and do earnest ly request an early settlement A GALT Northwest Corner 12th and streets No 547 July 8 lOW one square south Penn avenue JBOUjf Br rvductiv Xu about NEW AND ATTRACTIVE ENGLk Louie Napoleon Bonaparte hie Life am vole withateel Portrait $2 Russell's Modern Europe from the Rise of th (Kingdoms to the Peace of Paris in 1850 New editiu a compendious index 4 vols hhlf bound calf $10 Ocean Gardens The History of the Marine Aquarium the best methods now adopted for its establishment serration By Noel Humphreys Beautifully illuetrat by colored engravings $325 The Art of Travel by rancis Gallon RGS $2 A Life of Napoleon Bonaparte illustrated 75 cents The Household Manager by Charles Pierce 88 cents A Manual of Domestic Economy by Walsh assisted in various departments by a committee of ladies Illustrated with more than two hundred wood engravings half bound $2 rank Adventures on Land and Water by Ger stsecker With tinted illustrations by Harrison Weir $1 Just imported by TAYLOR 4 MAURY July 17 3t UnionAStaj Bookstore near 9th st IfXW YORK CORRESPODSKO New York July The Hon James Guthbie now on a visit to this city has been treated with great respect The merchants in vited him to meet them at the Exchange this afternoon which he agreed to do and the Common Council have tendered him the use of the room in the City Hall to see his friends Travellers will be gratified to hear that the New Haven Railroad Company have opened their spacious and hand some passenger depot at the corner of ourth avenue and Twenty seventh street which is quite an ornamental as well as convenient building Seven persons have arrested for attempting to violate the quarantine laws They had dressed Mary Magee a passenger ip clothes 6to enable them to pass her on shore from the ship Ellen A Win The contest about possession of the Mation houses is ended Mayor Wood has signed the resolution of the Councils for delivering over to the Metropolitan Police Commissioners all stations and police apparatus connected therewith Superintendent Tallmidob has issued an order for repairing and cleansing ttem At a meeting of the Board of Cmmon Council last evening an injunction from Judge eabouy was served upon the members restraining then from trnnsrerring HJBLIC MEETING CITIZENS The citizens of Washington are requested to meet at the Common Council Chamber in the City Hall this (riday) evening at 8 to take measures for giv ing a suitable reception to the Corporative Bodies of Sts Louis Cincinnati and other Western cities who are ex pected to visit our city on KATTh large centre house in th block ef buildings recently erected on the south sid ot Indiana avenue a little east of the City Hall and within a short walk of the Capitol square formerly occupied by the Peruvian Minister Alsothe adjoining house in the same block Each hous is in good order and fully furnished with evely convenienc for the comfortable accommodation of a large family with fine stabling and carriagehouses on a thirty feet alley in the rear Also tho very commodious three story brick dwelling house on the east (ide of Sixth street first north of theUni rian Church which is also in excellent order and a very pleuit place of residence information apply to the subscriber at his re sidence corner of south and Ninth streets near the Smith sonian Institute) or through the post office July lawittMAc WILLIAM DOUGLAS likely to be realized The wheat croj especially is all that could be desired In Maryland fair average crop rom the middle States ac I counts are more variable but it is retsonable to expect at least a fair average yield The gnat Western wheat harvest though rather late wilgmerally commence about the middle of the present morih Winter wheat we know they would I was killed to a' great extent in the northern portions of Illinois Ohio and more or less thriughout Iowa aud Wisconsin The ground having been replanted with spring wheat the quality of much cf this grain from these districts will be inferior Little danger is now ap prehended from either excessive rain insects In the Eastern States crops of English grain are believed td'be as good as usual although backward particularly Indian corn The latter with more favorabie weather will be an average crop Potatoes and the coirser esculents will be abundant ruit too promises a large yield except in some limited localities In Indiana last year the wheat jtalker (Capt) realized amounted to 13000000 of bsshels This year Smytb it is estimated at 18000000 It will thus be seen that Wni Presley I rom nearly every section we have he same favorable I 1 I I I 87) rtrt 1 A aukiAAv puvjcivtu uaa urigDL aim cheering aspect The clouds which threatened a short I time since have disappeared The apprehension and I anxiety have subsided and confidene is again visible in I our commercial monetary and business circles generally Baltimore American New Yobk Cattle Mabkets The Times states that the cadle markets were largely over sapplied yesterday Lthe offerings for the week amounting to 4090 and these mosqy of medium to fair quality This is nearly double the qffantity wanted at this season when the influx of I is small and large numbers of residents are absent Prices as a matter of course fell off consider Mobe Slavers gGzED vTbeavannah corespondent the best much more than this on the poorer grades full six of the Richmond Dispatch wyttes that the barque A hundred cattle wereleft over unsold last evening notwith Rawlins of New York was 'seized at that port on the standing that many butchers bought in nearly double 9th instant by the city government authorities as a I lheir usual supply slaver Iler cargo is to be discharged and if she is all A Child Bubnt to Death On Sunday morning a correct she will be allowed to proceed on her voyage child three years old daughter of Mr Coleman Barteau The brig lora which arrived at New York on Mon residing in Brooklyn was burnt to death by her clothes day from the coast of Africa reports that a British fire had matches lying about cruizer captured the American brig Wm Miller on or I nw among some I on the floor These blazed up and set fire to about the middle of April I her dress British Consulate Carthaoema June 20 1857 Mr Griffith writes me that instructionshave been sent to the New Granadian Minister at Washington to cede every thing to the Americans and decree to the Governors of the littoral provinces to communicate that fact to any ships of war which might be sent out from America to the shores of New Granada with hostile in i The acting United States Consul at Aspinwall (Mr A Murrell) also writes me in confirmation of the above as follows The differences between the United States and the Republic are likely to be soon amicably arranged as the Executive has been it is said authorized by Congress to settle them at once and on the best possible terms Instructions will probably be transmitted by the present mail to Gen Herran on the I am indebted sir to the courtesy of Capt Erwkine of the British uavy for the extract from Consul Kirt letter furnishing the first information of this im portant determination on the part of the Granadian Gov ernment and as Mr Griffith from whom Mr Kartright derived his information is the British Chargfe at Bogota there can be scarcely a doubt of the accuracy of his statement Capt Erskine assures me that it may ba entirely relied upon Should official notice of the fact be received by me in time for the ensuing mail it will be duly transmitted I have the honor to be sir your obedient servant MONTGOMERY Commanding frigate Roanoke The Hon Isaac Toccey Secretary of the Navy Advices from Bogota state that the New Grana dian Senate has passed the following bill authoriz ing the President to settle 'the pending questions with the United States by a convention without the necessity of a ratification by Congress The Senate and Chamber of Representatives of New Granada having taken into consideration the message in which his excellency the President has made known to us the present conditions of the relations between ourRepublic and the Republic of the United States of North America and considering the importance of arranging by means of negotiation the claims for indemnity made by the aforesaid Government on account of losses suf fered by her citizens the 15th day of April 1856 at Panama it is decreed Art 1 That the President be authoiized to arrange and settle by amicable agreement the above mentioned claims and to bring the matter to conclusion without further requiringon his part the approbation of Con gress he being solely prohibited from trenching on the rights of the national sovereignty in any respect or from so acting as to affect the territory of the National Gov ernment or the property in the railroad on the Isthmus of Panama which property at the conclusion of the term granted in privilege to the present owners will be long to the National Government Art 2 or the completion of the terms of the agree ment mentioned in the preceding article his excellency the President is authorized to demand and accept the ar bitration of some friendly Government whose decision in the matter shall be binding upon each of the contract ing nations ipLEGANTLl URNISHED HOUSE for Rent The subscriber has for rent the house in buildings recently occupied by A Atocha Esq The hous 'ts completely and handsomely furnished in every respect a satisfactory tenant th rent will be made moderate JAb McGuire Jun6 29 eod2w Anctioneer and Coni Merchant According to the despatches received at the Navy Department from Aspinwall the Saratoga was ordered to sail for San Juan del Norte on the 20th and the Cyane sailed about the 5th for Boston Captain Montgomery of the Boanoake says that unless some provision is soon made for the trans portation of the ick of men now on board that vessel nk shall be compelled to proceed to he Belize in order if possible to land them at New Orleans The well men from the Northern States would be sent home in the barque Release The Louisville Journal discredits the painful re port brought by the Western telegraph towards the close of last week of a fatal rencontre having taken place between Messrs Cox and Mason op posing candidates for Congress iu Kentucky No thing was known of the affair at Maysville on the 13th instant and the Journal saj's there can no longer exist any doubt that the report of Mr death is without foundation The Cincinnati En quirer also which gave currency to the rumor now announces that the story is untrue and that the gentlemen above named have had no serious dis pute or controversy A most extraordinary event is about to occur at Mos cow about the middle of next month the sale of the jewels belonging to the Empress Catherine which have been in litigation ever since that sovereign's death PROMOTIONS AND APPOINTMENTS IN THE ARMY Promotions and appointments in the Army of the United States have been made by the President since the publication of General Orders of June 1 1857 as follows PROMOTIONS COBPS TOPOGRAPHICAL ENGINEERS irst Lieut William ranklin to be captain irst Lieut William Reynolds to be captain Second Lieut Joseph Ives to be first lieutenant Second Lieut Henry Abbot to be first lieutenant ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT irst Lieut Thos Brereton to be captain Second Lieut Oliver 0 Howard to be first lieutenant IRST REGIMENT DRAGOONS Second Lieut Milton Carr to be first lieutenant SECOND REGIMENT DRAGOONS Second Lieut John Villcpigue to be first lieutenant Brevet Second Lieut Wm Sanders to be second lieutenant THIRD BEGIMZNT ARTILLERY Mjor Charles Merchant to be lieut colonel Capt John Scott to be major OURTH REGIMENT ARTILLERY Lieut Col rancis 3 Belton to be colonel irst Lieut Albert Magilton to be captain Second Lieut John Goode to be first lieutenant first regiment of INANTRY 1 the books and papers of the Street office Major Gouverneur Morris to be lieut colonel to the custody of the Corporation founsel An unsuc third regiment of infantby I cessful attempt was made to sit vith closed doors to Capt Nathaniel Macrae to be major I prevent the service of the injunction A resolution irst Lieut Henry Sohroeder to be captain I tendering the hospitalities of the cityto the Mayors and Second Lieut Junius Daniel to be first Heutenant I Councils nf Tnnia i A i Sergeant Alex Shipley to bo bre of 8 Loms and ncinnat who are expected vet second lieutenant 5 I next week was So shall have another APPOINTMENTS I era of jollification It is to be hopedthat ourgnests may I not be doomed to a sight of a regular New York riot 1 tr We have had several amusing Balances of the en RohJrt RarthnUwre aur8e0D tanglements consequent upon judicil proceedings The Kotifrt uartbolow to be assistant surgeon I 6 I Judge grants an injunction to prerent certain things THIRD regiment ARTILLERY being done another issues a rertioian and a third in Alexander Montgomery to be second lieutenant terposes some other legal process xml the spectacle is OURTH REGIMENT of abtillery presented (as well remarked by Mr ied) of the three Lawrence Kip to be second lieutenant I appearing to act as if they were attempting to check omuvKT of infantry I mate'one another or all this the psofle who fancy Wm Lee to be second lieutenant I tney govern inemseives are oiusd i0 pay tie Edward Dillon to be second lieutenant The city has been quiet td day and the nev police are military academy active in their efforts to preserve the peace Instruo Patrice de Janon instructor of the sword exercise to Hons have been given to the police to be cartful and for be Professor of Spanish bearing It is stated that the most intelligent of the The following named Cadets graduates of the Mill Germans the Eleventh Ward depreca the late dis tary Academy are attached to the army with the brevet of second lieutenant in conformity with the fourth sec aBd without exception declan that they mean tion of the act approved April 29 1812 to take rank I lo the laws and live peaceably but it the same timt from July 1 1857 I assert that they have been deeply wrongeo by the police corps of engineers I Superintendent Tallmadge has given orlers to double John Palfrey Edward Alexander I ke regular police force in the Seventeenth Wank andfo Richard Meade jr Henry Robert preserve the peace of the ward at all hazaids He safe corps of topographical engineers I ward cannot under any circ*mstances surrehdertd William Smith to any body He states that they now have positive formation that the disbanded policemen been inri ting the Germans to riot Respectable Germans and I among them the marshal of the funeral procession of I Miller have assured him that their countrymen heve erguson I t)een misled uy these discharged officials Reno I Additional force has been sent to Point to relieve the men there and to aid nTpreserviag the peace Comptroller lagg to day drew a warrant for $100000 to meet the demands of the Metropolitan Police but the Mayor declined to sign it and returned it with his ob jections Thus the Mayor interposes difficilties atevery point where there is a shadow of excusi for it He I may overact his part It is stated that tie rent of sta lion houses during the embroglio will cost th city from fifteen to twenty thousand dollars i A formal demand was made by Mr Draier President of the new Board for possession of the office George Ryan but Mr Devlin refused to give up an but the small Robert Anderson room which contains the telegraph apparaus Charles arrand tl Thomas Lee Tbe Uemocras are to be secretly ttgauizmg so Lafayette' Peck I aa to make the present excitement availabe in the next I election which will be held in November TRANSERRED The squabbles about a system of streetcleaning are Second Lieut Richard 8 Lord 3d artillery to the I UP The annual cost of the work imperfectly exe 1st dragoon to take place on the Army Register next cuted is stated at half a million of dollaa Some of below Second Lieut Wm Gaston lLe merohants on Broadway are making up a purse CASUALTIES Ruignrd I for more effectual work on that great thoroughfare irst Lieut Benjamin Allston 1st dragoons I The scene at the burning of the State Luaaic Asylum' Declined I at Utica is stated by an eye witness to have ben'Sone of John Heth the appointment of second lieutenant 6th I the most extraordinary ever witnessed Were were I I groups of the crazed inmates some laughing some THE AMERICANS TN COSTA RICA 80me igbt others mare calm I trying to soothe the troubled spirits oftbair companions The San Josi of the Gth of In tuc 8rore outh where were gather! together some June contains the following document expressive I more violent the scene was still maze barrowing of the gratitude entertained by the American filli but bere were incidents which brought jut the better busters remaining in Central America for the kind Parta of humanity in all their brightnea and pathos treatment they had received' at the hands of the pSone the inmates were injured Costa Ricans The project of travelling through Begen Hill New TO THE WORLD Jersey by the Erie Railroad Company iromises to be We the undersigned known as deserters from the I luite a success The New York Times fives a minute forces of Walker after having become convinced that his I account of the progress of the work Th monthly con cause was an infamous one and that the basest deception slimption of powder for blasting has beet five thousand had been practiced upon us in the United States to entrap us into his service do hereby desire to make an4 for bbt about eleTen of known to the world and especially to the Government candles have been used The rock is vry hard The aud people of Costa Rica our sentiments with regard to I Times says the manner in which we have been treated by them since we abandoned the robber who deceived us and threw Tbe Pfy straight andl311 feet long ourselves upon their generosity tbe th aPPrhes It is to Inasmuch as we do not speak the language of the 23 feethigh and 30 feet wide The htding is driven country and cannot therefore hold much intelligible the(uPP? ParLof Jb tunne1 bu eight fee thigh intercourse personally with the people we take this ep anj WCJty hlU srluVe height portunity of thanking heartily all those citizens of San be abV Yatcr Jose and elsewhere for the many acts of individual kind of tbe 18 17 reet and drains ness shown us and hope they will not think us ungrateful I writer east and west from the cenre The whole because at tbe time we could not express our thanks in I worlc 18 driven on with energy day night There language 5 I are now employed on it about 1200 mo and it is ex When we consider the fact that we came into Central bY Otb Nojember it be finished1 America as invaders (unprovoked and that for a long I tbe cara the Lne railroad can 'each the river time we battled fiercely against her people doing them bY tbl3 rou'e thy will save one mile of stance between much wrong and injury and that since we have been ughter and tho Dunnejtreec depot in amongst the Costa Ricans as deserters from Walker we 1 3 als? aaTe operating the cars over a have been treated with all the kindness and considera r9e of 60 eet someBOO feet of cur tion that old friends could have expected instead of the 8ave of tbelime made over fierce inhumanity whicli we were always told by Walker I tbe dersey railroad and his infamous myrmidons would be perpetrated upon I tu vi us wuu Buuum nut miu tueir iiBiiug We are filled with sentiments of the deepest gratitude ana esreem lowaras tne Government and people of Costa A general survey of the country win reference to its Rica such as language can but poorly express All we can say is God bless and prosper the President prospects for the current year authorizes aud people of Costa Kica Never again under any in le mOst cheering expectations Theheat crop espe duccments shall our hands be raised against either and I cially a raosi flourishing condition and in a large when we arrive in our own country where the bounty of portion of the Southern States it is )lready secured Costa Rica is soon to send us our voices shall be raised loud and long in denunciations of the infamy of those barvest 18 nearIy completed mSouth Carolina who from interested motives deceived us into an unpro Georgia Alabama Mississippi and alarge portion of voked war against a people who have returned the ill we I Virginia and Tennessee The breadthjf land sown with havft done them with kindness and compassion when this grain in the principal wheat growng States exceeds reduced to want humiliation and misery by the above I mentioned system of infamous duplicity Ind false repre that of last KePorta respecting the other small sentation I cereals are almost as favorable Morris backward and Again we say God bless Costa Rica! It is our desire I has been injured to some extent by excessive rains In lbatJ1'3 Teeb'e expression of our sentiments should be Pennsylvania the highestexpectationjof the farmers are nunlishfat in every miner th ITmteJ Atnia oa A trOBTi I ing on the one hand and advice on the other against future desiffDfl UDon the lives and welfare of mir enuntrv I 1 men by infamous delusions which can result in nothing I will be the probable result uui wrung suneriDir Humiliation ana aeatii There are now in the country around San Josh more than sixty of our friends and comrades employed by the people and paid much higher wages than they pay their own people They are all contented and in good condi tion ana tney were nere whd i gladly endorse what we say NAMES John urlough John VVilsou Geo Cross Merrill McDonald Lorfe John Warren Chas Macon McAllister Hugh McNabb Cadwell Samuel Legget Julus Brown Donner 5 Hynes riry I li 11 James Jognn John Morau William Grorgr William Ruhon John Webber Theo Klingsbor Christian Krua Robert Jcksun John McGuire Thos BuUrfivId GilpXtrick Moore William Wall Chas Campbell JBas Cuminghan 9 SweiMTY II Mjlchell) wnton JohA Sheriden Ges Blair Jiflin Wetherspoon! Thos Robinson 1 Amongst the host of spectators at the late inte resting ceremony at Bunker Hill was Mr Willis who has furnished to his paper the Home Jour nal some glowing descriptions of the impressive scene As was natural his spelling emotions found expression in his most felicitous manner as the annexed excerpts from his second letter will exemplify My last letter told you of Mr Everett's eloquence on the seventeenth and you will easily 'conceive that its like a sea toss upon the waves after a storm 1 with the swell to sit and realize the spot and its associations after such stirring of patriotic memories The military band followed after with a solemn 'march while the statue wasunveiled the heroic marble telling its wn story to the multitude as the superb canopy of flags was slowly drawn aside And I remember to have seen nothing in my life more dramatically effective It warms a statue wonderfully into expression to have ten thousand eager admirers gazing at it with the same feel ing at the same instant and I must own to a thrill of emotion very strange under that multitudinous magnet ism I tried to say something to the friend my side but could not for there is a gate some where between heart and brain that proves too small somehow for the passing of a thought ten thousand strong Why sheuld these best throbs of our whole existence so choke off the most emotional human utterance Tell us oh Agassiz While thus powerfully impressed by eloquent speech nd eloquent marble with a representation of the men aw have had it was both apt and gratifying to seet upon the stage before its in the eloquence of life and reality a representation ofjhe men toe have got itly of the most distiiigujahed gentlemen of our country occupied the honor upon the platform and studied their physiognomies with very great interest or fine studies artistically speaking the sculptor would have chosen two heads nearer to the Mr of irginia and Mr George both men of large stature and full person but alike remarka ble also for that massive nobleness of feature that cuts well in On opposite sides again and next' to those gentlemen were two younger men whom it was impossible not to classify as you saw them within re'h ofyach other a pair of intellectually mode! heads of in domitable firmness Gov Gardner and Speaker Banks Then there was the embodiment of the Pilgrim ideal in the apostolic and scholarly features of the President of Harvard and there was the large hearted humility of a Howard in the marked lineaments and self forgetful air of the inunifiesnt Cooper and there was Robert Win throp with his inheritance of the air gubernatorial and healthy Burlingame the well woven triplicate of fun fluency and fire and Col Aspinwall the Wellington looking veteran who was chief marshal of the day and the straightforward and prompt President of the Bunker Hill Association Mayor Warren who as the descendant of the hero in marble was the proper spokes man and host pon these and the forty or fifty other eminent men upon the raised platform I looked with the natursd in terest of comparison as the orator called up for us once more the shadows of the heroes of and in the Vivid array of the two periods I could feel no disparagement of dur time With jjause for another revolution there would be plenty of miud for it as well as plenty of strong will courage and patriotism' no spectator of that scene eould have a doubt Of the main procession of events the newspa per's have given faithful account but there were two incidental features of very dramatic interest to me two instances of personal look manner and bearing which the reporters have alluded to very slightly Both were I unforeseen in the programme the appearance of a I ginia Senator upon the platform and of a young lady of I seventeen among the audience below the latter a lineal I descendant of the hero whose statue was to be inaugn I rated and of these let me say a word in passing I "Mr fine head had interested me aa he sat npen the stage though I had failed to discover who he was by inquiries of those around me When Mr Win throp with 'his usual parliamentary felicity introduced him at last as the well known Senator from Virginia my curiosity was naturally increased his position before thl audience of seven thousand (very nearly at an odds political and sectional of one to six thousand nine hun dred and ninety nine) being ne of rather formidable embarrassment He arose aud stepped forward to the table and I vain scrutinized his features sitting very neaf to him as I did for any trace either of discomposure or defiance His calm eye made the circuit of ion while he collected liis thoughts for reply to a sum mons wholly unexpected Of his speech in giving the substance the reports make au imperfect representation The fluency the deliberateness of accent the dignity and well balanced measures of epithet and rhythm admirable under any in extempore were here even curious in their perfection But it was in lhe air and bearing of the man that his conscious quality of soul his instinctive wul character and purpose were most elo jjuently expressed Of intellectual repose and of the calm courtesy of manliness kept habitually in training Lis whole presence was the type undeniable Dignity so absolutely faultless both of mien and tone fine as it would be with the most elaborate study an prepara was in this critical impromptu of the Virginian Senator very remarkable 1 of the young lady of seventeen who sat within a few feet of Mr Mason (if I may be permitted to sayo of apparently the same stock and breeding) Ifet me venture to record also my impression Ry accidental detention of her father a grandson of Gen Warren Miss Newcomb whose residence was in the interior of the St ate had arrived late in Boston ac companied only by a youthful brother to attend the pre sentation of the statue The Committee of Arrange ments hearing at the last moment ef her presence called upon the lady well known as the Queen of Boston hospitality to strangers requesting her to act as chape rm to the interesting guest as she could not be included regularly in the procession Promptly acceded tb by Mrs Ous the duties of convoy and introduction were most cordially and kindly performed nearly every per son of distinction during the ceremonies or the festivities at the being formally pre sented to her Tall for her age and of very fine form and very marked superiority of expression and personal tearing she played her conspicuous part in that cele tration as her heroic ancestor could he have looked out hiaeyesof marble would have been proud to see" waa but a school girl remember yet by the great nnmhAv uu great variety or strangers who in turn ad ssed her she was in no way disconcerted Her re plies her smiles aptnesses of civility and conversation were of a taet and well bred ease which aPrincessBoyal sight have taken for a model It is evidently superior olood in good perpetuation thus far and to see Miss Newcomb playing her part" in this scene could but strengthen the conviction of the day that America is not yet upon the The grandson of Gen Warren alluded to by Mr Willis as unable to be present at the ceremony ii a resident of Washington where be has for some years filled a small but respectable office The adjustment of the grant of land made to the States Arkansas and Missouri by the act of Congress ap proved ebruary 1353 to aid in the construction ofte ralroad from a point on the Mississippi river opposite Cano Illinois via Little Rock to the Texas boundary teat ulton in Arkansas has recently been completed at Genial Land Office and approved by the Secr of tliepHerior This road is three hundred anil one miles in length running diagonally through the ou eastern portioa of Missouri and th Entire State df 111 a Kreat connecting link between th Central and the Texas Pacific railroad now ii CXr amount of land alrcadv toPMi1Oned thC 016 8rant is aa follows: onemin0" thousand acres and to Arkansas one thousand acres making a total of The er hundred aad twenty five thousand acres Uttle Wa'he COn3tction of branches from Memphis Vein and from Hopefield opposite adjustment WSee' to Iiydfi now ia procesa THE LATE fiECRETAHY BTAtt If Mr Marcy had lived longer he would probably have left the country additional evidences of his wonder ful controversial ability at least on one of the subjects ic had engaged his attention in hie official correspon dence with Great Britain It will be remembered that when his masterly letter in reply to the propositions of the European Powers relative to the abolishment of pri vateering appeared the British and some of the Conti nental journals discussed the subject adversely to his views and their article? were usually copied by the press of the country without comment and were no where combatted with the ability and skill required by the dis cussion In accordance with his request his brother in law Mr George Newell had collected in a book all the articles adverse to Mr doctrine These extracts Mr Marcy had in possession with a purpose of preparing a review of the leading objections to his arguments and of vindicating and reasserting his former conclusions It is not probable however that he had at th time of his death progressed far in his undertaking Veto York Evening Post At our last interview with Governor Marcy which was on the Gth of May he spoke of his in dention to prepare such a series of papers and was pleased to say that 'there was no medium of com munication with the public which he should prefer to the Journal of Commerce He however ex pressed some doubt whether he should be able to complete the undertaking prior to his departure for Europe One of the ablest of his correspondences as we have reason to that with the rench Minister relative to indemnity for property destroy ed by the bombardment at Greytown has not yet been published Of course we have not seen it and what little we know of it is derived from other sources than the distinguished writer Without drawing invidious comparisons we may say with undoubted truth that America has fur nished very few statesmen who in their intercourse with foreign diplomatists some of them men of gret intellectual powers have uniformly acquitted themselves with such marked ability acd success as Governor Marcy Journal of Commerce 5I1SRAL ATERS Rockbridge Alum water Bedford Water Congress Spring Water Empire Spring Water Blue Lick Water A freeh supply of the above waters boa recenxly been received direct from the Springsfnd will be sold iuquanti ties to suit his customer? CHARLES STOTT Druggist and Apothecary por 7th st A Penn we jnly 8 4t2awif 1 30 pieces White Linen Ducks thick and thin fine md coarse for coats pants and vests 40 pieces plain White Linen Drillings aud White Mar stilles Vestings 100 pieces Shirting Linens pure all linen and cheap i 20 pieces Linen Sheetings all widths 40 pieces Table Diapers and Damasks some very fine xWide and stylish With an ample stock of best class dry goods generally for family consumption One price only no deviation All bills rendered July 1st will be eottled before opening new ones Good articles low prices and fair dealing nigy be re lied on in all cases PERRY A BROTHER Central Stores" west building July 13 dlOtif opposite Centre Market VALLEY EM AXE INSTITUTE At Winchester Va THE fourth annual session of this Institution will com mence September let 1857 and continue five months The of Instruction is complete and superior adran tages are offered for a thorough and polite education or further information send and get a catalogue rvnn a LA MONTE A Principals and Proprietors AMERICAN new illustrated Hand Book of American Travel with careful maps of all parts of Hie country and pictures of famous places and scenes froiSforiginal drawings by the author and other art ists Price $2 mailed free on receipt of $225 in stamps or otherwise The American Guije for the United States ourth edition beatftifuliy illustrated price $50 Mailed free on receipt of $180 in stamps Slavery Ordained by God by A Ross DD price $1 On sale by TAYLOR A MAURY June 26 Bookstore near 9th street JOB PRINTING Executed with Neatness aud Dispatch at Opposite office of National Intelligencer 15 7 mar 28 eoifly OICE THE CONSOLIDATED LOTTE A RIES MARYLAND TheTollowing are the drawn numbers of the Patapsco Lot tery Class No 162 drawn July 151857 51 63 25 64 71 4 21 10 23 49 74 18 The following areihe drawn numbers of the Susquhanna Lottery Class No 27 drawn July 15 1857: 74 13 76 70f15 52 32 68 10 44 22 38 The following are the drawn numbers of the Carroll County Lottery Class No 29 drawn Joly 16 1857 76 13 43 8 15 29 7 24 54 19 58 32 The following are the drawn numbers of the Patapsco Lottery Class No 163 drawn July 16 1857 25 1 40 47 74 RANCE CO jui7ir DEPARTMENT Thomas Baylor DRAGOON Thomas Berry Samuel Charles Walker Marcus A cavalry arm John Macruder George A Cunningham REGIMENT MOUNTED RILEMEN Henry McNeill Ira Claflin ARTILLERY ARM William Sinclair Augustus Robinson Edward Warner George II Weeks 0 INANTRY ARM Aurelius Cone Paul Quattlebaum John 8 Marmaduke George Holt Joseph Conrad Edward Conner DHSI RAHIE property MIR HALE The summer residence or qE0 Bibb about two ride' from the District of Columbia b'8 larm contains about 400 and lies beautifully for division The owner will sell tho whole or a part with orjthout the stock On the place there ia a fineXnew house ueariy finished be sides the filly rerideree a great deal of excellent fruit an some fine horses and cattle The place is proverbial for its healthfulnes? and delightful waters or further particulars inquire at his residence corner of ayette and Second streets Georgetown or through the post office of the same place yjumi 24 law3m (Star) GEO BIBB INTERESTING MILITAR nOGKS Aldershot JL and all about it 75 cents Experience of a Civilian in Eastern Military Hospitals with observations on the English rench and other medical departments and the organixatiai) of military medical schools and hospitals by Peter Pincoffa Lugd $150 The 'Militiaman al Home and Abroad be mg the History of a Militia Regiment from its firstjraining to its disembodi ment with Sketches of the Ionian Islands Malta and Gib raltar By Emeritus Illustrated by Leech $3 Just imported by TAYLOR 4 MAURY Bookstore near 9th street iuly 17 3t Union and Btar MUST OLD I have lately received six Refrige rators and a Benson is getting advanced and I am determined not to keep will close them out at a great reduction from former prlcea Some of them are Scooley 8 patent the best Refrigerators brought to the city They have been tried for years and have always given entira saUafaciion I can refer to numbers in this citv who hava bought them and pronounce them excellent they must be sold Aho an endless variety of Housekeeping articles at the lowest prices eo3t RANCIS 430 Seventh street OK SALE on accommodating terms part or all of Square 511 Inquire of Mr SpaldinO street be tween 9th sad 10th streets June 9 Lot No 2 in subdivision of square No 279 Ironting 23 feet 4 inches on 0 street by 1 08 feet 4 inches deep to an alley GENERAL AGENCY? A GALLAHER Real Estate and General Agent Dubuque Iowa Land warrants bought and sold for parties East Lands carefully selected and located for cash or bought on time Taxes paid on lands of non residents and their interests care fully and promptly attended to Titles investigated and in formation given as to quality of land and prospects of profit' Collection of claims attended to aud remittances promptly made Terms moderate Address as above July 14 LOCAL MATTERS Criminal Court Two or three witnesses were exam ined yesterday morning in the case of Robert Cross in dicted for an assault qn officer Thomas Robinson with intent to kill him when counsel Mr Chilton prayed the Court to give the following instruc tions to the Jury If the Jury believe from the evidence that the defen dant Cross called upon' the officers who wero seeking to arrest him to show to him or inform him for what he was to be arrested and said officers including Thos Robinson refused to show or inform him of the cause of his arrest that defendant had a right to resist said offi cers including said Robinson with the force that he did employ This prayer was resisted by Mr District Attorney Key in a series of remarks to the Court which were replied to by Mr Chilton Mr Key then offered for the adoption of the Court as instructions to the Jury the follow ing viz: A If the Jury believe from the evidence that the defen dant on Seventh street asked certain officers If they had a warrant or to be informed of tbe cause of bis ar rest which inquiry they refused to 'answer it does not in any way justify the violence used by the defendant at auother Dlace to wit iwa ariAa it 4V 1 'iaa xNJo vu uc 1 ur riajctopeaia N'eaesixeio neve irom tne evidence none of the persons on Seventh I call particular attention to the advertisem*nt of Mr street were present and the violence usedwas upon dif Cluskey in another column of our paper concerning ferent persons his new political Text Book now offered for sale Mr After occupying ashort time in preDarinir instructions I placed upon our table a copy of his work the Court read the following aa such I as soon as it was issued fronthe press We haveJiad therebv rfnino as su4h to he Jury ample time to examine it and several occasions to refer thereby refusing the prayer of the defence: to it for information We unhesitatingly pronounce it irst Was there a bench warrant (and if there was I tbe most eonvenient and useful books of reference you may collect the fact from the evidence) in the hands met wih of Deputy Marshal Phillips? If you believe that having tlt Mr Cluskey prepared a book such warrant he called upon the bailiffs in Court to aid th campaign which he Called the him in arresting defendant against whom the bench I 'emocrc'tie Electoral Hand Liooh and which was used to warrant was issued on an indictment found it is not ne freat adTanta8e in th canvass throughout the country cessary that the officer holding the warrant should be I Indeed the popularity and utility of his first work in the sight of the others called on by him as aforesaid I conatant calls for it ever since the campaign hs whilst making the arrest provided they were all out at haa suggested the plan and the preparation the time in pursuit of defendant (Comm vs ield 13 8eoond one Hia asl work is very complete He Mass 321 1 Chitty Cr page 49) rearranged the whole matter of the first work thrown If you belie vet hat these officers werd known to the de I tlnt0 be encycl6pedia form added ah immense amount fendant (which you may infer iDyou think proper from I mke a copious index to the work by Which the circ*mstances in evidence) the drawing of thlng wanted raay found in a momept with clear with which he inflicted the wound carrying it opeuly ex amPle explanatory notes of his own by which every posed and threatening to shoot any of die persons in pur tblJ? a rendered plain and intelligible suit thatcaiue within ten feet of him his flying and finally tbe the editor and all who desire infor using the weapon if you believe these circ*mstances the leading party measures and topics of the show that defendant knew that tho officers of justice were tlraea 16 will be found of thegreatest convenience in pursuit of him for an offenee against the laws of the and Taue The author has performed his task with de couniry ana that the men then before him were such of eu juugment ana ability ana we trust that he will ficers it was unnecessary to show the warrant or inform meet wtb a corresponding remuneration for his labor him of the particular cause of his arrest before he was arrested It follows as a necessary consequence thai the I New York Market rt0 Vist officera deluding New York July Cotton is quiet' sales of LOO said Robinson with the force he did bales lour is unchanged sales of 11000 bbls State Second The instruction on behalf of the United States $620 a $640 Ohio $650 a $745 Southern $750 at perhaps unnecessary to answer The above answer I $780 Wheat is depressed Sales of 22000 bushels to the defendant prayer includes a reply to it: but as it I new red $197 Milwaukie Club $146 a $148 Corn is before the Court it is granted ia firnl sIes bf 32000 bushels' mixed 84J cents Pork The counsel for th defence not having made air? ar I bas mesa $2350 a $2362 Beef is unchanged ted to and overruled by the Court the case was giveii to Is dull Muscovado 9c a lOJc Molasses is heavy 8pi the Jury who retired and returned in less than fifteen 1 turpentine firm and active at 48 Cents Rosin is minutes with the verdict of Guilty as indicted" firm at $105 Rice is steady at 4 5 cents At about one the Court pass sen I Baltimore Marlet ence and addressing himself to the prisoner in the I Baltimore July lour Howard street super dock Judge Crawford said that he had been convicted $737 a $750 extra do $812 a $825 Ohio super $725 of one of the most atrocious crimes known to this or anv $775a $8 City Mills super $750 Other Ponrt not note i $850 Cornmeal $375 a $425 Wheat white $185 other Court not only resisting the officers of the law in $195 fir good neK £2 a 02 for rime the execution of theirduty but in such a manner that the old no sales of red Corn white 89 cents yellow 84 Court did not recollect any that had gone to so great a a 86 cents Whiskey 28 a 31 cents length before It is due only to the mercy of Providence I that Robinson was not killed and it is probable that his Colleetorte Office JCltyHaU life under Providence was saved only by the circum TYTOTICE TO TAX PA for stance of his holding his hand before his face at tlie time LN Prompt Payment Notice is hereby given that the of Tr i i I texes for the year 1S57 are now due and pavable at this of receiving the shot In this country said Judge Craw office and thaa ded3Ction of ten per cent is allowed by law ford and iu every other where law prevails it is the duty I for the current year if paid on ur before the 15th day of Sep of all of every rank and condition to submit to its sway I tember next JAS HALIDAY When an officer of the law is acting in the pursuit of his jul? (Union) Collector duty it becomes all of us to submit at once Such time I A 'GRADUATE YALE COLLEGE VI11O is not the one to inquire into the legality or propriety of bad UachiPS wU1 be vr prvpnevy oi I at leisure frem'vnd iftcr the Lt of August to accept a sit un ite officer course Every one should submit at once I tion as teacher He is also competent to instruct in rench Nor is it necessary that an officer should have a warrant and if desired in his possession for there may be i number of officer iveo character ability and at one time in common pursuit and each one cannot have I Address allston Harford county Maryland a warrant All that is necessary in order to an' arrest I iul)e 28 ifeolm is that the officer has received proper authority therefor T) OARD IN THE A few persons can be If a person is known as an officer of the law we must accomnodated with Board in a healthy and salubrious submit to him for the time being for in case of his ex Washington and eight milcs ceeding his province or abusing his powers or trust I Address for terms John Bartlett alls Church there is resource nd remedy furnished by the law In I ltirfax county Va July 15 eolw the present case the prisoner had no room for any ex LARGE HALL UP STAIRS cuSe of the kind for the officer was perfuming only what I aile of avenue between Oth and loth Streets it was his duty to do and which he mifht have been pun NEN and Cotton Sheeting Linen and Cotton Pillow ished for not doing Had Robinson been killed the pri Table Napkins Huckaback and Scotch soner would have had to answer for his'life and in the tetber ith large assortment of House Eur miU wonldhave besu guilty of murder The Judge after again remarking on the means ot remedy iu case of wrongful arrest aid it was hard to see what the Si OR SALE Corporation Stock prisoner could have meant by his talk about a warrant A ic The law said Judge Crawford with great point and emphasis is the master of us all to which we must all SWEENY RITTENHOUSE ANT i CO submit or Ake tbe consequences The Court then sen July 1 3tifAeod2w IrtlvArtzl TrrWS tA Alfrht kallnw in tlvzx DAniinH 1 i tisry remarking that this is the longest time the law al I MY CUSTOMERS who lay in their Coal In the lows It had been so set by Congress supposed I Summer I am now prepared to take orders for Coal that cases may occasionally arise where it would be ne tbe verJ beat quality both White and Red to be delivered cessary to intJ(ct the extreme limit and the Court could 1 T58se2s theiv at the TerJ lowest market not conceive a cSse where the necessity eould be strong JbS t0t and the Par' ikon sk i 9 i I t4ea Wlil by sending in their orders immediately er than tn the present one By reason of the apphea 6 MOORE tion of the counsel for entering a bill of ex July MW2wif west side 9th bet j) and Sts ceptions the execution ot the foregoing sentence would be by act of Congress suspended until tho second day I after the rising of the next term of the Circuit Court of 150 bags White a nd Green Rio Coffee the District of Columbia orf ale bJ MURRAk A SEMMES I The Petit Jury at the close of the sitting was I adjourned to Saturday morning net ROOKING COAL spow I Vw 150 tons small size expressly for ranges cooking and Washington Horticultural Society met in I I urnace and Grate Coal daily expected regular monthly meeting on ednesday evening being I Twenty five eents per ton deducted on order! sent this the first meeting since the exhibition On motion Mr I week Coal to be delivered from vessels Henry Hardy was called to the chair After the read HickorJr Oakland Pine Wood on hand ing tbe proceedings of the last meeting by the secretary I east side 9th street bet and streets Randall and1 Marshall Brown Esqs were proposed I July 13 3teoif "Old as members of the Society Mr Johx Watt from the COLORED IGURED LINEN CAMBRICS Committee on Exhibition presented a report including Just received 25 pieces beautiful igured Linen Cam billssf expeuea iaeurredl IbeczhiLUioa Tb bin not being all that are due were returned and a commit I 50 pieces handsome igured and Plain Swiss Muslins tee of three was appointed to collect all the accounts and I 100 pieces Plaid Cambrics and White Brilliants at 12 present them in an embodied debtor and creditor form at I cents the next meeting This committee consists of Messrs I 2000yards more of those fine RobedLawns and other Jno Saul John Varden and Clark In the I at 12 cents all fast colors course of the evening Mr John Watt signified his pur pose of resigning his place of chairmanship of said Com sorlmen' of tbul Mournug Goods for the present mittee on Exhibitions which resignation the Society at AUof which will baold at reduced prices for Ash or to first refused to accept but on reiteration of his purpose those customers who pay their bills promptly when presented the resignation was accepted On motion a COLLEY A SEARS committee of three consisting of Messrs Saul Hughes July 5teoif 523 Seventh st and Small were appointed to be a committee on lighting TWi7PJnB1i uircvr committee ctfthree mi the app0lDed a I 3 cases of Velvet and Gold and White andd Paper conrmUtee of three ion the subject of preparing for the hangings of tbe latest and richest designs exhibition in October next whose duty was made to Those persons in want of Paper hlngings would do well wait upon the Secretary of the Interior and the Commis to call and examine my stock before purchasing' elsewhere sioner of Public Buildings in reference to obtaining leave I am confident that I can please them both in quality ad for a special location for holding said exhibition also to Lin price offer a premium of $10 to any person who shall present I Paper put up in the best manner and in nil oases guaran to the committee for theadoption by the Society of the I tied' JOHN ALEXANDER best plan with drawings and estimate of cost for an ex I Penn avenue between 12th and 13th sts hibition under canvass the same to be submitted at the I (btar) regular meeting on the third AVednesday of August UARASOLS AND UMBRELLAS This last committee consist of Messrs Wm Cammack I Just Received direct from the best manufacturers a C1 Clark and Corbet beautiful assortment of rich colored and black Parasols of the The Treasurer presented his report by which it ap I latest and beet styles pears that there is cash in his hands amounting to I silk and Scotch Gingham Umbrellas with the $33629 On motion the Treasurer Was empowered to pay the premiums awarded by the Society at its ex I 3 COLLEY A SARS hibition last month These premiums are to be paid at 523 7th street 3 doors north of Penn avenue next meeting August 19th of which the parties in July 5teoif terested are requested to take notice I A quantity of seeds from the Patent Office including AG ESC Watf barley soft wheat and spring wheat were presented fo? day db ect from distribution fine potatoes raised by Mr Cam wlterT mack were exhibited The following nominations were july 3t new drug Store 35 acted on and the gentlemen elected full members viz 1 Dr Jno Blake Wallach Boyd Henry BOOKS Callet: Tables de Lagarithmes Willard Dr Busey Mehan James Pilling Mr nJ TTr Chubb Mr lardella JnoASlater of Alexandra Dr 8w Mihtaires de Napoleonm 1 vol Bayne of Maryland Hopkins John Wise Jno Scribe Comedies Vaudevilles 1 vol 12mo Conner and Hemmett Esq Also Col Ber Bossuet Discours sur Universelie 1 vol 12mo ret was elected an honorary member And then the Theatre de A Corneille 2 vols 12mo meeting adjourned I Maximee de la Rochefoucauld 1 vol 12mo 4 I do lever les plans 1 vol folio colored plates A New Chapter of Villasies IT the perpetrators jly 16 a RANCK TAYLQR1 of the outrageous offences committed during Wednesday I rYHE BEST saddle aud harness Horse iu the Dis night in several rooms occupied as public schools in the I trIf fbr He is perfectly sound nine years oldj I kind and gentle Racks canters and trots easily when under firt and second districts wished to mark with emphatic I the saddle and trots well in harness He is well known to distinctness their own abandonment and the increasing I a very superior horse Price $350 If not willing to give degefieracy of the time they speeded to perfection Inqam fBBEYJIat 1 I UMPHREi hvery stable street between and 6th We can conceive of nothing more3 wanton or detestable street july 15 3t than what they did To the rooms occupied by the Banklnw Mouse of Chhh schools in charge of Miss Thompson and Mrs Ogden ac altering oar Banking Rooms wewill be cess was forced by wrenching with an iron lever the fas th? vf our building the entrance to which is through the first passage north of street on tenmgs of the window shutters The other schools in 15th street charge respectively of' Miss Randolph Miss Billing and I 12 diflf CHUBB BROTHERS Miss Slaterwere less securely fastened After entering I ANTED iu the family of a geutlemau residing the respective rooms the wicked parties wreaked their two mile from the city a good plain Cook One who wanton vengeance on books papers desks and school can bring recommendations forskill honesty and cleanliness reports Especial malice was vented on the clocks of the a good situation and regular wages Apply to schools five of which are totally ruined their faces being 5 CRUTCHETT torn up works broken and pulled out and large a utf (Star) cor 6 th and Dets quantities of ink poured into them Ink was poured on axthont tboigis a robArt graham the floors and papers and the books were torn and do I 1 1HOMAS GRAHAM 477 Eighth street would faced The desks were broken open and their A state to their friends and tho public that they have now annual reports crumpled and inked These proceedings hand and are constantly getting up top and no top Bug taking place at distant points exhibit purpose aud con I Ee8 Rockaway Ac all of which are of heir own manufac May such have the effect of arousing the comtau I andi11 be warranted to do good service nity to that vigorous deteriuation for a change which description done in the neatest and it 1 best manner and at reasonable rates Persons wishing to sooner or later will prove the effective and the only ef their carriage done np jor the summer would do well to fective remedy for a state of affairs every day descend giT a cn we are determined to please in the uchnea pUne from bwd to worte eo2n Bl Order of the Cmn'mieslouer of Health Seiled Pro popals will be recervd undersigned until Tues Sub Lots 26 27 31 32 33 34 35 3i 38 39 north 11 iu square 536 Bidders will state the price cubic yard JAMES Lovey july 17 Com'r of Improvements of 7tx Ward BY ORDER of the Commissioner of llcalth will be received by the undersigned at the office of the Commissioner of Health until tbe 28th of the present month at 12 for filling lota No 1 and No 2 iu square No 141 Proposals will state the price per cubic yard for filling JOS RAWLINGS July 17 Commissioner 1st and 2d Wrds SHANKS wishing and Intending to sell off all Lid real property consisting of Houses and Lotsin lhe 1st 2d 3d and 4th Wards of this city having already sold many in tbe 1st and 2d Wards wishes and intends to make an entire sole and a clean sweep of the balance He will treat with any one disposed to purchase any of said property on liberal terms It consists of much bf the very best and most choice locations in Washipton city among which he will name the house and grounds where be now and for the last twenty years has resided and several others on and street in the 1st Ward He will sell the spacious store and lot on which is the clothing store of Wall A Ste phens cm Pennsylvania avenue as well as that splendid build ing and all the lot thereunto belonging known to every per son here as Iron Hall and needing no description as well as the corner of 9th and streets and all the buildings thereon and the lot reservation No 10 next east of Jackson Hall 25 by 180 feet deep to a 30 foot alley a beautiful house and lot in Union Row occupied by Lieutenant Maxwell Woodhull United States navy with various other houses and lots on various streets The title to all this property is without cavil or dispute and will besold on easy terms as it must be sold and pass out of my He will also sell $50000 of Bank of the Metropolis and Corporation of Wash ington stocks some Bank of Washington and other stocks also july 17 TA2taw3w POLITICAL TEXTBOOK' Desiring that the talent and indiii fellow townsman Mr Cluskzy should rewarded by wwv vv ue iHllllHlHtJ t)l ina toll aa nr nta rest which inquiry they refused to answer it does not in any way justify the violence used by the defendant at another place to wit two squares off if the Jury be IIAVa th rvwvv avvv street were present and the violence used was upon dif ferent hATimns After occupying ashort time in preparing instructions.

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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.